So this is my first fic. I just wanna say thanks to two of my friends, Tabby (TKiwi02) and Jake, because some of their fics inspired this idea. Also, everyone is a bit older and there will be some OC's. I hope you all like it!
Sonny, Grady - 18
Tawni, Nico, Chad - 19
Zora - 15
Facebook Official
Chapter 1:
Sonny logged onto her laptop as she sat waiting for her plane back to Wisconsin to begin boarding. She was soon on the internet checking her email and right after that, Facebook. She scanned the news feed for four certain people to see what they were up to at the moment.
PLEASE LOG IN: email | password
News Feed (274)
Tawni Hart is going to be at the beach ALL DAY! Leave a message, text.
-77 people like this.
Chad Dylan Cooper has no Randoms to bug... :(
-Zora Lancaster and Nico Harris like this.
Tawni Hart: HA! :)
Grady Mitchell: Sucka! :P
*Sonny rolled her eyes at the post and clicked the "like" button on Chad's status.*
Nico Harris is on the way home! :D
-67 people like this.
Wesley Williger likes Skittles and Pizza.
Grant Mitchell DELTA NU! xD
-17 people like this.
Grady Mitchell: Dude, you're not in college anymore...
Grant Mitchell: So? Grady Mitchell: -_-
-Tawni Hart likes this.
Jordan Lancaster it's official, my sis is home and we are going to have an awesome two weeks! :D
-19 people like this.
Shayne Thomson: oh boy, the Lancaster siblings are reunited! 0_o
-Stella Rhodes, Levi Thomson and Jake Morrison like this.
Zora Lancaster: prepare yourself Shayne xD
-Shayne Thomson likes this.
Grady Mitchell likes Cheese Pants.
Sonny closed her laptop with a smile. It seemed all her friends were beginning to enjoy their vacations already. Her plane was announced to begin boarding, so Sonny put her laptop back into her bag and walked toward the gate, ready to go home.
Again, my first fic. So let me know if you like it or not. Please leave some reviews! :D