Title: Synthesis
Word count: 200
Summary: Syaoran muses on how much things have changed between them.
Author's Notes: ...I think this is the first honest-to-god Syaoran/Sakura fic I've written in this fandom. Wow! Born of thinking too hard about how Mokona's translation ability works.

Ever since they began traveling, Sakura's accent disappeared.

Although they both grew up in Clow, they weren't of the same social class. He was the adopted son of a wandering archaeologist, and she… well, she was a princess, destined to marry greatness. Her voice always had the measured, singsong cadence of the palace, and Syaoran's voice felt rough and clumsy in comparison.

But ever since the night her feathers were scattered, their voices sound the same in his ears.

He knows it's not Sakura who's changed. Kurogane and Fai's voices don't have accents either, and they're not even speaking the same language. It's Mokona's doing, translating and correcting between them to make them easy and familiar with each other. He's sure that in Sakura's ears, he's lost the rough provincial burr that he was never able to shake.

He never thought he would be glad of anything that came from the terrible night. The relationship that had once been between them was shattered, irrevocably, lying in shells and shards on the sand they had left behind. But what is slowly growing between them now is different; no longer princess and commoner but friends. Equals.

And Syaoran is glad for that.
