A/N: Try as I might I shall never understand the Batman/Superman pairing...yeah...random thought. So, please vote for which Bat-Rule you want to see next on my profile. Remember, it changes with every chapter :)

38 reivews XD wow. I missed my goal of 40 by 2. Darn! Even so, you guys are amazing! 38 is still a lot by my standards. Thanks to all those who Faved, Reviewed, and Alerted. So, here's chapter 3. Enjoy!

This Bat-Rule is brought to you by titansfan1211 :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice.

Chapter 3: Number 17

Somewhere amidst the dark streets of Gotham at a place known as the Wayne Manor in a room that belonged to a certain crime fighting teenager...a speedster was being persistent...

"Dude, Batman will never find out! Trust me, I'm a speedster."

To the many citizens of Gotham the Wayne Manor was simply that: a manor. But to those that belonged to the hero community it held a dark secret. But it wasn't evil, oh no. It was just literally dark…dark and hidden. Which was why at this very moment a certain red-head was trying to get a glimpse of that dark secret.

"I don't know KF..."

Seeing his friend's reluctance said speedster tried to convince him by making his friend doubt himself instead of doubting him. "Why in the world could you possible want to doubt me, your ridiculously attractive best friend who knows all?"

Okay...no response...so that didn't work maybe if he—oh, no way—Wally face-palmed as he realized what was up with his friend

"Don't tell me. There's an Unspoken Bat-Rule for this too?" he whined.

"Number 17." Dick stated as-a-matter-of-factly, "So trust me, he'll know."

"No single person could know all. Except for me. What makes you think he'll find out about this?"

"Look KF, I don't know. All I know is that no Bat-Rule has ever been made under false pretenses..."

"You're getting a little carried away with this don't you think?" Wally stated more than asked.

Dick eyed his best friend with a looked that asked him to just drop the subject. Wally ignored it.

"C'mon Rob, ppllleeeeAaassssee!"


"We'll put everything back the way it was!" he offered.


"Bruce said that he'd be at a dinner party all night! We have the perfect chance!"

"Well you must have selective hearing 'cause I'm pretty sure that right after he said that he also said-"



"-don't touch anything while I'm gone. If I find a single thing out of place or with your finger prints on it you'll both be in serious trouble. I've asked Superman to patrol Gotham for me so there should be absolutely no reason why you two should be anywhere near the Batcave-"



"Exactly!" Wally interrupted Dick remembering the conversation quite clearly, "He said 'near' the Batcave. He never said anything about 'inside' it."

Dick stared incredulously at his best friend then said, "That doesn't even make any sense!"

"Loophole!" Wally fist-pumped.

"That's not a friggin' loophole!" Dick shouted throwing his hands in the air.

"Yes it is. And I would know, I took government!" Wally stated proudly.

"No, no it's not." He said getting frustrated, Wally just wouldn't let it die! "And a high school class does not certify you to question Batman! Besides, he also said-"


"-or in it. I don't care if he's you best friend; no one is allowed into the cave without special permission from me. No going inside. No just opening the entrance in the study to look at the elevator that leads to it. And no buts. You two are lucky this sleep over is even occurring while I'm on business-"

Bruce was cut off by Wally's exclamation of: "Dude, your leaving us here to go to a party!"

Wally was quickly silenced by a Bat-glare and Dick moved to intervene before that Bat-glare escalated to heat-vision…somehow…

"uh...right, well, don't worry Bruce! We won't go anywhere near it. Even if we try Alfred will be there to stop us so it's no big. Just go and enjoy the night! We can behave for a couple hours!"

Bruce stared at his son with no expression for a beat before he sighed and threw on his coat.

"...don't blow anything up..."

Dick sighed. "I told you! That toaster was out to get me!"

Wally looked at his best friend with a confused expression and asked "Dude, you have toast issues too?"

"Too?" Dick asked now the one confused.

"Yeah, Supey killed the fridge 'cause he couldn't make toast..." Wally explained.



"Ugh, yeah, shutting up."


"Come on, Rob!" The speedster continued to bombard his friend with his pleading.

"No." And yet again, Richard was not moved.

"Dicky!" Wally whined.

"No." Dick answered, "And please don't ever call me that again..."

"Ugh, you have a will of steel..." Wally admitted sounding defeated.

"Rivaled by only Batman, dude."

"Who totally will not know if we go in there and-"

Wally was cut off by the Wayne butler's knock on the door followed by his announcement, "Master Richard, Mister Wallace. Dinner is ready."

As soon as Alfred made his way down the hallway once again Wally turned to Dick with a look of determination on his face. His crossed his arms for a more dramatic effect. He was going to prove his friend that not even the mention of Alfred's delicious home-made meals could move him from winning the argument. He was mountain and Dick was just the tiny little hiker making his way up his side. No matter what the thirteen year old did he would not be able to—

A gurgling sound interrupted his thoughts. The two occupants of Dick's room looked down to Wally's stomach. Dick raised an eye brow as if daring him to tell him that he wasn't hungry. Wally groaned in defeat.

"Another time my star crossed lover..." he whispered to the ceiling as they headed down stairs.

"Dude, stop being so dramatic." Dick laughed as they entered the dining room.

"Richard John Grayson!" Bruce's voice came booming from the staircase making the two friends jump.

"Ohhh no…!" Dick freaked, "He found out! What we were thinking thinking about going into the cave!"

"What? Now he's a mind reader?" Wally whispered in fear at the sound of approaching steps. It was late and they were playing video games when the voice interrupted them and at the tone of it they shut everything off and ran for cover under sleeping bags.

There was a knock at the door.

"Richard." Came Bruce's eerily calm voice.

"Uh...Hey Bruce...how was your night?" His ward asked trying to make casual conversation.

"Fine. But why don't you tell me a little about yours." He narrowed his eyes, bits of Bat-glare seeping through.

"Uhhmmm..." Was all Dick could say and soon all three of them found themselves in a staring contest.


"It was me!" Wally broke deciding to confess and take the blame, "Look, you were right. I am a bad influence! I didn't think it would hurt anybody! Don't kill us!"

More silence.

"Richard. You're grounded. Wallace. You leave tomorrow morning."

Bruce walked away leaving the two to go to his study.

As soon as the billionaire was gone Wally flopped onto Dick's bed. "Ugh! Weekend of fun ruined!"

"I told you!" Dick said.

"Aw man...I was really- wait."

"Sigh. What now?"

Wally looked at his friend with a serious face, "So did you notice he never really said what we were in trouble for?"

Dick rolled his eyes. "Well duh, that's 'cause he knows we know that he knows!"

"...point taken..."

The next day Wally was fully packed and after a nice breakfast courtesy of Alfred he sped back to Central City to the surprise of his Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris. Though once they got the full story it really wasn't much of a surprise.

After a month of "grounditude" as Robin called it he was finally able to hang out with his best friend and enjoy life again. This time Dick went over to Wally's house instead.

"Dude! Your back!" Wally shouted when he opened the front door and promptly glomped his best friend to the floor of the porch, "I'm so sorry for getting you in trouble! I hope you can forgive me and we can be the bestest friends ever!"

"Dude, get off!" Dick shoved at the speedster's face, "And you weren't even the stupid reason I got in trouble."

"I- what?" Wally asked as he helped his friend up.

"You weren't the reason I got in trouble." Dick dusted himself off.

"But...I was the one who convinced you to-"

Dick interrupted him. "You didn't convince me to do anything remember? We ate dinner and that was that."

"But Bruce's threats!"

"Yeah. He figured we wouldn't listen so he kind of expected us to disobey. But he was impressed that we didn't." Dick explained picking his bag back up.

"Then why...?"

"Let's just say the most colorful Bruce will let me language get is me coming up with words like 'asterous'." The two greeted Barry and Iris as they made their way to Wally's room. Wally was still trying to figure out why his friend really did get in trouble if it wasn't his fault.

"I don't...understand..." he finally said.

"There was a word that came out of my mouth the other day that he didn't approve of..." his friend trailed off.

"Uh...are you going to elaborate, my word wizard friend?" Wally asked getting no real explanation.

"I said a word he didn't like." Dick repeated.

"What word?"

Dick looked around suspiciously which made Wally raise an eye brow. He watched as Dick started to rummage around in his bag and produce a small notepad and pencil. The Boy Wonder looked around once more before jotting something down and shoving it in the red-head's face. He looked at his friend's handwriting.

It read: Friggin'

"Dude-" Wally looked at his friend.

Dick sighed.

"That's not even a 'bad word' by little kid standards. What the heck!"

"Yeah, well according to Bruce it's meant to replace a 'bad word' so it's just as bad as saying the real thing." The ebony haired boy explained.

Trying to make sense of what was just said Wally ran through the events in his head, "We were in your room trying to plot our invasion of the Batcave the entire time. He was at some fancy-shmancy party halfway across the city, when did he hear you say it?"

"I don't know!" Dick shouted.

"Then how did he know?" Wally asked.

"He's the goddamn Batman!" Dick said which was pretty much the explanation going around Arkam so he figured it worked well in this case too. Wally was about to say something but was cut off by Dick's phone.

" ...oh, hold on a sec..." he put the phone to his ear, "yeah?...sigh...okay, bye...well that's just great..."


"I need to go back home..." Dick mumbled.

"Why? You just got here!"

Dick picked up his bag from the floor, "I'm re-grounded..."

Wally ran the ten minutes that he and his best friend had spent together so far in his head trying to figure out what went wrong, then "Just because you said…? UGH. Seriously? That just happened. Right now. We're not even in Gotham...he's miles away!"

Dick shrugged at his best friend's comment. as they headed to the door. "Trust me, you can't get away with anything because Batman knows. He always knows…"


A/N: This whole chapter seems awkward to me...my best friend says I'm just being weird...haha, whatever :) please remember to vote for which Bat-Rule you want next. That poll can be found on my profile, it changes every chapter, yada yada. btw, that whole toaster thing...I've read it mentioned a couple times and it's been around DeviantArt...so yeah, I just threw it in...

Also, Bat-Rule suggestions welcome, just PM me or leave a review. the How-To is in the A/N at the end of chapter 1.

Thanks for reading :) please review!


Next Chapter (as per votes)

Number 7: Do not wear Superman PJs infront of Batman. He will not be amused.