Dinner at Red Lobster

It was one evening I shall never forget. I am Darry Curtis and this is the time I invited the gang to dinner at Red Lobster.

It all started when Ponyboy came home from school. He complained of his upset stomach. Then I offered a snack and he told me he didn't want any of the crap I made. I gave him a 20 minute timeout and demanded where he learned that word. Of course it was Dallas. He came over then and I tried to scold him but he said Ponyboy was simply saying the truth. Well, my cooking heart was pretty hurt so I decided to invite them all to dinner at Red Lobster as my treat. Little did I know what trouble 5 young boys could cause (its five cause frankly Johnny doesn't do much).

We arrived and had to wait 30 minutes. Everyone was angered by the long wait and Two-Bit hit the bar as you could imagine. It felt like we were waiting for an hour. Finally, we were seated.

Then Ponyboy screamed! "We can't sit at a table! We need a booth! My friend over here (pointing to Johnny) has a fragile back and needs support! Do you know nothing! This guy's a hero man! It was all in the news!"

Of course the waitress was a woman (emphasis on the double "ss") and got offended. Johnny tried to tell Ponyboy he was fine, but I guess Ponyboy wanted to "send it forward". Finally we got a booth and sat down. Steve complained how he couldn't read the menu and stole some old lady's glasses. He ended up breaking them 'cause his nose was to big for the holders! You can imagine how that went. Ponyboy then said he wanted a lobster so we all agreed upon that.

End of Part One