Okay, someone seriously tell me to stop posting new fan fictions. I think I have a serious addiction. Anyways, since the season is over I will probably be posting more on my other stories and also starting new ones. For example - this one. The couples within this story are Brittana, Bartie as much as it pains me to say that, and also Quinntana [yes you read that right, Quinntana. After the season finale, and that scene between them I thought they were adorable. But of course not as adorable as Brittana - no one will ever top them.] Those are the main couples, but other couples will be mentioned. Anyways, tell me what you think.

The story takes place in the New Directions' senior year following their loss at Nationals. The story is rated M just to be on the safe side.

I DO NOT OWN GLEE OR NO DOUBT OR ANY OTHER ARTISTS/SONGS used in this fan fiction. If I owned Glee Brittana would be officially on and Artie would pushed over acliff..Okay that was a little harsh..But that's okay.

A lot of things can happen over the summer I guess. You go away for a few weeks and when you get back you try to call your best friend Brittany Pierce; the one who told you she loved you more than anything in the world the last day of your junior year, but she doesn't answer any of your calls and when you go to her house her parents tell you she's not home. So you start to hang out with your other friend Quinn Fabray; you two become close again and you find out that Brittany is back with Artie and their relationship is stronger than ever. You hear that Rachel Berry has finally lost her V-Card to Finn Hudson and this doesn't interest you much, but it seems to really upset Quinn so you try to console her as best as you can. Rumor has it Mercedes and Sam are dating, and along with them Blaine and Kurt, Mike and Tina, and Puck and Lauren are still all happily together.

Quinn and I walk to school together the first day of our senior year back at McKinley High School. She tries her best to avoid Finn and Rachel and I try to avoid Brittany and Artie. It's easier said than done; seeing as me and Brittany have three classes together this year. I wish I could say I didn't glance at her once but the truth was I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It would have been more satisfying if she looked back at me too, but she didn't...Not once. I wish I could talk to her; find out why she was back with the cripple, why she wouldn't talk to me, or for that matter even look at me. But I held my ground, I wasn't going to give in.

Quinn and I sat alone during lunch; we were now the only two Glee Club members not in a relationship and this didn't settle well with either of us so we kept our distance from the rest of the New Directions members.

"We should rejoin the Cherrios," Quinn said as she moved her food around on her plate.

"Do you think Sue would even let us?" I asked turning my eyes away from Brittany and back towards Quinn.

"Come on San. We were her best cheerleaders," she replied. She called me 'San' and I didn't like that, it was Brittany's nickname for me.

"Santana," I corrected her before taking a sip of water from my water bottle in front of me. She shrugged as she got up and threw her uneaten food into the trash can, before sitting back down across the table from me. "I still want to stay in Glee club though," I told her and she gave me a disgusted look.

"Why?" she asked and she looked over my shoulder. I knew without looking that she was staring at Finn and Rachel.

"Cause I'm not going to let them control my happiness," I replied nodding towards Brittany and Artie. I told Quinn this, but I was trying to prove it to myself more than anything.

"Fine. Whatever," she retorted.

The lunch bell rang and we headed our seperate ways to our next class. Thankfully Brittany was not in my math class, so it went by rather quickly. Two classes later I threw my books in my book bag and headed to my locker. There I saw Brittany standing at the locker next to mine, gently placing her books in a neat pile. I had not had a chance to go to my locker this morning so I didn't know we had lockers next to each other. If we were going to spend the rest of senior year not talking to each other, with lockers right next to each other, this was going to be a long year. I sighed heavily, finally giving in. I walked up to my locker and began to work at my combination. I looked over at her, and watched as her lip twinged. She wanted to say something, but I knew she wasn't going to talk unless I said something first.

"What's up with you," I asked with anger in my voice. I wasn't going to waste time pretending things hadn't changed. "You didn't answer my calls, you were never home, you just threw me away for what - so you could be with Artie," I said in a whisper. Not wanting anyone to hear me.

"Calm down," was all she said, and that made me angry.

"Calm down? B you said you loved me, if you love me well your doing a bang up job showing it," I continued in a quiet but still angry voice. I could see her eyes beginning to water up, Brittany never liked being yelled at. "I'm sorry," I said feeling bad for lashing out at her. I tried to put a hand on her shoulder but she slammed her locker and ran down the hallway.

There is nothing worse than rubbing a relationship in someones face and I'm not sure if it was Brittany's idea or Artie's, but a part of me tells me it was his idea to sing the duet but her song choice. Mr. Schuester walked into the Glee Club room after the first day of school and began with his normal 'Beginning of the Year Rant," we have heard for two years straight, with a few changes.

"Okay so I know we have an even better amount of kids than we did last year or the year before. Especially now since we have Blaine Anderson with us," he began and the entire room clapped, except for me. I had been so focused on Brittany all day that I had even noticed Blaine walking through the hallways, or the fact that as I looked up he was sitting next to Kurt a large smile on his face. "But that doesn't mean we still can't recruit new members," he continued.

"Um, Mr. Schu?" I heard Arties familar and annoying voice speak out loud. The entire room turned to look at him and Brittany who was sitting on his lap, playing with his hair that seemed to grow over the summer. I wanted to throw up.

"Yes Artie?" Mr. Schuester asked.

"Me and Brittany have a song we'd like to sing to get everyone back into the mood after our loss last year," he spoke and I laughed at his incorrect grammar.

"It's 'Brittany and I' idiot," I corrected him and everyone's eyes now focused on me. Mr. Schuester ignored my comment and turned back to Arite.

"Sure Artie. That sounds great," he said and he sat down in the chair next to me, giving me a suspicious glance before focusing his eyes on Artie and Brittany who now stood in the middle of the room. Artie pointed towards the band and they began to play a song that sounded awfully familiar to me. Familiar because I knew it was one of Brittany's favorite songs. There was no way the two of them were singing this to the Glee club. Although after Brittany's performance of 'My Cup." I suppose nothing should surprise me.


Hi Barbie


Hi Ken!


Do you wanna go for a ride?


Sure Ken!


Jump In...

Quinn and I shared a glance, biting down on our lips as we tried not to laugh. Brittany began to sing the chorus as Artie danced next to her. Mr. Schuesters jaw dropped along with a few of the New Directions members, but he did not make a move to stop their performance, which I had been hoping he would.


I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

The smile quickly faded off my face as I saw Brittany smile at Artie.


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world

Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly


You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,

kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky...


You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"


I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation


Come on Barbie, let's go party!



Everyone including Quinn and Mr. Schuester began to sing along with the song. The guys at Artie's part and the girl's at Brittany's part. I just sat there with my arms crossed, refusing to pretend I was happy with what was going on in front of me.


Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please

I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees


Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,

hit the town, fool around, let's go party


You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

Once again everyone joined in. I wanted to get up and leave; run to the bathroom and cry my eyes out, go home and hide under my bed and refuse to come out until senior year was over but that would make things to obvious and I was not ready to come out just yet, especially when I didn't have Brittany by my side.


Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation


Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Come on Barbie, let's go party!




Oh, I'm having so much fun!


Well Barbie, we're just getting started


Oh, I love you Ken!

"I can't believe you just sang that song. Do you even know what it's about? It's highly inappropriate," I stated and once again everyone's eyes were on me. I sank slowly into my seat, not liking the attention I had just caused myself.

"Says the Queen of inappropriate," Artie retorted.

"What'd you say Stephen Hawkings?" I asked, standing up about to throw Artie out of his wheelchair but I felt a hand pull me back into my seat.

"Calm down," I heard Quinn say. That phrase was beginning to get on my nerves but I did what she said, taking a few deep breathes in. I looked over towards Brittany who now sat with her head down in a chair next to Tina not saying anything. Artie rolled over in his wheelchair to her and grabbed hold of her hand.

"Despite some of her comments, Santana is right. Guys, I don't want to have to you run songs by me but I can't keep having you guys singing and doing inapropriate things," he said his eyes glaring at Rachel and Finn who sat in the front row holding hands. "Especially since this is our last year together and I really want us to be able to win Nationals this year," he continued, grabbing a folder out of his bag and handing out papers. "So here is a short list I made of things I want to make sure happen this year," he said. I looked down at the paper in my hand and began to read as Mr. Schuester read it out loud.

"One - Glee Club comes first. I don't like to force you guys to have to choose but if you are not serious about winning that I suggest you leave now." he said and I looked around the room, no one made an attempt to move.

"Two- Relationships. I don't mind you all having relationships within the club, and I don't even mind you singing songs about them to someone, but please do not let that control our team," he said his eyes focusing on me, but I realized that they were actually looking over my shoulders at Quinn.

"Three- No drinking. We established this last year. Same rules go,"

"Four- Love yourself and love your peers. We can't win if you do not love either," his eyes now moving to me. I looked back down at my paper.

"Lastly, Five- Have fun. Guys Glee Club is about having fun. Yes I want to win but I want to have fun doing it. I want each and everyone of you to tape this list inside your locker, and every day I want you to read it and remind yourself," he said before placing his copy and the folder he still held in his hand back in his bag. The room was silent as we all looked down at the paper in our hands. "Anyone have any questions? Any ideas for this year?" he asked and as usual Rachel's hand was the first to shoot up.

"I completely agree with these rules Mr. Schu. We need to win Nationals this year," she told him.

"Says the one who cost us Nationals," I commented back, thinking back to the rag doll of Rachel that I still had at my house. Apparently Voodoo doesn't work or she would have been dead the day summer vacation started.

"Alright guys. That's it for today," he said picking up his bag.

"But Mr. Schue we've only been here for ten minutes," Finn finally spoke up.

"Read over the list. I'll see you for next weeks practice," he said before walking out of the room.

Everyone quickly got up from their seats. I was about to make my way over to Brittany to apologize once again but I felt Quinn's hand on my shoulder and I turned around to look at her. "Ready to go talk to Sue?" she asked and I nodded. By the time I turned back around Brittany and Artie had just made their way out the door.

Again tell me what you think. Reviews mean alot!