~Never Alone~

How it came to be:

Oh hey guys, so let me tell you a story about how this story got written. Care to listen? Course you will (hopefully if you read my notes.) So I know you all know that I know that we all know I am currently not getting motivated and the same thing happened to Fairy Tail (for some strange reason) So I thought that maybe that I could write the story my friend requested. No it's not for any category here in fanfiction it's actually some story she requested instead of a drawing. Anyway, so I started writing with the story right? And when I finished the 1st chapter of that story I had to proof read it before sending it to her then I noticed halfway that the story changed, from her being in school then suddenly saying her goodbyes to some boys. And that is when I noticed that thing I had written in the middle till the end was 'Never Alone'! So with some changes of names and stuff what do you get? BAM! 'Never Alone' is now published!

For some odd reason...

So just in case I might not have been fully motivated do not expect any updates any time soon.

~Never Alone~



I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, I won't cry

-Alice by Avril Lavigne

"Alice, are you really sure you want to go back?"

I smiled and nodded at the queen "I'm sure."

Today was finally the day when I finally return back to my world, after who knows how many months it has been here in Wonderland I have finally filled the vial and now here I am at the clock towers roof along with all the role holders as they bid me farewell.

"Are you really going to go back Onee-chan?" the twins asked me, disappointment visible in their voice and their eyes filled with sadness, my heart dropped for a moment and I crouched down to their height knowing I don't have the heart to tell them I really am leaving I just nodded. They looked at each other then tackled me into a hug, I smiled knowing they'll transform into their adult form any second now and they did just that.

"Who will play with us now?" Dee asked

"And who'll take our side instead of the stupid rabbit's?" Dum asked.

I sighed and patted the back of their heads (tip toeing a bit) "Who knows."

After a moment they reluctantly let go, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Boris with a sad smile.

The Cheshire cat shoved his hands in his pocket "So this is it? The day Alice, our beloved foreigner leaves Wonderland and the people who loves her. Who knew this day would come?" he said.

I raised an eyebrow "Oh so you think I would never go back to my world?"

He laughed "Let's face it you almost forgot about the vial, so I thought you'd forget about going home to." He stated "And I also thought you'd stay here forever." he whispered the last part.

I frowned "Boris, I'll miss you and you know that right?" I told him, he chuckled and gave me a side hug.

"I'll miss having the special treatment" he whispered making me smile.

"Is that all you'll miss?" I pulled away from him and placed my hands on my hip

He gave a sly grin and pulled me into a real hug this time "Of course not, I'll also miss you" he said "after all you were the only one who cared for me." And with that said I hugged him.

After we pulled away I turned to Peter who was silent throughout the whole time "Peter" I said softly causing him to frown.

His ears dropped and took a step closer "Alice, I…well…I" he shut his mouth knowing he had nothing to say to make me stop from leaving.

Knowing he wants to hug me I spread my arms out as a sign that he could, he hesitated for a moment then gently hugged me like I was a fragile flower and I hugged him back like he was a scared child.

"Do you really want to leave Wonderland?" he asked, he caught me there.

Do I really want to leave Wonderland? After everything I have been through with them do I really want to leave? I haven't thought about it if you ask me.

I patted his head and stoked his hair "I-I'm not really sure, but certainly my sister is worried about me." I stammered.

He sighed as he pulled away and held my hands very tight "Alice please stay in here in Wonderland, I know you won't listen to me but think about it for a minute. Don't leave Wonderland please, for me and for your happiness." He said and hung his head down.

It was my turn to sigh "I'm really sorry Peter; to tell you the truth it would have been nice if we could just talk like normal people instead of you expressing your love to me." I told him with a smile.

The ruby eyed man chuckled "Normal in your world is different from the normal here in Wonderland Alice." He said.

I nodded and pecked his cheek causing his eyes to widen; I laughed then turned to Ace who was lost in thought "Ace?"

He quickly snapped out of it and gave me his goofy smile "Oh hey Alice."

I shook my head "Hey to you to Ace."

He smiled "So you're leaving?"

"What do you think?" I told him causing him to laugh and cross his arms.

I stared at him, unlike the others he still had his usual grin and he wasn't saddened by the thought of me leaving.

"It's not nice to stare you know." He said making me roll my eyes.

"I wasn't staring."

He laughed and buried his head on my chest as he hugged me causing me to yelp in surprise.

"I'll miss this sound." He said "It was the only thing to prevent me from killing you."

I slightly laughed as I wondered how I survived. I looked down at him; he still had a smile on his face but his eyes shows sadness.

I finally understood Ace; he was wearing a mask preventing him from showing any other emotions so no one would be worried of him but of course I am always worried about him.

After some moments Peter snapped out of shock and pulled Ace away from me, I smiled at the sight and turned to the left to say Elliot with one hand rubbing his neck and the other placed on his waist, he had a troubled face on.

"Elliot, what's wrong?" I asked him worried.

"Well" the March hare started "for one you're leaving meaning there's no one else aside from me to tame those brats."

"Hey! Who are you calling-"Dee started

"Brats you idiot hare" Dum finished causing me chuckle.

Elliot rolled his eyes "Second I'll sure miss having you around." He stammered with a blush.

I smiled and patted his head "Me too."

Elliot smiled and shyly gave me a hug "You take care of yourself okay?"

"Okay." I hugged him back. (Trying to resist the urge of holding his ears.)

"Elliot, it appears to be my time to say my farewells to the young lady." A familiar voice said from behind, we pulled away and turned around to see Blood.

"Oh, well good bye Alice." Elliot said before leaving me behind with Blood.

"So…" I turned to Blood "Anything to tell me Blood?" I asked him.

He smirked "Aren't you impatient" he chuckled "Surely after you leave this horrible headache of mine will finally disappear."

I rolled my eyes "Maybe, but do remember that once I leave Dee and Dum will be depress that they won't do their jobs properly."

Blood blinked then chuckled "Not unless if I deduct their pay."

I laughed then gave him a smile "Now tell me how you really feel Blood."

The hatter sighed and turned away from me "Have a safe trip young lady." And with that he walked away.

I blinked then felt an arm wrapped around my shoulder, I looked up and saw Goland.

"Alice my dear," he said and smiled down at me "Today is the day you finally return to your world, are you excited?"

I shrugged "I guess"

He raised an eyebrow "You guess?"

"Yep" I simply told him and slid out of his arms so I could get to Julius.

"Julius," I said and he nodded "You were the sanest person here in Wonderland you know." I told him.

Julius shrugged and gently ruffled my hair "I tried my best to be." He said simply and I smiled.

"Don't overwork yourself to hard okay?" I told him "And make sure you get enough sleep okay?"

He chuckled "I know you don't have to tell me" he gave a small smile and gently rubbed his thumb against my cheek "Don't cry, everyone here doesn't want to see you cry."

I was crying? I didn't notice. I smiled and nodded, lastly I hugged Vivaldi "Thank you for everything Vivaldi."

She hugged me back and stroked my hair "You are very much welcome, we will miss you Alice." She said and kissed my head.

I nodded and pulled away "I know."

She smiled "If a boy made our dear Alice cry in your world, we'll personally behead him ourselves."

I looked at her "You can do that?"

Vivaldi blinked then sighed "No, surely there's a rule about that." She said and I smiled.

I took three steps back and everyone formed a circle around me "Good bye and thank you." I looked at them and smiles formed on their faces with sad eyes. Blood wasn't though instead he tilted his hat down making sure no one can see those eyes, I guess if you're a Mafioso you can't show anyone how you feel.

I opened the vial and brought it near my lips; I closed my eyes and breathed in and out.

"Alice," I heard everyone say even Blood I think "We'll miss you."

I smiled and drank the vial.

"We love you Alice, good bye." Was the last thing I heard before everything went white.


My eyes fluttered opened and I couldn't see my surroundings properly but surely I was back in the real world since I can feel the grass. Lazily sitting up I rubbed my eyes and my vision suddenly became clearer, I was back. I was back in my world.

I smiled but it suddenly turned into a frown, I suddenly feel empty in the inside. I sighed and hug my knees.

"Did I make the right choice?" I asked myself "If I did then why do I feel so empty then?" sighing again I buried my face in my knees.


My head immediately shot up and I saw my sister with a nervous smile on her face as she comes towards me.

I blinked "Nee-san! What is it?"

Lorina panted and reached her hand out "Come with me."

I grabbed her hand and she helped me stood up "Why?"

"Father wishes to speak to you." My sister replied.

My eyes widened and I look down, my father has never spoken to me why choose now? "What does he want?" I stammered.

Lorina squeezed my hand and started to lead the way "I'm not really sure myself but I've heard you have eight suitors in line."

Again my eyes widened "What!"

I forgot to do this: I do NOT own J/C/HnKnA

And as you can see I'm not a total fan of GolandxAlice, it's just so wrong! PEDOPHILE!