Thank you to everyone who stuck through! I really enjoyed all the reviews and all the tips. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much!
Jack and Rose lived in Chippewa Falls for quite some time. Jack rebuilt the house that belonged to his parents. They lived happily without any worry of Cal ever finding them again. Jack and Rose didn't have any more children after baby Robert, but it didn't bother them. To them, their family was complete. Rose became the owner of the local Theater and helped underprivileged children take acting classes. Jack still kept in contact with his old boss and eventually Mr. Lawson helped Jack build and manage his own Gallery. Jack became a huge figure in society but never let it go to his head. He allowed many people of limited means present their artwork in his galleries and some even went on to become famous. In 1927, Cal was charged and convicted in the murder of his wife, Penelope. Though she lived a short life, she didn't regret anything. Her life had meant something to someone, and that someone was Rose. She saved Rose and for that, Rose was forever grateful. In 1929, Cal somehow had a pistol smuggled in the prison and after his estate and money had been lost to the crash of the stock market, took his own life. He is currently buried on the jail grounds. As time grew on, the children grew up. Josephine grew up to become a famous painter. She met a nice young man who lived in Eau Claire, a doctor. His name was Ryan. Ryan was actually the son of the doctor who saved Rose and baby Robert. They went on to have three children. A boy named after her father, Jack. And two little girls, one named Antoinette and the youngest Elizabeth. As you can remember, Josephine loved the name Elizabeth. The family called her Lizzie for short. She went on to take over the theater that Rose had. Cora went on to travel the world and was involved with a man that lived in Italy. They would travel the world for years and years. And Robert, baby Robert who almost did not make it. He became an actor and followed in his mother's footsteps. He was a strong man as many had predicted. He traveled the world as well, making his movies. But he would always come home to spend time with his family. After the children had grown, Jack and Rose did their traveling as well. Rose worked as an actress and they traveled many places. All the places are shown in her pictures. Unfortunately, it always seemed that Jack was the one taking the photos so there really were never any photos of her and Jack on their travels. After years passed, the couple grew older and realized that their time is getting shorter. They loved, they laughed, they cried. They had lived their life and watched their children and grandchildren grow. Jack died in 1973. He was a very old man and died in his sleep. It broke Rose's heart. She knew that they had lived a wonderful life together and knew that someday, she would join Jack once again in heaven. After Jack passed, Rose stayed by herself for some time until her grandchildren were grown. Rose needed to be looked after because of her age so Lizzie invited her grandmother to live with her in California. When Rose came back to California, she shed tears of the times she had with Jack. The memories of their time on the beach, the roller coaster and the pier. She couldn't believe how much she had done in her life. She really hadn't thought much of Titanic anymore, her memory was slowly going and she did things to keep her mind at bay. She took up pottery as well. And it all stayed locked in her mind until the afternoon where she saw the drawing on the television. Her drawing. She arrived on the Keldysh not too long after and told her story to them. She couldn't believe she was touching her items from the Titanic. Her mind kept wandering back to Titanic. All those memories that she had tucked away…all came flooding in, just as Titanic's decks had. By the end of her story, everyone was in tears. Everyone except Rose. It wasn't the entire truth. She would never tell that to anyone…except her family of course. Lizzie was in tears. She never knew the entire story but she knew that at one time, her grandmother had the last name Dawson. Little did the Keldysh crew know that Jack had lived. She wanted to keep Jack's memory for her family only. Later that night, she went to the stern of the Keldysh and looked below. She remembered the ice cold waters of the Atlantic and said a prayer to those who perished. She put her hand in her pocket and slowly came out a necklace. The Heart of the Ocean. She had received it in 1927 right before Penelope's death. Rose guessed she had a feeling that her time would soon be ending so she sent it to Molly to give to Rose. It wasn't that it was a piece of expensive jewelry, it symbolized what her and Jack had gone through. She took one more glance at the necklace and slowly dropped it into the Atlantic where it rightfully belonged. After that, she went into her granddaughter's room and kissed her on her forehead. She slowly crept back towards her room, making sure not to wake Lizzie up. She lay in bed and dreamt of all the memories that her photos held. All the years with Jack. Starting from nothing and working their way up, their first home, raising their family, and their travels. Rose had lived a long and fulfilled life. She had kept her promise to Jack. She slowly drifted off into a slumber and realized that she had passed. Slowly and then faster, she saw the outline of the Titanic. She then realized that she was seeing the decks. She went to the clock and saw a young man of maybe 20 standing there, as if he were waiting. Rose came up behind him as Jack took her hand. She was a young girl again, her hair was red and her wrinkles were gone. Jack brought her close and they kissed. And soon enough, the entire ship that held the victims of the sinking clapped. The two loves were together again. They knew then that death was not the last chapter and they would forever live on in the heavens along with all the passengers of the Titanic.
The End