Chapter 1

I don't own True Blood or anything associated with it

"Where is Abigail?" Godric asked from the throne like chair that sat at the front of the room. He looked to Isabel who stood next to him. His eyes searched the room for his human, but he knew that she was not there. Her scent was missing from the nest.

The vampire next to him frowned. "She is on her way, Godric. We put her into hiding after you went missing. We feared they would come after her next, being that most of the Area's vampire population knows she is yours. Although, I must inform you that she is not pleased with your actions. At all."

A small smile passed over Godric's face as he glanced around the room again. "I assumed as much. I would not be please if she left me in the manner in which I left her either."

Eric stood on the other side of Godric, glancing at the empty chair next to his maker. Abigail's chair. "I am intrigued by this girl who has so quickly captured your heart, Godric."

Godric greeted another guest that welcomed him back. A line was quickly forming of vampires and humans alike who wanted to see their sheriff. He looked back at Eric and granted him a grin. "Knowing my Abigail, she will not be excited to mingle tonight. However, I am excited for you to meet her. She is one of a kind. Much like yourself, Eric."

"How long has she been yours?" Eric asked, still surprised that Godric had taken a human companion.

"I claimed her when she turned eighteen, three years ago. But I was hers for years before then," he answered vaguely, craning his neck again in search for her. "It is a story I will save for another time, Eric. Do you know her estimated time of arrival, Isabel?"

"Any minute now, Godric," Isabel answered, looking at her watch.

Eric scoffed. "You would think two-thousand years of life would grant you patience."

Godric looked up at the tall man. "Eric, my child, love knows no patience." At this Eric wrinkled his nose.

The sheriff went back to greeting his guests as he went through the line before he heard a disturbance towards the back.

"Get the fuck out of my way," a frantic voice screeched as it moved towards the old vampire. "Don't look at me like that, bitch." She said, glaring at a vampire that stood in her way

A sun-tanned, brunette woman pushed her way towards the front of the line before stopping in front of Godric.

"Abby," he whispered, smiling softly at his human as she threw her arms around his neck. He breathed her in as he kissed her neck softly. Truth be told, he was starving but he kept that from his fellow vampires. He was waiting for her blood.

She pulled back and reached up to touch his face, looking over him carefully. "You're okay?"

"Yes, I'm unharmed," he said, leaning into her touch.

Her green eyes blinked with relief. "Oh, thank god."

Abigail pulled back her hand and looked at him again before smacking him across his pale face. The silver from her ring causing his skin to sizzle. Many of the vampires leapt towards them, stopping only when Godric held his hand up to halt them.

"How could you?" she asked, her voice low and angry.

"It was for your-"

"No, don't you dare use that excuse. You left me in the middle of the fucking night. You left me with nothing but a note and a fucking ring made out of silver," she screamed, tears filling her eyes. She held up her hand that held the diamond ring, slapping him again as tears fell down her cheek. His skin quickly healed itself from the impact of the silver.

Isabel cleared her throat, causing Godric and Abigail to turn towards her. "Perhaps this conversation would be better fitted upstairs," she suggested.

"Perhaps you're right, Isabel," Abigail turned on her heel and headed towards the stairs.

Eric looked to the woman next to him. "You seem to know what to do. Do they fight often?"

Isabel shook her head. "No, Hugo and I were the ones fighting. Abigail was always the one to move it to private. It makes for a more equal, calm conversation, she says. And most times it does," Isabel explained, frowning. Her heart still broken over what her companion had done to her and her sheriff.

"Well, she does seem interesting," Eric said as he watched her walk to the stairs.

Godric couldn't help but smile as he followed her. He watched as she tore the ring off of her finger and threw it on the ground. As he entered their bedroom, he silently shut the door.

Abby sat on their bed and crossed her legs. She looked at her vampire from across the room before covering her eyes.

"You broke my heart, Godric," she whispered. "You shattered it into a million pieces."

Godric nodded and moved towards her. "And I will spend the rest of eternity attempting to make it up to you, my love."

Abigail scoffed. "You're damn right you will." She wiped her tears on her sweater. "How could you do this to me? Leave to die on your own free will. Did you even think about how this would make me feel?" Abby sobbed into her hands and Godric moved to sit on the bed.

"I did what I thought was best for everyone. Vampires and Humans," he whispered, pulling her onto his lap as he leaned against the backboard.

"You were wrong," she said simply, leaning back into him.

"Do you forgive me?" he asked, kissing her temple lightly.

Abigail shook her head. "Not yet. But I love you far too much to let this be what breaks us. I refuse to let you go, even if it kills me." She sighed, wiping away more tears that fell from her eyes. "Were they bad to you?"

Godric shook his head. "For the most part, no. Steve Newlin was not pleasant, but the others were kind to me. One of the younger boys offered me a bottle of Tru Blood that he stole from a nearby convenience store," he said, chuckling.

The human offered him a small smile. "Did you drink it?" She asked, trying to hide her jealousy for the synthetic drink. He drank exclusively from her for over three years now.

"No. Even if I tried, I don't believe I could stomach it. Not after feeding from you for so many years." He pushed her hair back and kissed her forehead again. "Nothing compares," he added softly.

"Geez, Godric. It's been so long! You have to be hungry," Abigail pulled back her hair, offering herself to her vampire.

He leaned his head down to smell her skin. "As tempting as that is, my love. I believe we must wait. Assistance is needed downstairs."

Abigail frowned, but nodded. After so many years, she understood that these get-togethers sometimes brought out the worst in vampires.

"We will continue this later," Godric said as he opened the door for his human. She smiled lightly at him as she took his hand. Her love for him made it extremely hard for her to stay angry with him, but it would take much more time for her to truly forgive him for what he did.

He led her down the stairs where a pair of vampires and one human were seemingly arguing over something. The human girl grabbed the woman vampires' hand as she reached for the other vampire. Abigail grinned, liking this girl already. She too had put herself in similar situations with Godric's past trysts.

The female vampire shoved the human against the table and lunged towards her. Godric kissed Abigail's cheek once more before moving to intervene with the spat.

Abigail noticed Isabel watching from afar, her eyes red with the blood of her tears. The human quickly walked towards her vampire friend. "Isabel, what's wrong? Where's Hugo?" she asked as she approached her.

Isabel blinked and a tear fell down her face. She quickly wiped it away, causing the blood to smear across her face. "Hugo betrayed us, Abigail. Godric spared him but, he will no longer be with us."

"Why would he do that?" Abigail asked out loud, more to herself than to Isabel.

The vampire sniffed again. "It was my fault. He begged me to be changed and I refused. He was angry with me."

"You cannot control his actions. Don't be so hard on yourself," Abigail said, rubbing her friends shoulders.

Godric made his way over to his human and Isabel excused herself from their company.

"She feels badly. As though she betrayed me," Godric said as he watched his lieutenant weave through the house. "Of course, I do not feel that she did so."

"Just give her some time, she will come around," Abigail said, leaning into Godric. He smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.

Abigail's eyes met with the tall, blonde man who stood next to the human who was fighting moments before. "Godric, is that Eric?" she asked, nodding in his direction.

Godric smiled again. "Yes, that is him. He is looking forward to meeting you."

"I made quite the scene earlier. I hope he still likes me, even if I slapped his maker with a silver ring," she said frowning.

Godric laughed loudly, causing people to turn towards him. "A ring that I gave to you in hopes that if I did happen to come back, you would use it for that purpose."

"I thought it was to remember you by," Abigail, asked remembering that awful note he gave her.

"If I did not return, the ring would have served as a reminder," he whispered, the smile falling off of his face. "I cannot express how sorry I am, my love."

"Maybe we can have it changed into a different type of metal. Keep the diamonds, though. It's such a pretty ring," Abigail offered, thinking back to the ring that sat somewhere on their bedroom floor.

Godric nodded. "Tomorrow night, we will see what we can do about tha-"

"Excuse me everyone!" A man yelled from the front of the house, interrupting the old vampire. Godric frowned, but looked towards him. "If I could have your attention, please. I have a message for you all. From Reverend Steve Newlin." The man removed his jacket to reveal bombs chained in silver to his chest.

The bomb exploded and the room faded to black.

Hello everyone. I know I'm awful at updating stuff and the last thing I should be doing is starting another story, but here it is! Twilight has kind of lost interest for me. I truly loved the books, but almost three years after reading them, I'm bored with it. Even the fanfiction has lost interest for me. But I started watching True Blood a few weeks ago (jumping on the wagon late, I know. My apartment only has basic cable and my house at home has an antenna. Yeah, we have six channels) and I love it. It is so awesome and anyone who is over 18 (the show is pretty graphic) should definitely check it out if you haven't already. It's fantastic!

I fell in love with Godric and I was so sad when he died. I know he pops up every once and a while but, I miss him so like many other people in the True Blood FanFiction universe, I have taken to writing a story where he has a human companion. Let me know if there is anything I should add or change. If you have suggestions or anything, please I'm willing to listen!

Read it if you want and review if you want. If you don't want to, that's fine too! Like I said before, and as my current readers know, I'm not great at updating. Especially when I lose interest in the topic. But for now, I'm just having fun with this. So let me know what you thing

Going Home readers! I have about half of chapter 30 done! So hopefully I can push through and get that out to you all!

I love you all, readers old and new! Keep reading, writing, and enjoying your lives!