Tequila Sunrise

I don't own FMA

Hawkeye walked back over to the sofa and sat next to the colonel, closer than she usually would, so their thighs touched.

'Here is your tea'

'I don't want tea'

'Drink it'




They were face to face, as people often were after intense arguing. He could smell her, she smelt of coconut, light floral perfume, and tequila. He was so enticed, all he wanted to do was kiss those beautiful lips. Now he may have been drunk, but his subordinates move still managed to surprise him. Hawkeye had closed the distance between them, and kissed him. Full on the lips, slowly at first and softly. They broke apart.

'Wha… what just happened? Mustang spluttered

'It felt like a good idea, sir'


'… Roy' she repeated 'Maybe it's the alcohol talking, but I don't see why we haven't been doing this the whole time. I hate that law that prevents us being together, and I'm sure you do too'

'I do, Riza, but I never thought you'd noticed'

'Sir the way you've been staring tonight I'd have to be blind not to'

'Its Roy, and the way you dressed tonight someone would only resist staring at you because they were blind. You look irresistible, you have the most beautiful legs I have ever seen, and I've seen a fair few' he chuckled.

This struck a nerve with Hawkeye. 'Yeah you've seen enough I'm sure' She was hitting the angry stage of her drunk cycle. 'I bet you say that to every girl, sir!' She looked upset and angry.

'Look, every one of those superficial girls wanted me cos of my status and reputation. They meant nothing. If anything they were my way of distracting myself from you, because I thought I could never have you'

'Maybe you should leave, you jack ass! Go find some whore on the street who will let you ogle her legs all you like!'

Mustang sat there, motionless, staring at the tea, away from the woman, towering in front of him who was just as steaming as the mug. He didn't realise, all this time, that she was as jealous as him. All the time she seemed so calm. And now he had upset her. He drained the tea.

'I don't deserve you Hawkeye. But I'd really like to make it up to you, and if you let me, I am willing to do so every single day. Because you are worth more than every other girl in the world put together to me. I love you, Riza Hawkeye'

He had reached out and grabbed her hand and was stroking it, staring sincerely at her.

She stared at the hand caressing hers. She felt the guilt washing over her hands. He meant it. She had never seen the colonel look so sincere.

'Im so sorry I yelled at you sir, I guess I was just jealous and drunk, and, it's just I love you too' She collapsed into his arms, crying.

'I think you should go to bed' He might be drunk but he would never take advantage of a drunk crying woman.

'No, I want to stay here with you, forever.'

He grinned 'I'd like that', kissing her forehead, shifting them into a lying down position, side by side, his arms around her waist, her snuggled into his neck. 'Now go to sleep'


Oh god thought Riza as she stirred, my mouth is so dry! I need water! She sat up, and was momentarily shocked to see Mustang lying next to her, as their previous conversation replayed in her head. He was still here, he had been a true gentleman. He loved her. She smiled to herself, then remembered her urge for water. She clambered carefully off the sofa, only to trip over her heels he had obviously placed there so she didn't sleep in them!


Mustang stirred 'Who's there, touch her and I'll kill… hey Hawkeye where'd you go?' He sat up confused

'Shh, go back to sleep I'm just grabbing some water'

He watched her fill a glass, drain it, refill it and another, and walk back. She was still in last nights clothes, still looking gorgeous. He took the water she held out and drained it, then hers.

'Hey, that was mine! She protested.

He laughed 'You know, you're really sexy when you're angry'

'Oh really' She smirked, climbing on top of him, bringing her face inches above his 'Well I must be pretty angry with you right now' She said seductively

'God I hope so' exclaimed Mustang, before grabbing her, pulling her down and kissing her passionately. She moaned softly. Oh my god he thought, this woman is driving me crazy! He had to get a feel of those beautiful legs, he was sure she'd permit it. He roved his hands up one of her legs.

This is it she thought, she shivered with pleasure as his smooth palm found its way up her leg, round her waist and pulled her down so all that kept them apart was a few layers of clothes, we are finally here! She could feel the excitement and anticipation building inside her.

'Are you sure… you want… to do… this now?' He said, to her, in between her kisses. She looked into his eyes.

'Roy Mustang, I love you, I have done so since I was 12, and there is nothing you can do about it, I refuse to wait any longer to make you mine' She said, unbuttoning her shirt as she spoke.

Mustang looked at her, at her face in awe of her beauty.

'I love you, Riza Hawkeye, and I am so glad I finally have the chance to prove it to you!' He said pulling her back down and rolling them both over, so he was on top of her, grinning devilishly.

As she giggled in surprise and delight at his sudden movement, the first rays of light began to shine through the cracks in the closed curtains, golden rays of a wondrous tequila sunrise.


Thanks for reading people, I hope y'all enjoyed my first story!