long time no see peoples haha. as if. with my other story slowly coming to a close, i decided to start another one. i dont know where this one is going, but its probably going to be as brutal as the last one. like, even in this opening chapter, its not pleasant. these characaters are something else so hope u like them. i know this chapter is super short, but i just wanted to see what u guys thought. enjoy xoxo

Laura put the pot on the boiler and sat down in the chair by the stove. It would take forever for the water to boil, but she wanted to have dinner ready before the kids came home. She didn't even know what she would make. They didn't have much money, and her fool of husband wasn't man enough to support their family. It was up to her. She opened the cupboards, searching for anything that her hungry boys could eat, and she was delighted to find an old box of noodles in a deserted corner.

"Those boys are too old to be breast-feeding Laura!" Benjamin shouted at her. He was relaxing on the couch looking at the few channels they had to watch on the television. It was a turn off just to look at the old drunk. He was good for absolutely nothing.

"They'll stop when they want," Laura argued.

"Why the hell would they ever want to stop touching you? They're teenagers for God's sake!"

"They will stop when they are ready. Leave at that. You wanna eat or not tonight?" Laura threatened. "You keep yellin at me and I'll never get these noodles cooking!"

He crossed his arms over his chest and stared back at the TV. She couldn't figure out why she married that piece of trash in the first place. He was in a car accident a few years ago, and he claimed to be disabled even though he was perfectly fine at moving when he wanted to. She dumped the noodles into the boiling water, and started looking around the pantry for some tomato sauce.

"We have any of that red sauce left?" Laura tried asking Benjamin.

"How the hell should I know woman? Your place is in that kitchen. You should know."

"Go to hell!" Laura shouted.

"Already there woman, already there."

Laura turned around, and slammed her fist in the table when she heard the bell from town ring. The kids would be home soon, and the noodles weren't cooking. It wasn't possible for anyone to hate their life more than she did. She took out dishes from the sink, and slammed them on the table. She cut up some bread, and pulled some lunch meat from the refrigerator. They would be having sandwiches again that week. Just as she put the mayonnaise on the table, the front door opened. Her younger son, Daniel, dropped his backpack by the couch and walked in the kitchen.

"Where's Joseph?" she asked.

"He found some girl. He's in the barn with her now," Daniel said. He sat down at the table, and pulled one of the sandwiches toward him. "Do we have any cheese Ma?"

"I'll try to get to the store later this month," Laura said. "Benjamin, get over here now. I want to have a family dinner for once."

"What about your son? Huh?" Benjamin asked.

"He's your son too you ass! Just get over here and eat. I'll check on him after dinner." Laura sat down next to Daniel, and she waited for her husband to sit down before she folded her hands. "Dear Lord, bless this food that we are about to eat. Amen."

Benjamin and Daniel grabbed their food like savages, but Laura wasn't any better. Her stomach was growling like a mad dog. She stuffed the food into her mouth, but she was still curious to learn about her son's day at school. He was 15 years old, and that was the age when all of the fun stuff started happening in her life.

"So Daniel, how was school?"

"Fine Ma."

"Learn anything in one of your classes?" she asked.

"Nope. Done eating. I gotta book to read. See ya later," Daniel said. He grabbed his book bag, and disappeared into the bedroom.

"Think your son's a queer," Benjamin said laughing.

"One step better than you!" Laura said getting up from the table. "I'm goin check on Joseph."

"You better get back here and clean them dishes when your done!"

Laura didn't stop to see if he needed any help getting his fat ass back on the couch. She hated him more than anything. She put on a sweater, and walked out to the back of the house. The sun was setting fast, and the nights were chilly. Winter was always the hardest on their family. It cost so much money to heat that house, and she didn't have enough blankets to keep the beds warm. She heard a woman screaming from the old barn, but she didn't want to be a bother. She quietly opened the door, and saw her oldest son on top of a teenager. The girl was on her stomach, and her son looked like he was almost done with her. He had a handful of her hair in his fist, and the girl's body jolted with every one of his thrusts. She shut the door behind him, and stood by a pile of hay.

"Got sick of masturbating?" she asked smiling at her son. His pushing into the frightened girl got faster, but he didn't look up. The girl looked hopeful at Laura's presence, but Laura didn't come to look at her.

"It was gross with Daniel watchin me like that Ma. He offered to help me last time, and I don't roll that way."

"You almost done with her then?"

"Give me a minute," Joseph said. He pushed harder and faster into the girl, but the poor thing never stopped trying to get away.

"Please help me! Please!" she screamed.

"Where you goin put her?" Laura asked.

"Where Pa put the others," Joseph mumbled. He was flustered with all of the energy he was putting into his release so Laura turned away to let him finish.

"Tell me before ya go to bed then," Laura said. "I'll double check everythin out here for you. Just make sure you get all your bookwork done before mornin. Got it big boy?"

"Sure thing Ma," he replied.

Laura snuck back out of the barn, and shut the door behind her. The girl's screams were getting softer. She couldn't wait to tell Benjamin that their oldest finally lost his virginity. He would be so proud of Joseph. They had spent too many nights listening to their boys jerking off in their shared bedroom. It was time that Joseph finally got a woman. She would sleep well that night. She crawled into bed next to her husband, but not a word was spoken. She listened to the sounds of the night, and waited for Joseph to return home.

Her eyes opened when she heard their truck stop outside. Joseph turned off the engine, and in a few moments, he was inside. Laura rubbed the crusties she had out of her eyes, and sat up in the bed. Benjamin moaned beside her. Joseph creaked the door to the bedroom open, and crept over to their bed.

"Here Ma, got these for you," Joseph said. He handed her a pair of beautiful diamond stud earrings. They looked too pretty to even touch, but she grabbed them.

"You shouldn't have Joseph!"

"I knew you'd look pretty in them."

Laura put them in her ears with ease, and rubbed her fingers over the small stone in them. She didn't care if they were real or not. They were real to her, and that's all that mattered. She couldn't wait to wear them out.

"Thank you so much. You're a good boy," Laura said. She kissed him on the cheek and watched him glow with happiness.

"Girl didn't have on any other jewelry. I'll try harder next time."

"I'm sure you will sweetie. I'm sure you will. Good night."

J.J. was tired from the night before, but work wouldn't wait. It seemed like she was getting more files than usual to look over, but Halloween just passed. She expected to get more tales about cults worshipping black cats or Satanists murdering virgins in the dark. It took a while to find a case that looked serious enough to even look at, but this one sent chills down her spine. She circled around her groggy team members to the front of the room. Rossi held a cup of coffee in his hand, and Prentiss was holding her head up with one of her hands. Morgan looked like he had been partying all night, and Reid could barely keep his eyes open. The only one who really looked awake was Reid, but J.J. wasn't convinced he wasn't sleepy at all from the holiday weekend.

"What do we have?" Hotch asked.

"This one is from Tennessee. A girl from one of the high schools went missing about a week ago," J.J. said. She pulled up the picture of the missing girl on the screen. She hated to admit that the girl did look a lot like her with blonde hair and light eyes. "They found her body yesterday in a forest not far from her home."

"Why were we called in then? Sounds like an angry boyfriend to me," Morgan complained. J.J. put the picture of the girl's body on the screen, and watched Morgan suddenly wake up.

"Her face was ripped off," J.J. said.

"Oh my God," Prentiss said.

"Most of her hair was torn from her scalp, one of her eyes is missing, and she was found naked in a shallow grave, but this isn't the worst part." J.J. added another picture to the screen, and waited for the team to take in what they were actually seeing. "There were twelve other bodies found at the location. They are all young women, but they haven't been identified yet."

"Do they know what killed the student?" Reid asked.

"They are doing an autopsy, but it looks like her throat was slit."

"All of that was overkill then?" Rossi asked.

"Seems like it," J.J. said. "They don't even know if all of these women are from their town. The police just started going back to missing person reports, but they don't have that many on women in this age group."

"Are the other bodies in the same condition?" Hotch asked.

"Audrey Campbell was the only one who got her face ripped off. The other women had deep slashes in their faces, but they could be identified easily by family members. All of them were found naked in that same shallow grave."

"The unsub is confident then," Rossi concluded. "He didn't bother trying to hide the bodies because he doesn't think he will be caught."

"It doesn't look like he spends that much time with them," Reid pointed out. "Her body is already decaying. It looks like she was out there for days."

"He's going to have to find a new burial ground though," Morgan said. "If the last girl went missing only a week ago, it won't be long before he has to go looking again.

"We're leaving in 10 everyone," Hotch said. He gathered up his paperwork, and left with Rossi at his tail. Prentiss yawned loudly, and J.J. worked on getting all of his papers together.

"Think I can sleep on the plane?" Prentiss asked.

"It only takes 7 minutes for the average person to fall asleep, but considering that you will be on a plane that will take us," Reid started.

"Stop," Morgan said. "It's too early for your statistic stuff now. Just give it a rest."

"You'll probably put her to sleep just by talking," J.J. added. Reid looked hurt by her statement, but he didn't speak up. She probably needed to sleep on the plane as well. She didn't know what they would find when they landed, but she was going to find out.

dun dun dun! so um PLEASE REVIEW to let me know your thoughts. let me know if i should continue or not. if i do say so myself, i think laura and her sons are pretty interesting characters. oh, and the review button is right under these words...so make it happy and click it =)