Lie to Me and its characters are creations of Samuel Baum and belong to 20th Century Fox - Unfortunately they are not mine.

A/N :A big thanks to my lovely Beta buddy! You Rock! ;)
So not sure where this would fit exactly, but let say season 3. Sometime before Rebound, however the timing is not really relevant.
Cal & Gill are together in this fic.
Just a bit of fluff/Smut. There maybe another chapter or two.

1. Crave

Gillian tugged gently at the zipper of the dress but it refused to budge. Pulling it a little harder, it stayed firmly in place. Releasing a frustrated sigh, she opened the fitting room door, poked her head looking for an assistant, however she was unable to locate one. A small frown etched on her brow. She knew Cal was waiting just outside the fitting room, and figured that she could put him to use.

"Cal," she called softly, waiting a moment before calling out a little louder.

Cal was slouched against the wall outside the change rooms lost deep in thought. They had been out shopping for Emily when Gillian had spotted a dress. Cal remembered the giddy look on her face as he agreed to wait while she tried it on and he had to admit, he was definitely a fan of the little black dress. The image of Gillian in the form fitting black dress firmly imprinted in his memory. The way it dipped low in the front, revealing just enough cleavage without crossing the lines of decency. The way it tied behind her neck exposing the soft skin of her shoulders. He had seen her in numerous dresses over the years; he especially liked seeing them crumpled on his bedroom floor. He smiled at the thought and a wicked grin lit up his face. It had only been a few months but he couldn't get enough of her; his appetite for her insatiable.

Cal had assumed that it would diminish slightly as the weeks went on, but it had only increased. Not that he was complaining, and Gillian was more than a willing participant. Shifting his thoughts back to the present, his mind conjured up images of Gillian slipping out of the dress, realising that at the moment she was indeed half naked just meters away. Shifting uncomfortably, he felt a surge of arousal shoot straight to his groin. Closing his eyes tightly, he inhaled deeply as he tried to shake those thoughts. His eyes popped open as he heard Gillian call his name softly. Unsure if he was daydreaming or not, he paused until he heard her voice a second time. Pushing himself from the wall, he moved into the door way. Peaking around the corner, he found her gesturing for him to approach.

Grinning, he shoved his hands in his jean pockets and slowly walked to her booth. As he advanced, she opened the door fully but disappeared inside. "I need your help getting out of the dress," she said softly in case the other rooms were occupied.

"Aye, aye." he teased playfully as he walked into her change room, turned and locked the door behind him.

Gillian shook her head softly, unable to suppress the small giggle that escaped her lips.

"Cal," she warned lightly as she pointed towards the back of her dress. "The zipper's stuck. Would you mind?" she asked looking at him in the reflection of the mirror. She watched as he moved behind her and placed his hands on her hips. Feeling his warm breath tickle the back of her neck, she shivered as he brought his lips beside her ear.

"I'd love to, darling," he drawled thickly, placing a kiss behind her ear. He watched her eyes flutter close for a brief second and felt her body relax into him. He tightened his hands on her hips, gripping her possessively, and pulled her into him, grinding himself against her.

"Cal." She gasped in surprise. Her eyes flew open and she immediately found his reflection staring back at her. She could feel his hard length pressing into her bottom, and watched as he smirked impishly behind her.

"You know this is all your fault, for looking so bloody gorgeous. Teasing me with this little black dress." He growled, as he trailed hands along her waist and over her ribcage, coming to rest under the swell of her breasts. He lightly grazed his thumbs across her nipples and watched as she dropped her head back on his shoulder.

"Cal, we can't. Not here," she whispered breathlessly, feeling the familiar warmth begin to spread throughout her belly as she absently moved her hips, grinding her bottom against him. She felt him moan in response; his warm breath sending a bolt of pleasure to her core.

Cal gently nipped at the delicate skin of her throat. Cupping her breasts, taking their weight in his hands, he gently massaged her though the flimsy fabric of the halter top.

"That's not what your body is telling me, love. In fact it's telling me quite a different story," he replied, his voice thick with arousal. Moving his right hand, he traced a path down past her stomach and over her hips.

"What if someone catches us?" she asked vaguely, not really concerned with his response as she felt his hands inching further down her hips towards her thighs.

"I can be quick," he replied softly, placing delicate kisses along the freckled skin of her shoulder. Cal watched her reflection in the mirror and noted that her eyes were shut. He could see the rise and fall of her chest and the blush creep out from the plunging neckline. He saw the slight quirk of her lips and watched as her tongue traced over them, before a small grin tugged at the corners.

"Oh really?" she teased, unable to hide the smirk in her tone. "Just what every girl wants to hear."

"Now, now, darling. That wasn't very nice." He growled, grinding himself against her, "I've never had any complaints."

Moving his hand under the hem of her dress, he slowly ghosted his fingertips across the smooth skin of her inner thighs feeling as muscles quiver beneath his touch. He felt the sharp intake of breath as he inched closer and closer to her sex. He could feel her body hum against him, waiting for him to give it what it was craving. Trailing his hand higher, he found the fabric of her panties were already damp. Knowing she would be ready for him, he quickly pushed them aside, sliding his skilled fingers into her, stilling for a moment giving her body a moment to adjust.

Gillian's eyes flew open and she let out a strangled moan at the unexpected intrusion. Her hands found the mirror in front of her as she arched her back slightly, placing her palms flat against the cool surface steadying herself. Tilting her head, she caught Cal grinning at her as he gently nipped at her neck.

"Cal," she whispered breathlessly as he increased the pressure of his fingers. Using his thumb to brush against the swollen bundle of nerves, he felt her walls tense and repeated the movement. He was rewarded as he heard Gillian release a throaty moan, and her eyes fell closed, and her breathing became ragged.

Moving the hand that had been holding her hip, he quickly unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his jeans in a skilled frenzy. He pushed his underwear and jeans down his thighs roughly, letting them gather at his knees. Cal palmed himself in quick succession, knowing that it would only be seconds until he would be sheathed in her warmth; the feeling of her body withering against him. He felt privileged knowing she trusted him enough to let her guard down and throw caution to the wind. Cal took pride knowing that he could make her forget her own name and he felt a heightened arousal remembering they were in a public place and could be caught at any moment. He watched her for a moment in the reflection. The image of his hand disappearing under her dress, burying between her gorgeous thighs was almost enough to make him lose control, as he felt his heart beat widely in his chest.

Shifting behind her, he moved his free hand up the back of her legs, gathering the dress as he went. Stopping as he reached the curve of her bottom, he gave it light tap as he nudged her legs further apart. Moulding his body to hers, moving his hand, he gently angled her hips aligning their bodies perfectly before removing his hand from between her legs. He watched as she opened her eyes, a frown creasing her brow; however, before she could protest, he positioned himself at her opening, sliding himself into her in one firm thrust.

"Oh fuck." She breathed heavily.

She hadn't noticed that he had pushed down his jeans as his talented fingers propelled her higher and higher. It was only when she felt him slide into her when she realised. She knew they shouldn't be doing this, knew it was a bad idea, but Cal had a way to to make her forget the rules.

She was never that girl; the girl who went out with the bad boys. The girl who had sex in public places and couldn't control herself. But with Cal she felt safe, loved, and she allowed herself to give in to her desires. She trusted him.

She felt naughty and reckless. They could be caught at any moment. "God, Cal." She moaned rocking her hips back into him, seeking more of the delicious friction her body craved.

Catching her gaze in the mirror, he smirked griping her hips tightly with both hands and slowed her movements taking control of her hips. "Shhh, love. You don't want anyone to catch us do you?" he questioned lightly. He watched as she bit her lip in response and his smirk grew.

"You really are very naughty, aren't you, darling?"

Not waiting for a response he moved his hand and gently lifted her leg motioning for her to rest it on the bench seat. When she obliged, he noticed that she was still wearing her heels and said a silent pray of thanks, as he ran his hand over the creamy skin her calf. He often caught himself staring at her legs when they were at work, watching as she walked away; the tall heels she wore accentuating her flawless legs. He hated that she was as tall if not taller than him when she wore them, but today it made their current position much easier to manoeuvre.

Adjusting his pelvis, he buried himself deep within her, pulling her hips forcefully back as he thrust up into her. He released a deep moan from the back of his throat. "You feel bloody amazing." He cooed as he rocked his hips, establishing a steady rhythm.

"Mmmm, harder." she demanded, bending forward slightly taking him in even deeper.

Cal complied, gripping her hips tightly and pushed into her forcefully. He heard her whimper softly and was sure that there would be finger shaped bruises on her porcelain skin if he removed his hands. He would make that up to her later. He moved his hips again and heard her gasp in delight.

"Oh god yes. There... Don't stop," she begged as he hit her perfectly. She could hear Cal's harsh grunts as he fulfilled her request. His breath coming out in short pants, he found that spot again.

Gillian pushed her hips back crushing them against his as he thrust forward taking him deeper; her body aching for its release as she felt the tension coil low in her belly. Removing Cal's hand from her hip, she slowly moved their hands, burying them between her thighs. She held his gaze as she moved their hands, watching their reflection as she manipulated his fingers finding the aching bundle of nerves. She moved their fingers in unison, the sensation catapulting her higher as she sought her release.

Cal increased his pace feeling himself begin to spiral out of control, as the image of her so unguarded and aroused finally became too much to bear. He watched as her mouth fell open and she held her breath. Sensing she was teetering on the edge of her bliss, he withdrew from her before thrusting roughly back into her wanting core, sheathing himself in her warmth once more. With a final thrust, Cal felt her tighten around him, her whole body becoming rigid.

Gillian released his hands as she fell forward slightly, resting her forearms against the mirror as she supported her shaky legs. "Cal," she cried out, as she tumbled over the edge; her legs trembling as waves of pleasure washed over her.

Hearing her breathless moans, the feel of her quivering body in his arms, he held her close and pushed forward, burying himself into her pulsating core over and over. He moved his hands and griped her waist possessively and with an animalistic moan, he let himself pour into her, his body shuddering against her as he held her close.

Cal placed loving kisses against her throat. She craned her neck and captured his lips in a tender kiss, unwilling to move as they tried to collect themselves.

A firm knock on the door broke the moment. Feeling Gillian's body become rigid, he suppressed a moan that threatened to escape his lips as he felt her tense around his shaft.

"Ma'am is everything all right in there?" came the hesitant voice of the young sales assistant.

Cal noticed as Gillian's face turned a deep shade of crimson, and watched the embarrassment spread across her features.

"Ahh, yes. Everything's fine," she replied, her voice wavering slightly.

"Oh, okay. It's just that the mall will be closing in a few minutes. So.. ahh.. Is there anything else I can help you with?" The young woman asked. "Or is everything to your satisfaction?" she asked clearing her throat slightly, suspecting she had just walked in on an intimate moment. She was unable to hide the smirk in her voice. She heard slight scuffle behind the door, followed by the sound of someone falling.

"Ma'am? Is everything all right in there? Do you need any help?" the young woman asked again, clearly amused.

"NO." Gillian answered all too quickly as she glared at Cal.

"No, sorry. The dress is perfect. I'll take it," she replied, opening the door slightly, slipping the dress out for the assistant to take to the register. "I'll be out in just a moment to pay."

Waiting a few seconds so as to be sure the assistant had left, Cal looked toward Gillian as he pulled up his jeans. "So was everything to your satisfaction, Doctor?" he teased, waggling his eyebrows suggestively at her. Gillian glared back menacingly as she composed herself, fastening the zipper of her pencil skirt and smoothing over the crinkles of her blouse.

"Oh come on, love. Don't be like that." He smiled at her, stepping forward, taking hold of her waist.

"Cal, she knows what we were doing in here." She sighed exasperatedly, and dropped her gaze to the floor. "This is your fault."

"Now, darling, I didn't hear you complaining a few minutes ago. " He chuckled lightly. Seeing the distress on her face, he pulled her into a tight hug. Lifting her chin, he gazed down at her. "Gill, look at me" he whispered softly "How about this? I'll go out and pay for the dress, and you can sneak out of the store?"

Looking up at him, she was unable to hide the grateful smile that was tugging at her lips. "Really?" she asked quietly.

"Course, darling. You know I'd do anything for you. Especially after what you just gave me," he teased leering down at her. He watched as she giggled, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink.

"Cal," she warned lightly, gently smacking his chest.

Chuckling softly, he placed a soft kiss to her lips and released her waist. He picked up her bag and coat, handing it to her. "Go on, scoot. I'll meet you out front," he said opening the door for her , giving her a soft pat on the behind as she passed.

A few minutes later, Cal walked out of the store with a noticeable swagger in his step and a grin plastered across his face. Walking up to Gillian, he slipped an arm around her waist as they made their way to the car. Moving to open the door for her, he placed the bags in the back seat before hoping in the driver's side and started the car.

Pulling out from the car park, he glanced over at Gillian, her head resting against the window. "How about we order in tonight,? Open a bottle of wine. I'll even let you choose the movie," He suggested.

Gillian tilted her head to look at him. Her eyebrow raised in question. "Cal, what have you done? You never willingly let me pick the film." She remarked nervously.

"Nothing, love. Nothing at all. I just thought, since you were so accommodating at the mall, I could pamper you a little ," he replied giving her a wink.

Gillian watched his face and could tell something was slightly off. "Cal, what aren't you telling me?"

"Why do I need to have an ulterior motive for wanting to see you happy? You know I love seeing you smile," he responded, with a slight shrug of his shoulder. "And you know how I enjoy pleasing you" he said, licking his lips suggestively.

Dropping her gaze, she felt her cheeks flush, a shy smile pulling at the corners of her lips."Hmmm. I'll get it out of you eventually. You do know that right?" she told him. "But in the meantime, I'll happily let you please me," she replied coyly.

"Aye, aye." He grinned as he pulled the car to a stop.

"Be back in a jiffy," he said jumping out of the car. Moving around to the back seat, he picked up the bag containing the dress.

"Cal, what's going on? What are you doing with that?" she asked confused.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, love. It's just the nice sales assistant suggested we get this dry cleaned before you wear it next," he replied casually.

"What? Why? Its new, why would I need to… Oh god no." she groaned as realisation dawned upon her. She buried her head into her hands.

"Yes, it seems we may have left a little mark on it from our shag earlier." He grinned, unable to hide his amusement. He let out a small chuckle and watched her sink further into the seat, shaking her head slightly.

"So shall I pick up an extra bottle of wine then 'eh?"

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