Orphinated assassin chapter 4

First things first! I have the rest of the story planned out and i know that there will be a sequal! It will be called Break the Chain. PLEASE read the AN and PS and the bottom they are VERRY IMPORTANT!


AN sorry I haven't updated in a bit. It's been hell here in my little rinky dink town. Sooo yeah tell me if you like Rosies point of view of not. I don't think ill have it in much longer. If I talk too much more then Ill spoil it. ON WITH THE LITERATURE!

LPOV Ik sooo many of you are glad.

I walked out to Rosie and hugged her.

"What's going on Logie?" she asked in an intimidated voice. I crouched down to her level once more and held her hands in mine so I could see her crackle nail polish. I looked into her bright green, almost anime eyes that were on her olive skinned face which was framed by her perfectly flawless natural curls that were a little messed up from rolling on the ground.

"This man has offered me a job that keeps me and more importantly YOU safe. So were going to live with him, at his camp." A tear fell out of her glittered eye, down her button nose and fell onto my hands. I felt emotion rage through me. This was the best thing for her. I picked her up and put her in the car. I packed everything while she cried. I got in the car and followed the mans instructions to get to the camp. After a bunch of turns and twists that seemed like we were going in a bunch of circles, we reached 20 foot high wrought iron gates that, for what my assumption is worth, wrapped around the whole place. The man entered a code that I never ended up learning, and the gates opened. I hopped out of the car with Rosie in my arms, and children began to come out of their cabins.

"Campers! We have two new guests staying with us. These are the long lost children of the infamous TUCKER HUNDERSON. I trust you will make them feel welcome, and treat them like you would treat your brothering." The kids showed no emotion as they rushed to unpack things from the car. A girl who was my age and her little brother who was about 13…. Had emotion… and walked up to us.

"Well hello Mr and Ms Henderson. Were new comers here too. Im Phanella and this is Jackson. Were the Botilair children."

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"What did my brother get him self into?" Rosie asked with no expression on her face. Phanella frowned and simply said.

"He'll be fine if he's good hunny." Rosie nodded understanding more than I did. We chatted about various things until she was instructed to show us our room. We shared a cabin with them.

I walked into the cabin. There was an empty floor space that had an area rug. A set of bunk beds on each side, and two dressers. Phanella and Rosie decided to unpack, and Jackson invited me on a walk to talk to him.

Rosie POV:

"Big time rush! That was the last band I saw live before we came here!" Phi-Phi told me as she pulled out my BTR Poster. I told her about my obsession with them. She could be pretty…. But not in the sense that the public likes. More like….. A pixie than a Megan Fox. We talked about boy bands and celebrities as we customized the top bunk all for me.

"What are these?" she asked, pulling out my stack of Shakespeare, Emily Bronte, and JK Rowling.

"MY BOOKS!" I said ripping the pieces of literature from her hands. And putting them on a shelf above my headboard right under the ceiling. I then explained how each book is beloved to me. I then got to the bottom where my 2 abused copies and 1 brand spanking new copy of Romeo and Juliet were.

"These are my life…. They mean more to me than life its self. It feels new every time I read it." I said putting them on my shelf. We then switched to lighter topics as the boys strutted in fist bumping each other.

Logan POV:

"I'm still new here…. But I had to learn the rules fast. And I didn't have anyone to help me out."

"Alright… so what are the rules?" I asked knowing he was dead serious.

"In this camp… its kill or be killed. And that sick bastard-"he said pointing to a large mansion. He must have been referencing to the man who runs the camp. The man who took us in.

"Has no heart. He does this thing he calls training… he basically takes you and someone els… another innocent Orphinated child, and makes you fight to the death. Ive been here a month…. And ive killed 15 people…. Scratch that… 15 children… every other day you have training… and the day your not in a tournament… your either on a mission… killing some politician, or your doing wretched training in the "gym"- he said making air quotes "you don't know what you've gotten yourself into." He said.

"I'm only doing this to keep Rosie safe… that's all that matters." After that we chatted about everything from how his sister is a pain to how ive dated celebrities. To Scarlett.

I walked back in the cabin. To Rosie and Phanella laughing. I could tell this was the right thing to do.

All the sudden a bell rung and all the kids went running… including Phanella and Jackson. I picked up Rosie and saw some children that were dressed adequately, conversing and walking into a building that was labeled dining hall. Others were gathered in a large group screaming and hollering. The man was calling out names.

"Those are the people that don't get to eat today because they didn't train hard enough." A platinum blonde said to me in passing. After all the rejects left to go back to their cabins for the night, I went up to the man.

"Logan, im surprised you're not in there. Henderson's like you two get 1rst class meals. Unlike all of my other refugees."

"I know sir, and thank you sir, but I have a few questions." I asked and he nodded for me to ask my questions.

"What happened to my possessions?" I asked.

"Your car and everything you had in it are being stored in the Henderson garage except from things you need to function in and about your cabin those are on your beds as you have most likely figured out. You can use your car any time your on a mission. Any other time you are to be here… training or sleeping. Get what im saying?"

"Yes sir." I said feeling more and more like a lost puppy.

"As for the large amount of 100 dollar bills in the car and the rest of the possessions. It's all there. The money is yours and I don't want to cross a Henderson." I nodded and shook his hand

"Get a good nights rest… remember I expect more out of you than the others. Your first mission is in a week." He said as he walked away.

I walked into the dining hall to see a long line of kids getting what looked like a miniscule amount of mashed potatoes on a tray. And on the other side of the hall, was a shorter line of still emotionless kids who were receiving food from a buffet like salad, or a meat. Or a burger. But still small amounts. The kids serving the food were younger than Rosie. And the "trainees" that were receiving food were Rosies age and up. We got our food, and sat next to the Botilairs, and I asked about why there are two lines.

"There are two lines for the upper and lower classes. "Name" kids who are experts at what they do because they learned from their parents, go in the higher quality line. And then threes the people who are under appreciated. The no bodies. They go hungry most of the time"

"Why? Most of the under appreciated kids and my age…. They need food." Rosie said wisely and curiously.

"because its just the order things go… believe me Rosie its now how I would imagine things… but this camp is all most of us have to hang on to."

"So Botilair… ive heard it somewhere before…." I asked trying to remember where I remembered the infamous name.

"You probably know us from the Leamony Snickett series of unfortunate events. Were the bases of the story. My uncle wrote about his chronicles when he tried to get us and our fortune when our parents were murdered." Phanella explained.

"Wait… wasn't there three of you?" Rosie said with her obvious curiosity for all books.

"You're probably thinking of our deceased little sister Roxy. She was just a baby when our parents died. She died because a tetnis knife chopped off her finger." Jackson answered

"Like from the 13th book "The Haunted Hospital"?" Rosie asked finally happy that books were becoming a part of her life again.

…. I could tell by the twinkle in his eye that he had a thing for Rosie that he just didn't realize because he was 3 years younger than her.

They were off talking about books and I turned my attention to my teacher of survival, Phanella.

We ate and chatted and were one of the last to head off to the cabins. I went to tuck Rosie into the bottom bunk, when Phanella simply said.

"Top bunk Logan, top bunk." I didn't know why but I trusted her. I lie down and listen to shot guns and fighting all night….

I doubt this plan…..


Ok! Ik I haven't updated in a while but a lot has been going on good and bad…a good one is I GOT AN AUDITION FOR A DISNEY SHOWWWWW! Im sooo excited and I hope I get the part! And I updated this because I got the loveliest fan letter. And im happy to write as long as Ik that people like to read it click that pretty review button down at the bottom please



PS! very important!

In the past few months ive been sharing my idea for my story with people and they always make me ask the same thing…. Well why did you make it kids… and my answer for what gave me that push to write it is Alicia… a friend that will appear as a main character in the story a little later on. But for a few years now I have been involved in the raising awareness for the InvisableChildren cause. There are things like my story happening out there in real life…. Children in the USA are mostly kidnapped and forced to become prostitutes, or deal drugs, or do other horrible. In other war ridden countries….. children are forced into war. These invisible children are doing what they are told needs to be done… and what they do…they do so they don't get killed. It's a growing issue… THIS NEEDS TO BE STOPPED! Most people have no idea what this is… but you should…. Recently there has been dancing awareness programs coming along… and since im a dancer I naturally had to take part. But for the first time in years…. So you think you can dance is recognizing that people that have been freed and people who volunteer for the program dance for the kids who cant.. and they did a piece on it. Which is linked below. This is a very serious matter… and I hope you take it as seriousally as I do.

.com/so-you-think-you-can-dance/video/caitlynn-and-mitchells-invisible-children-routine-hip-hop-sytycd-july-13 youll notice there slightly off sync and the girl is better but it still holds meaning. The song featured in that is a lupe fiasco song called break the chain about the invisible children. Which is linked below.

.com/watch?v=EkJ2gQVSDxA and the lyrics are below…


I waited all the night to play
I still can't find a way
But if I work it one more day
I might just break the Chain
I might just break the Chain
I might just break the Chain
Lupe Fiasco [Verse 1]
Freedom, we can use some of that especially where we from
Where we grew up like a green thumb
Its like a criminal is the only thing you can become

Look at what I became
Something like a phenom, nothin but a g thang
Things I've seen when I'm looking out of these frames
Pictures I painted on the walls where we hang
From the trees we hung
Strange fruit man look at how we swung
How the hell you gonna tell us something
We ain't have a father
How to try to grow up and be one
See umm feel it in my bones
That I'm sittin on a throne
Like a killer with a crone
When I slit another poach
Shed a whole lot of light on a little bit of home
Sway [Verse 2]
super swatter, the kid remains but I represent
I ain't no paper planes. I'm fly
Plus, I dont write no more, sorta from the top
I'll show you razor stay sharp
But I knew how to razor blade
I've paid my dues and now I wait for change
Because the flows so rude
It goes without asking Lupe
I'm so big, you aim to break

Lupe Fiasco [Verse 3]
Chain broke, you ain't make a rep for your chain smoke
No cigarrettes on my plane, yo
Stunt your ham bones from the game though
Put it on mine, take a long time
B-A-Barock is how I'm livin' online
On a webisode like let's go let 'em know
That I put up the footage that I'm takin' your shine
Wanna see the real change? look in your mind
Your brain look like your ? brotha
Overgrow, overload, broken zone
Niggas playing games in the hood they got you stuck-up
Playa thinkin' that its cool to be a pimp still
We gon' set it free like a fish in a ?
Take this home, rearrange it, change it
Danger, Sway-zer, Lupe Laser. Pow!

.com/homepage this focusus on what is happening un middle eastern countries with the war….