Kira could barely grip onto consciousness as she fell deeper down into a winding spiral that seemed to never end. As she fell faster, she turned her head as objects, some unknown, fly past her towards the dimming light that she was falling from. Soon the light was gone, but she didn't slow down falling.
Books of reds and greens, purples and pinks flew past her, flapping their pages as if they where flying. Chairs, beds and desks twisted and turned past her, knocking into her occasionally. Kira turned her body so she could see where she was falling. A grand piano just missed her as it fell beside her. The keys began playing as the deafening sound of the air rushing past her twisted her body in different directions.
Taking one last glance below her, she felt her whole body take the impact of the side of the tunnel as she bounced of it, rolling down a dirty slope. Her dress wrapped itself around her as she tumbled and fell, finally landing still on a black and white tiled floor.
Kira groaned as she rolled over onto her back. She stared at the ceiling as dust and dirty floated around her. She gave a cough and slowly sat up, admiring the damage.
Her dress was torn in places and was covered in dirt and vines. In an attempt to rescue her dress she began pulling of the vines from the fabric, but this only ripped it further.
Kira could barely keep her balance as she slowly rose from the floor. Her head was spinning and her body was aching to have a rest. She was stood in a small room with only 3 doors. The walls had holes where rouge vines had been growing through it and the doors look battered and old. There was something familiar about this room. Kira knew she had been here before, but she felt too weak to bother caring.
Standing in the middle of the room, was a glass table that held a vial and a brass key. The vial had a purple solution swirling inside and a label attached that read:
Drink Me
Kira stumbled over to the table and picked up the vial and the key. She slowly undid the vial, but held onto the key in her other hand. Something told her that she shouldn't let go of this key.
Well….Bottoms up
She raised the vial to her lips and drank as the purple solution poured down her throat. A tingling sensation went down her spine as she felt her dress becoming bigger and bigger. Kira felt herself moving away from the ceiling as the room around her looked a lot bigger.
When she had finally stopped shrinking she stared down at herself. Her dress was way too large but she still had her under corset dress on.
Kira looked around at the 3 doors and their locks. There was only one out of the 3 that was in reach for her to unlock. She still held onto the key and watched the door closely.
"Well…here I go"
Kira stepped closer to the door and placed the key into the lock. With a small turn the lock clicked and the door swung open. As the light blinded her she put a hand up to block the light out and walked out the door. As she walked down the steps her dress caught in her step and she fell, tumbling down hard. As she reached the bottom she rolled onto the floor groaning.
The last thing she saw was a small grey spec, running towards her as everything blurred and her sight died…
Ow… What the…?
There was a small tapping against her head and then a stabbing pain.
"Oi you great lump, you've crushed my toadstool!"
Kira propped herself up and looked down at the crushed toadstool, then at the thing that had been poking her moments before. A small dormouse stood below her in a pink pair of riding breeches and holding a small hat pin.
"I'm awfully sorry, I didn't do it intentionally"
Kira sat up and watched at the dormouse as it angrily prodded the crushed toadstool. As she stood up she continued to stare at the talking dormouse below her. Somehow she felt she had seen this before, when she remembered seeing her mother. Her mother told her that as a child Kira visited a place called Wonderland. Her mother had also visited Wonderland and often told Kira of stories about the adventures she had here.
"You remember, don't you?"
Kira turned to the sound of the voice and noticed her surroundings.
The sky was swirling with grey clouds and stood around her, where large colourful toadstools of different patterns and styles some larger then her and some tiny and small. Large vines grew up anything in its path, as they curled round and sprouted colourful roses. The floor was either grass or moss and dotted around where tiny flowers sprouting around the large blossom trees.
The voice came from a white rabbit that wore a blue waistcoat and a jacket. The rabbit held a large pocket watch that had loads of dials and clogs that turned inside.
Kira looked nervously at him but she nodded.
"Yes…I do…I'm in Wonderland"