Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji or any material related to Yana Toboso in any way or form.

A/N: Inspiration was "Dance with the Devil" by Breaking Benjamin. I suppose I wrote the characters OOC, but it was the best I could do with the amount of writer's block I've got. Trying to work through it.

He'd held on as long as he'd been asked to do. For everything the man—demon—had done for him, he reckoned he'd do at least this much in return before giving the butler his soul. The battle had been won, his enemies destroyed at last, just as he'd wished. Yet the thought brought little comfort to him as he plunged toward the sea, the sound of Sebastian's voice echoing in his mind

"It's over, Young Master… It's over…"

It's not, Ciel thought, watching his Cinematic Record dance before him. There are still things left to be done… Familiar arms wrapped around him, and Ciel felt himself being pulled upward toward the surface, where a new dawn was blossoming over the horizon.

"I'm disappointed in you, Young Master. You didn't hold on as I'd requested." Ciel felt the urge to roll his eyes at his butler's words, but lacked the strength to do so.

What does it matter? The end will just be the same…

Don't ask me to hold on if I'm only going to die.

"Do you love me? Tell me. Now." He'd known Ciel was broken beyond repair, regardless of the cold front he built. It was the type of cruelty and deception demons thrived on, yet he'd never thought that the child had felt so insecure about his standing in the world as to ask such a question. Sebastian was quiet for a moment, considering.

"If I were to reply to that in the way you wish me to, I would be telling a lie. And that, Young Master, is something I cannot do." The words sank in slowly, and Ciel felt his heart clench unexpectedly at the rejection. He turned away, defiant, trying to hide his shame in the tufts of his downy pillow, but a gloved finger tilted his head back toward his butler. Sebastian smiled, hand retracting to lie over his breast as he bowed his head.

"My loyalty is as strong as ever, Master. But what you ask for would only be a lie because what demons feel can never be the mere human emotion of love." Ciel unwittingly shot up from his pillows, wary yet hopeful, even as the demon pressed a chaste kiss to the boy's lips. Sebastian's smile grew as he watched Ciel's stunned expression.

What I feel for you is something far greater than love…

Don't ask me to lie if it's the one thing I cannot do.