Author's Note: Now, let me start by saying I'm not really big on AU fics, this being said I'm very hesitant on posting a Supernatural AU, but I've decided to step out of my comfort zone on this one.

Summary: AU. Sam and Dean meet in their senior year in high school; Sam is the quiet, studious boy, known for his outstanding roles in the school plays and Dean is the popular, all-American boy as well as the starring quarter back for the football team. But what happens when these two fall in love?

Rating: M for later chapters though this one is rated T for some language.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural; I do however own this crack-head plotline. I don't own the song "Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most" by Dance Gavin Dance, though it's a marvelous song that inspired this ficlet.

Uneasy Hearts Weigh the Most

Dean Williams was everything every high-school guy aspired to be. He was handsome, his dark brown hair trimmed neatly but not annoyingly short, his bangs spiked seamlessly into a cool, confident hair style that always managed to seem both disastrous and hot at the same time. He was confident, able to approach any girl in school, kiss her full-on the lips, walk away and leave everyone in awe of him. He was popular. Everyone seemed to know him and somehow he seemed to know everyone. No one was really his enemy and everyone wanted to be his friend. He was the starring quarter-back for Rivercrest High's Hounds, as well as the team captain. He had led the team to victory at State this year and became the man to be.

All of that seemed to vanish the second he met Samuel-fucking-Smith. There wasn't anything exceptionally spectacular about him. He was handsome, in a girlish way. Long honey-brown hair, big hazel eyes rimmed with girly eyelashes, full lips and a dimpled smile that could melt someone's heart just like that. Dean had always been the perfect pin-up of the average heterosexual stud but he'd always had his thoughts about men. When he met Sam after pre-cal one day his heart nearly leapt out of his throat at the sight and every heterosexual thought vanished from his mind as his eyes met Sam's bright hazel orbs.

Dean had always been pretty bad at math and had recently been falling behind in pre-cal. District policy stated that if anyone wanted to participate in sports that they needed a C-average in all their classes or face suspension from a team. When Mr. Chancy had explained that Dean was merely two points away from a D in his class Dean jumped on every opportunity for a tutor, already having a free period after pre-cal and before lunch.

Little did he know that Mr. Chancy's tutor or choice for the athlete was the sex-god drama-kid Sam Smith.

Dean had never had the pleasure of meeting Sam before face-to-face. He wasn't one of those guys who came around a lot. He was more-or-less quiet and reserved and had a few friends in the drama department but was well liked by everyone. Dean's most recent ex-Lisa Waller-was pretty close to him and had mentioned him several times over their 3-month-long relationship, one of the longest Dean had ever been in before she had left him. They were still friends but Lisa hadn't really brought up the drama-student lately.

Suddenly Dean wished he could remember everything Lisa had ever said about Sam now that they were making each other's acquaintance for the first time. The first thing Den noticed wasn't the slight stubble on his chin, or the way the corners of his eyes crinkled ever so faintly when he laughed or even his charming personality.

The first thing that Dean noticed was that Sam was several inches taller than him. Dean only noticed because he was the kind of guy who had to make eye-contact with everyone he spoke to and for the first time in years Dean had to look up ever so slightly to someone his own age.

"I'm Sam," the drama-student said in a calm voice and extended his hand.

Dean's head as spinning when he replied with a languid, "I know."

Just like that they had hit it off. Dean had never felt so exponentially attracted to someone before. He felt like he and Sam worked on the same wavelength, finishing each other's sentences and having so many of the same tastes that Dean swore he had fallen asleep and drifted into some cheesy Lifetime movie where he was fated to fall in love with the handsome boy, despite social classes and discrimination.

Four months into a deep rooted friendship Dean witnessed a side of Sam that cut him to his very soul. It was a snow-day in northern Ohio and everyone enjoyed it while they could, including Sam and Dean. Dean had met up with his tutor at Sam's place and was greeted by Sam's mom, Maryanne Smith. She was a lot like Sam in so many ways it was almost frightening. Sam's girlish characteristics were blown into full proportion with the gentle, kind-hearted woman. She had Sam's smile and made Dean feel welcomed the moment she opened the door.

"He's upstairs, probably waiting for you. Go ahead up. Second door on the right. Tell him his mother said that he should invite you over more often, cooking for two is so drab." She chirped happily. There was no snide undertone to her voice, just joy that Dean was at her house. Dean almost felt embarrassed as if his own mother had said something to him-not that Dean knew what it was like to have a mom. His mom died in a fire when he was two. Now all he had was his cranky dad.

Shaking away his thoughts he scampered upstairs to find Sam sitting at his desk. His loose grey shirt hung from his frame, basketball shorts slung just low enough to reveal the black elastic waist-band of his boxers before he turned to smile at Dean who-in hindsight-probably had no right checking Sam out anyway.

Dean gave the slightly younger teen one of his signature grins and flopped down on his bed. "Your mom says you should invite me over more often."

Sam's smile, calm and laced with hints of sleep, melted Dean's heart, instantly warming him up despite the fact he had been in the bitter cold only moments before. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," Dean replied nonchalantly and glanced around his friend's room. "And I agree with her."

"That so?" Sam's tone spiked with curiosity.

Dean's grin never wavered. "Yup. Hanging here will be so much better than blowing forty bucks I don't have on coffees at the café every week."

Sam frowned slightly. "I thought you liked the café?"

Dean instantly realized that his words had come out wrong. "I do, don't worry. But I'd rather save up money for our trip then buy over-priced coffee."

The mention of their trip brought a smile to Sam's face just like Dean knew it would. Over the summer the two had decided to fly to Florida, where Sam's aunt had a beach house that they would have all to themselves while Sam's aunt and her family spent the summer in Hawaii. Dean's heart always skipped a beat at the thought of them being alone, together for two whole months. HE figured it should bother him, the strong feeling he had for Sam, but it didn't. Not much anyway.

"So you're going to eat my food then?" Sam's tone was playful, happy again.

Dean relaxed and winked playfully. "You know what they say; the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Something Dean didn't recognize flickered across Sam's forest green eyes too fast for Dean to comprehend before it was gone. He rolled his eyes and smiled before turning to his desk to grab his pre-cal book. "Ok, so—"

"Not so fast Boy Wonder, I came here to drag your scrawny ass outside. Today we aren't studying; we're going to enjoy the snow." Dean interjected and stood.

"I don't know Dean, we have exams coming up and if you don't-"

"Sammy," Dean interjected, using Sam's nickname in a gentle tone, "we're going to enjoy this snow day. So get your ass dressed so we can go play, alright?"

Sam sighed, and Dean knew he had won. "Ok, but if you fail your final—"

"I won't. Now get dressed, I'll wait for you downstairs." Dean said and slipped out of the room.

Dean would admit later that the snow day had been the most fun he'd had in years. The two went to the park to sled down the hill that was notorious for its ability to break the bones of inexperience sledders. There they raced each other down the hill before gathering up groups of underclassmen for a snowball war that Dean's team won when Dean pinned Sam to the snowy ground and the rest of his team took down Sam' rather flimsy fort.

Sam laughed as the two walked back to Dean's car, his voice echoing in the newly fallen night as snow clung to his hair. Dean swore there was nothing more amazing than Sam's laugh and silently vowed that he wanted nothing more than to make Sam laugh all the time. It was truly amazing that such pure joy could be captured in one person's laugh.

Dean smiled as Sam finally quieted. "Thanks, Dean," he said when they reached Dean's Acura. "For today, it was…the best time I've had in a while."

"No problem," Dean replied affectionately and pulled Sam close to him in a gentle hug. Dean sighed into the fur hood of his parka, taking in the sweet smell of Sam Smith, something slightly musky with a heavy sweet scent that resembled freshly cut grass, clean and pure. He pulled Sam closer, enjoying the way the taller man relaxed into his embrace. He was sure Sam was wondering what was up with the incredibly long hug but Dean really couldn't bring himself to care enough to pull away.

"Um, Dean," Sam's voice was soft and trembling, it was only then that Dean realized he'd had his lips pressed against Sam's neck.

Dean pulled away with a nervous laugh and walked around to the driver's side of the car. He got in and started it up, waiting for Sam to join him. He was surprised when Sam turned and started walking in the direction of his home. Dean frowned, put his car in reverse and pulled up beside Sam. "Hey man, where are you going?"

"Home," came Sam's reply, simple and without emotion.

Dean frowned. "Why are you walking?"

"I really just feel like walking right now, that okay with you?" Sam's reply was sharp and Dean flinched inwardly.

Suddenly Dean realized that he'd screwed up. He'd allowed himself to get too caught up in the moment and now he'd ruined their friendship. "Shit, Sam, about that….I just, I dunno dude, it didn't-"

"Shut up," Sam interjected sharply, "I need to think and you need to fucking go home, alright? Shit I'm not two; my house is a fifteen minute walk from here, ok? So just…go away."

Dean felt angry all the sudden. What was with Sam, getting angry over nothing! It was just one stupid kiss! Hell, Dean wasn't even sure you could call it a kiss, more like Dean's skin brushing against his own. It wasn't like he'd sucked on his neck or anything. "Fine," Dean growled and tore off into the darkness.

In hindsight, that was probably a mistake.