I want to thank everyone that reviewed and pm'ed me. It meant a lot since I struggled with how to properly end this. Thank you all. I hope this is the ending you will come to enjoy. I give you the Epilogue of Lost Love.


Squeak couldn't stop staring at the little yellowish xenomorph that was looking at him with beady black eyes and a mouth that had pointed canines but no inner mouth like a regular xenomorph. The little xenormorph titled her head at him then spoke again,

"You smell nice. Are you a brother or sister?" It moved forward but Squeak had nowhere to go so he just continued to look at it.

The little xenomorph didn't seem fazed by his silence because she continued on,

"I went off looking for my queen because I felt that she was free but some of the other xenomorphs yelled at me. One told me that she was in here but I can't feel her here." Squeak didn't know how to approach this situation.

He had a pure, innocent life before him otherwise would have been taught a life of violence and he had a chance to change its life. The little xenomorph had a face very much like a human and even a fuller body than its relatives; he had a choice to kill her or to let her come with him to live a violence free life hopefully without the influence of other xenomorphs.

"I knew your mother." He saw a flicker of amusement in her beady black eyes and smiled at her.

"Really? What was she like? I didn't get to meet her and I kept hearing everyone say she was captured…" Squeak let his hands come down onto the floor and she regarded him silently for a few moments before crawling into his hands.

"You are so warm! It was cold down in the tunnels, I didn't like it but the others did." Squeak set the little xenomorph down onto his lap and touched her head softly.

It had a layer of skin over like and a hard skull underneath,

"What was she like?" He looked down in her eyes and she titled her head at him.

"She was a very caring and loving mother. She loved science and learning new things. She drew everyone in like a moth to the flame." The little xenomorph gave him a confused look which made him realize that she probably did it without knowing.

"What's a moth? What's flame?" He couldn't stop his laugh,

"You mother understood that everyone deserves to have a chance at life." She understood things that most did not but things one could see was not something she understood.

"Why did they not tell me where she really was?" Squeak frowned and looked out into space.

"Did they not want me?" She felt and was more than what could be said for her relatives or her mother.

"They did want you but maybe they thought that maybe you would be better without them."

"They left me alone."

He decided that he would be the one to raise this human/xenomorph into a more human than xenomorph and show her that she didn't have to live in her species shadow.


Five Years Later

It had been five years since he had taken the little human looking xenomorph with him to another human colony. The creature had grown, Squeak trusted one scientist to help him with it because he found that it acted more human than anything else. The scientist, Doctor Joseph Barden had seen the creature become something unlike anything he had ever seen so, he added a section of human DNA to the creature to see its effects. Adding human DNA had a positive impact on the creature, it seemed to change and adapt to the DNA. Its skin was still yellowish but more human looking; it grew hair like a normal girl and even breasts. She aged at a progressive rate and at five years old she looked like a fully grown adult human female except for her walking and the very large and long scythe like tail that protruded from her the end of her tailbone. Her canines were longer than normal human canines and her diet had consisted mainly of meat but she was known to try different foods just to see what they tasted like.

"Her aging is almost nonexistent now." Dr. Joseph said as Squeak watched as Skylar, as he had named her, swung her legs back and forth as she sat on the table.

Skylar looked like her mother with e exception of her teeth, tail and attitude. Skylar was very outgoing and would hide her tail under sun dresses and sweat pants just to go out and meet new people. She loved seeing human interactions but lately he was having trouble controlling her when she did go outside.

"I've noticed that I've been feeling lonely lately. " She said in her soft voice.

Skylar had vocal chords but they weren't completely developed so she talked very softly and low, it was difficult for anyone else to hear her but Squeak could talk to her through his thoughts just like she had when he first met her.

"It's more than just that." Squeak rasped.

He had gained the use of his voice a few months back and his vocal chords were still adjusting to being in use. Squeak ran a hand through over his shaved head and looked at Skylar who was giving him a shy look. Dr. Joseph turned towards Squeak,

"What do you mean Brandon?" Squeak rolled his eyes,

"I've woken up to find her sleeping next to me. She never did this as a child." Squeak looked out of the window as Skylar looked back at the doctor.

"I've been having dreams lately. They leave me wanting company." Dr. Joseph cocked an eyebrow at Squeak.

"Do you think she means-?"

"No." Squeak turned his head towards Dr. Joseph and gave him a stern look.

Skylar rolled her black eyes at Squeak then turned to the doctor,

I just wish I could have friends over. I do have those Brandon, I promise I can hide—"

"No." He looked at her and she looked at him with pleading eyes.

She huffed,

"He thinks I'm going to have to kill again. That girl would have told everyone! Her face said it all!" Skylar hissed and Squeak narrowed his eyes at her.

She gasped and her hands flew to her mouth,

"It's understandable that she feels this way. Humans feel the need to have friends and connections. This is a good thing." Skylar nodded at the doctor's statement.

Ever since that incident when she was two years old, he had been stern on her despite his natural urges to comfort her and let her seek solstice in him. His hard attitude did nothing to hide her affections towards him, he allowed her to hug him and give him kisses on his cheek but she wanted more from him. It was in her DNA to want him; he was perfect for her and could give her children she so desperately wanted. Skylar knew his desires and though Squeak desired her, he held himself back because of her mother. She had seen a few of his old journals when it came to her mother, he had been in love with her mother and he would not make the same mistake with the daughter. Squeak trusted Skylar to an extent and she knew he could not trust her because she was not fully human.

"Brandon, you need to keep her socialized. Let a friend or two come over, just monitor her actions and make her sleep in your bedroom while the girls sleep in hers." Squeak didn't seem to want to budge but he let his guard fall when Skylar got off of the exam table and held his arm in her hands.

"Fine, but the door will be locked." She smiled at his give; he would stay up all night if he had to.

"I'll make sure the girls are gone before you leave for training." Skylar hugged him and he gave her a short hug back.

"Let her call her girlfriends and have a good time." Dr. Joseph said with a laugh as Skylar began to go into what she would need for her sleepover.

"We will see you next week." Squeak mumbled and escorted Skylar out to their waiting vehicle.

"I want to make some of that, what's it called? Taco salad? No, nachos? Ugh! What am I going to make!" Skylar sighed and looked at Squeak for answers.

"We can go to the store before you figure out if you want them to sleep over tonight or tomorrow." She hugged him and squealed.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"


Squeak couldn't help but roll his eyes as he heard the girls in the living room giggling over some actor who was good looking. Skylar felt pleased with the company she now had but she wanted to sneak to Squeak's room, where she knew he was typing up his report for work.

"Skylar, it is so nice to finally be able to spend time with you!" Kaylee, her best friend, said as she took a bite of a chip she had smothered with dip.

"I am glad to have you and Harriet here finally." Skylar smiled as she dipped a chip into the nearby dip and smiled in content when she put it in her mouth.

"Brandon is such a lame for not letting us come over before, all because of your sleeping problem. Anyways, did you see Taylor yesterday? Wasn't he so handsome in those dress clothes?" Harriet said as then took a drink of her lemonade and leaned back in the chair.

Skylar rolled her eyes, Taylor wasn't fit for her but he would make a perfect mate for Harriet.

"You should ask him out on Monday! I bet he'll say yes!" Skylar exclaimed and Harriet went a shade of red she had never seen.

"I want to but that slut Jennifer keeps hanging around him with her group of look a likes." Kaylee put a hand on Harriet's and smiled.

"You should go for it. Come on, what have you got to lose?" Kaylee popped another chip into her mouth and cocked her head to the side.

Squeak came out of his room to see the trio of girls giggling about whatever they were talking about, Skylar looked over at him as he pulled his jacket on.

"Where you going?" She asked,

"I have to go to a meeting about the report I submitted. I'll be back later; the communication port is on the side of the computer. Skylar, behave yourself. I don't want to come home to find the apartment a wreck." Squeak gave her a hard stare and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Alright Father." Squeak cringed and left the apartment in a hurry.

"He's so uptight, jeez. He needs to tone it down." Harriet scoffed and Skylar smiled at her.

"He just doesn't want to tell me he likes me." Skylar confessed and both of her friends looked at her in disbelief.

"Isn't he like a father to you?" Kaylee asked,

"No, he's always kept me at a distance but I've watched him when he watches me. He definitely wants me." Skylar wiggled herself a little to emphasize her point.

"You should totally sneak into his room and seduce him then!" Kaylee winked at her and Skylar felt her face heat up.

"I don't know how! I've never had any kind of dealings with a man before." Skylar mumbled, she wasn't allowed to have relations with a man because of her special appendage.

"Just do what feels right. He'll be falling head over heels in seconds!" Harriet laughed and Skylar felt slightly better about being at a disadvantage.

"Sometimes I wish I had the kind of experience both of you have with men. Brandon is so hard to talk to sometimes; he seems to walk on eggshells when he's around me." Skylar hoped it had nothing to do with the fact that half of her blood was xenomorph blood.

"Just show him your boobs and he'll be drooling." Kaylee sighed and Skylar nodded.

She hoped that she could make it happen.


Squeak came home late, the two girls were already asleep in Skylar's room and Skylar was passed out cuddled in his blanket.

It terrified him that she looked so much like her mother but what made him leery was that he was attracted to her. No matter how hard he tried he could not see her as a monster or her mother so, he distanced himself from her and much as he could but having her living with him made it difficult. He eyed the bare legs that weren't covered by the blanket; it was hard to tear his eyes away from them but he did so he could get a change of clothes. Squeak changed into a pair of sweat pants and a beater in the bathroom then found himself on the couch, tired and yawning as he watched tv.

"Brandon? You awake?" Squeak opened his eyes and looked around.

Skylar was standing very close to the couch with a worried look on her face,

"What time is it?" He asked groggily as he rubbed his eyes then his face.

"It's 10:30 AM." Squeak sat up and looked around,

"Where are your girlfriends?"

"They left; they had shopping to do for homecoming next weekend." Squeak removed himself from the couch as she spoke and went into the bathroom.

He yawned then rubbed his eyes as he took his morning pee, he needed to shave but he didn't have the time. Squeak had to get dressed, take Skylar to get clothes for the summer then to get more groceries for the apartment.

"Skylar, get ready." Squeak finished in the bathroom and quickly changed in his room.

"You don't have work today, right?" She asked as they left the apartment.

"No, I will be home all day. Come on, we have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it." Squeak groaned and they started their day.


Skylar was so exhausted from the day, Squeak had them all over the city but they finished all of their shopping. Her body was exhausted and so she could keep her tail hidden as she was sprawl on the couch half awake. Squeak was cleaning up since they had already eaten dinner and he was preparing his lunch for work the next day.

"If you're going to go to sleep then go in your room." He said and heard a sigh.

Skylar went into her room and laid down on her bed, she was tired but she had enough energy to wait. She was going to get her second wind soon and Squeak would get into the shower for work then she would wait for him in his bed. So, she waited until she heard him enter the bathroom then removed all of her clothing. Skylar checked herself in her full body mirror and felt nervous but, she snuck into his room and made herself comfortable on his bed. Her tail flicked nervously as she waited, the smell of the shower invaded the apartment and it made her impatient for him to finish. When the water finally shut off she felt the nervousness come back to her in full force and she almost squealed in delight when Squeak came into his dark room. He flipped the light on and nearly hollered when he saw Skylar naked on his bed.

"Skylar, get out of my room right now." He avoided looking at her; he couldn't especially with what he had seen.

"Brandon, I don't want to! I want you to look at me!" She cried but he stood his ground.

Skylar pouted and removed herself from the bed but, she did not leave the room. She came up to Brandon and slowly rubbed herself on him while she purred. Squeak tried not to look at her but his body betrayed him, his body reacted to the willing woman rubbing her body on his.

"I want you Brandon." Squeak wasn't surprised at the sudden intrusion of her mind connecting with his.

When Skylar became overly emotional she would fall back on her first way of communicating,

"Skylar, you need to stop." He mumbled,

"You don't want me to stop."

He didn't but he needed her to or he would follow through on every fantasy he ever had about her when he had dreamt about her. Squeak suddenly pulled away from her and she hissed,

"You need to stop." He demanded angrily.

"Why? Because I'm half xenomorph or because of my mother? Why Brandon!" Skylar hissed again but yelped when he threw her to the bed.

She was afraid for mere seconds until he covered her body with his own, his hands spread her legs and his tongue delved between the folds of her pussy. Skylar screeched as his tongue pushed into her slit roughly and she screeched again when he removed his tongue and replaced it with a finger. Her hands gripped the bed sheets as she found the voice to moan instead of screech again. Squeak removed his finger and tongue from her folds and made her way up her body with his lips and tongue making her moan.

"Give me what I want Brandon! Give it to me!" Skylar pushed her chest out and arched her back to his touch.

Squeak spread her legs farther apart then pushed his all of his hardened length inside of her in one thrust that left her tail gripping his leg and her screeching like a xenomorph.

"Sound proof walls were a good idea." He laughed and began to thrust in an out of her.

Her moans were torn between normal moans and hisses of pleasure as she slowly began to meet his thrusts. Squeak was breathing heavily in her ear as he pounded into her,

"Yes, yes, yes! Harder! Faster!" She moaned but gasped when Squeak pulled out and flipped her onto her stomach.

Skylar instinctually lifted her ass into the air and hissed when she was penetrated from behind. Squeak resumed his thrusting but at a harder and faster pace with Skylar screaming in pleasure as he did so. A tingling pressure filled her suddenly and Squeak felt her tighten around him as if her body knew he was going to cum. He pounded into her ruthlessly and came with a grunt while her walls tighten and the tingling became a flood of release with her screeching. Squeak fell backwards when he went limp and looked at the young woman in front of him who had a pleased smile on her face.

"What have I done?"