Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter!

Fall in love?

Chapter 8

Three weeks later Harry and Draco found themselves in their new room with Pansy, Theo and Hermione over for dinner. The couple had quite taken to dining in their rooms instead of the Great Hall. With Draco being seven weeks pregnant they wouldn't chance another encounter with either Ron or Blaise.

Even though the other Slytherin had not stopped apologizing since he found out Draco was pregnant the blond had started to completely and utterly ignore his former best friend. What had shocked Harry the most was that neither Ron nor Ginny had even tried to apologize. And both of them had known that Draco was pregnant.

A knock on the portrait guarding the entrance of the Slytherins' new rooms startled them all. Carefully Harry got off of the couch and sat Draco from his lap onto the place he was vacating. The brunette walked over to the entrance and opened it. He came face to face with Narcissa Malfoy's wand.

"You filthy little child! It is all your fault! Couldn't you have gone and impregnated anyone else? And if your so keen on ass knock up that Weasley boy, but no the great Harry Potter of course had to do it to my son."

The blond woman was seething and Harry knew that he was going to kill him if she got the chance. The brunette turned around and saw Draco standing only a few feet away. He looked scared and Harry hated that expression on his fiancé's face.

He smiled at Draco before telling the blond to go back to the others. He was about to protest Harry could tell, but before Draco could do so Harry stepped outside into the hallway and closed the portrait behind him.

Crossing his arms over his chest Harry turned and looked directly at Narcissa. The woman's wand was still pointed directly at him, but he showed no signs of drawing his own. They stayed in silence for a while until Harry got fed up with it.

"Listen Narcissa, I love your son and he loves me too, thank Merlin, and I would rather die than have you destroy what we have. Leave before I do something I might regret."

Harry turned away from her and was about to open the portrait again when Narcissa smirked and said the one thing that Harry feared the most.

"You own me your life Potter. Break up with him on your own or I will make you."

Harry's eyes widened in fear, but before he could say anything to Narcissa the blond was gone. His world was crashing all around him. Break up with Draco? He could never do that, but what if Narcissa made him? He needed to talk to Draco.


Draco came back into the room and Hermione immediately sat down next to him. She threw an arm around the blond's shoulders and drew him close.

"Everything is going to be fine Draco. Besides I doubt that either one of them would start anything on school grounds. You'll see."

The blond nodded numbly and lay his head on the girls shoulder. No one in the room spoke until they heard the portrait open and close. Harry's steps seemed forced and heavy as the brunette made his way back to them.

When he re-entered the room everyone was looking intently at him while Draco got up and moved to hug Harry. The brunette stepped back and his heart clenched when his saw Draco's wince at the movement.

The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Draco and that meant they needed to talk. Alone. Harry turned to his friends and glared at them.

"Out. Now."

They didn't move and only stared at Harry in wonderment and shock. The brunette was seething inside. How dare Narcissa make him choose like this and now his friends were making it even harder to talk to Draco about everything.


Draco jumped at the harsh sound and tears filled his eyes. He turned to the portrait and started walking towards it. Why was Harry doing this? Why was he throwing him out? Didn't he love him anymore? The last thought pulled a sob from the blond's throat.

"No Draco not you. Just the others."

Draco stopped in his tracks, but made no move to walk back towards Harry. As Hermione, Pansy and Theo passed him they all said goodbye to him but he didn't answer. When the portrait closed behind them Draco turned back around and saw Harry sitting on one of the couches looking at him.

He saw Harry wince as the brunette noticed his tear stained cheeks and watched as Harry stood up and walked over to him. He didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say so he waited for Harry to explain what the hell had happened with his mother.

Draco let himself be hugged, but didn't hug the brunette back. Harry buried his face in Draco's neck before kissing the side of it.

"I'm so sorry Draco. I didn't mean to snap at you, but we have to talk."

He stepped away from Draco again before taking the blond's hand and steering him to the couch he had just vacated. They sat down and Harry tole Draco everything that had just happened with Narcissa. The blond was fighting back tears by the end of it.

"But I won't you need to know that. I will rather die than leave you. And I... well I thing I might have a plan."

Draco locked eyes with Harry. He so badly hoped that Harry was serious and wouldn't leave him. He couldn't live without the brunette. Not after knowing what being with him was like. He loved Harry so much and they were having twins.

He would do anything to keep Harry and him together.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long, but I literately couldn't find the time. It was like it was running away from me! I swear!