Author's Note: This is being Co-Written with the help of my good friend Topaz Skye.

The Legend of Zelda: Love Through Twilight


Link walked through the door to the castle's throne room, the room was lit with black candles and the air was thick. Suddenly he heard a voice from in front of him.

"Welcome to my castle." The voice came from a man, sitting in the throne, Zelda's throne. The thought of the Princess put Link's mind into overdrive and he drew his sword. But Midna stopped him.

"So you're Ganondorf." She started before sneering bitterly. "I've been dying to meet you." The small imp claimed. Ganondorf rose from the throne that was didn't belong to him, a sword in a sheath, in hand.

"Your people have long amused me, Midna. To defy the gods with such petty magic, only to be cast aside... How very pathetic. Pathetic as they were, though, they served me well. Their anguish was my nourishment." The King of Darkness claimed. Midna growled.

"Calm down Midna, let him rant and rave, we can beat him." Link said placing an arm on the Twilight Princess' shoulder. Midna calmed, not fully, but enough.

"Their hatred bled across the void and awakened me. I drew deep of it and grew strong again. Your people had some skill, to be sure...but they lacked true power." Ganondorf said, holding up his hand, which held the Triforce of Power, to Link's amazement his own Triforce shone bright, as it reacted to Ganondorf's. "The kind of absolute power that those chosen by the god's wield. He who wields such power would make a suitable king for this world, don't you think?" Ganondorf finished, Link's grip on his Master Sword tightened. His destiny had led him to this point, and he was itching to face Ganondorf, to end the suffering of Hyrule. But Midna had some things to settle before he could.

"Ha! Such conceit! But if you are one of the chosen wielders of power, as you claim...I will risk everything to deny you!" She yelled. Link cringed at those words, he was the one destined to fight Ganondorf, not her. Ganondorf laughed.

"Shadow has been moved by light, it seems...How amusing. Very well... Deny me, then! Yes, try to deny me... You and your little friend..." Ganondorf started before looking up, Link and Midna followed his gaze until they saw what he was staring at. Princess Zelda. She was alive, both Link and Midna had thought that after she vanished saving Mida's life that maybe…but no! She was alive and well! Then horror played out their faces, what was Ganondorf planning. Then he began to dissolve, like he was warping through one of the portals. Link and Midna both gasped, the latter of whom flew up to protect Zelda. Ganondorf sneered and vanished, his particles floating in front of Midna. The little imp held her arms out protectively, Ganondorf only flew past her into… Zelda. Midna turned around and raised a clawed hand, ready to rip Ganondorf out of Zelda's body. But. She couldn't do it. Zelda had risked her life to save her, she couldn't hurt her. That's when the princess opened her eyes, to reveal they were Ganondorf's and released a surge of energy sending Midna flying out of the entrance to the throne room.

"Midna!" Link yelled running to aide her, but was stopped by a wall of Twilight.

'Damnit.' Link thought as he heard a chuckle from behind him. Turning he saw Zelda, under Ganondorf's control, walking towards him.

"Both of you, faithless fools who would dare to take up arms against the king of light and shadow...So you choose. And so you shall feel my wrath!" Ganondorf's voice yelled out of Zelda's mouth as he drew a sword. Link dodged the onslaught of energy balls thinking of how to beat Ganondorf without really hurting Zelda. Then an idea, he volleyed the energy back and forth with Ganondorf until it hit him. He continued this three more times and Zelda's form hung in mid-air. The shield dropped and Midna saw an opportunity. She attached the Fused Shadows to her head, and in her new beast form, shot out two hands and crushed the Spirit of Ganondorf out of Zelda. As she became her imp form she flew up next to Zelda, Link was already standing there.

"You ok?" Link asked. Midna only nodded as Zelda just stood there. Suddenly a noise was heard behind them, looking back the particles of Ganondorf were forming into a gigantic boar like monster. Midna looked at Link, and with a nod from Link, grazed the stone of darkness over Link, transforming him to a wolf. Midna had an idea, but decided not to tell Link. As the boar ran over to them, trying to crush them, Midna threw out her hand made of her hair and forced the boar to its side.

"Now Link, attack that glowing point, something tells me that's a weakness!" Midna yelled. Link only replied by lunging and hanging from the boar, he bit at the boar's stomach with relative ease, until the boar stirred and threw him off. Now as the boar ran around, it vanished and reappeared through portals. As Link stood in the middle of the room, Midna looked around, then she saw the portal in front of Link open and turn blue, and again she tossed the boar aside with her hair. Link again gnawed on the boar's stomach. Again and again this was the routine, until finally the boar got up took a few steps and crashed down, twilight smoke protruding from it. Link phased back to his human form and noticed Midna was glowing, Midna looked at her arm and hand, and watched as the energy from it, flew back and into Zelda. The Princess opened her eyes and smiled at both Link and Midna. The imp whimpered softly.

"Pr-Princess... I... I..." Midna stammered by Zelda silenced her.

"Say nothing, Midna...Your heart and mine were as one, however briefly...Such suffering you have endured..." Zelda trailed off as she noticed Link turn around. "What is it Link?" She asked. Link pointed with his sword.

"I don't think you and I are done yet Midna." Link said. For there in front of him was a energy form of Ganondorf's head.

"You are Link, I'm not." Midna said, calling forth the Fused Shadows once again. Link realized once she meant right away and began running towards her.

"Midna…No…Don't…I lo…" He was cut off as he and Zelda disassembled and warped out of the castle. Midna smiled at their particles before clamping the Fused Shadows on her face and become her beast form once again. Ganondorf chuckled evilly before roaring. Midna roared in response and pulled out her huge javelin, casting it down on Ganondorf who stopped it and threw the beast into a wall, Midna grew weak, the Fused Shadows drew to much strength she transformed back, and collapsed. Ganondorf sneered as he took on his human form. And grabbed the Fused Shadow she wore off her head.

"Perish, impudent worm." He said holding up his hand and shooting an ball of energy straight at Midna, he warped out as it grew bigger and bigger, before finally imploding.

"Damnit!" Link yelled punching the ground. Why had she done that, it was foolish. Zelda mourned for her friend.

"Link-" She started, before she heard an explosion, both her and Link turned tosee half the castle go up in a black cloud of smoke and fire.

'Midna…' Link started before he saw on the horizon, coming out of the smoke, a black horse, Ganondorf it's rider, and in Ganondorf's hand was…no…it couldn't be. Midna's part of the Fused Shadow. Tightening his grip, Ganondorf crushed the Fused Shadow in his hand.

'NO!' Link cried out in anguish in his head. That's when Ganondorf dropped the Shadow and rode towards them. Suddenly white phantoms joined him. Grabbing the hilt of his Master Sword, he heard Zelda praying.

'Now really isn't the time.' Link thought.

"Spirits of the light! Wielders of the great power that shines far and wide upon the lands of our world...In my hour of need, grant me the light to banish evil!" Zelda pleaded, and right before Ganondorf trampled them, they vanished in a flash of light.

"Hmmm, so Princess you too will interfere with my plans." Ganondorf sneered.

When Link opened his eyes, he saw the Four Light Spirits orbs of light surrounding Zelda, and in an instant Zelda was holding a bunch of light imbedded arrows. Zelda looked at him.

"Link...Chosen hero! Lend us the last of your power!" Zelda pleaded bowing. Link held out his hand. Zelda looked at him for a moment before taking it, and in another flash of light they were back in a Hyrule, and atop…Epona?

"How did?" Link asked. Zelda just pointed.

"Fight now, talk later, keep up with him and I'll try and slow him down with my arrows, then you strike ok?" Zelda said. Link nodded and went at breakneck speed towards Ganondorf. Zelda released an arrow, striking the Evil King in the chest, Link rode up beside him and slashed away with his. It took about five minutes, but Ganondorf eventually fell from his horse. From the cloud of dust. Link could hear. Laughing? Why was Ganondorf laughing? Standing up, he looked at Link who walked towards him.

"An impressive-looking blade...But nothing more. Would you hear my desire?" Ganondorf asked. Link growled.

"I guess your going to tell me anyway! What is it!" Link demanded. Ganondorf sneered and pulled the sword of its sheath.

"To take this foul blade...and use it to blot out the light forever!" Ganondorf said as a Twilight Barrier surrounded himself and Link. Link lunged forward and clashed swords with Ganondorf, the Evil King pushed him off without much power. Link circled around and preformed the Back Slice on Ganondorf, the Evil King roared out in a pain and jumped away before lunging at Link and crossing blades with the hero who pushed him onto his back and jumped to perform the Finish Blow, Ganondorf simply rolled out of the way and lunged at Link again this time, the Hero slashed him across his mid-section. The battle continued on for roughly ten minutes, until finally Link was able to plunge his Master Sword into Ganondorf's chest. The Evil King roared in agony, as Link flipped off him. But to both Link and Zelda's surprise Ganondorf stood.

'Ok what the hell? What is this man, a demon?' Link thought. But Ganondorf wobbled a little on his feet.

"Do not think this ends here...The history of light and shadow will be written in blood!" He roared, but the Triforce of Power dimmed on his hand. And in a matter of minutes, he was dead. Link smiled humbly, until he witnessed something magical. Up on the hill, the Spirits floated around a figure.

'Midna!' Link both thought and yelled at the same time, taking off up the hill. That's where, he saw not a imp, but a figure his height, with red streaming hair, and no older then himself standing there. Midna's curse had been broken. The new form of Midna laughed lightly.

"What? Say something! Am I so beautiful that you've no words left?" She asked. Her voice was so beautiful, Link actually couldn't speak.

Midna stood in front of the Mirror of Twilight beside the two friends she had made in this Realm.

"Well...I guess this is farewell, huh? Light and shadow can't mix, as we all know. But...Never forget that there's another world bound to this one." Midna said, looking at both Zelda and Link. Link, her Hero. Oh if she could only tell him how she felt. Zelda shook her head.

"Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin...One cannot exist without the other. I know now the reason the goddesses left the Mirror of Twilight in this world..." Zelda said, her gaze trailed from Midna, to the Mirror, to Link, then back to Midna. "They left it because it was their design that we should meet. Yes... That is what I believe." Zelda finished. Midna looked at the one who had given up her own life, to save hers. Then she looked to the ground.

"Zelda... Your words are kind, and your heart is true. If all in Hyrule are like you...Then maybe you'll do all right. Thank you." Midna started. Then she looked at Link, who had been quite this whole time. She smiled and touched his cheek. "Well, the princess spoke truly: as long as that mirror's around, we could meet again." Her voice trailed off as the Mirror activated and she walked up, preparing to warp.

'This is it.' Midna thought. "Link…" She started. 'Just say it.' "I…" 'Oh for the love of Din SAY IT!' A tear fell from her eye and she sent it towards the Mirror, when it hit, the Mirror fractured. "See you later." She finished before warping back home, tears in her eyes. The last thing she saw of the Light Realm was the Mirror splintering into millions of pieces.

Link and Zelda watched in horror as the Mirror broke.

"She said your words were true, why did she do that?" Link demanded. Zelda shrugged.

"People have there own motives Link. Come, let's go back to the Castle." Zelda said holding his hand and warping in a green ball of light. Once they were at the Castle Gates. Zelda looked at Link.

"Now what is in store for you?" Zelda asked. Link shrugged.

"I guess I'll go back to Ordon, resume my old life." He said. Zelda nodded.

"But never forget, you're a Hero at heart." Zelda said. Link smiled.

"I'll never forget that. Goodbye Princess." Link said bowing, before heading out to the field to begin the long ride home.