Candice walked inside her bedroom with her two best friends, Maria and Melina. She placed the drinks on the nightstand and the chips on the floor. Melina quickly ran to Candice's bed and jumped on it. Maria laughed as she did the same.

"Oh, thanks guys," Candice said, trying not to laugh, "Not like I just made that bed or anything!"

Maria threw a pillow at the brunette's head, "Lighten up, missy."

"Yeah, Candi, stop being such a neat-freak!" Melina giggled.

"Okay, wow," Candice laughed, "You guys know I'm like the messiest person ever! I'm just all happy because my room is cleaned for once."

"Aw, poor you," Maria said as her and Melina laughed.

"Whatever!" Candice smiled as she opened the bag of Doritos, "Anyway—"

All of a sudden her door flew open and her older brother, Cody, walked in, wearing just his boxers.

"CODY!" Candice yelled, "What the hell!"

Cody's mouth dropped open a little as he saw Melina and Maria staring at him. He looked down and realized he didn't have any clothes on besides his boxers, "Oh, shit." He ran out, quickly.

Melina bit her lip and looked at Maria who was laughing, "Wow!"

"He is such a dumbass!" Candice rolled her eyes, "I told him I was having you guys over."

Melina laughed, but she couldn't stop imagining Cody's body. Candice sighed and drank some from her coke bottle.

"As I was saying," Candice interrupted Melina's thoughts, "Maria, what's going on with you and Jeff?"

The red-head laughed a little, "Oh my god, he's such a…I don't even know! Lately, he's just being way too clingy and it's so damn annoying!"

Melina laughed, "What do you mean by clingy?"

"Like…I was talking to that new guy, Justin, yesterday and he comes up to me and like pulls me away and accuses me of cheating on him. What the heck? I was just trying to be friendly! It's seriously pissing me off." Maria said angrily.

"Have you tried talking to him?" Candice asked.

Maria rolled her eyes, "That's the thing. I don't want to talk to him. It's that bad."

Melina raised her eyebrows, "Dang, girl!"

Maria nodded and picked up her phone, "Ugh, speaking of the loser," She answered her phone, "Hey, babe." She said, faking a smile.

"Hey, beautiful!" Jeff replied, cheerfully, "What are you up to?"

Maria gave her friends a look, "I'm at Candice's. What are you doing?"

"Just laying on my bed, thinking of my gorgeous girlfriend," Jeff laughed.

Maria fake laughed, "Aw, cute."

"Yeah," Jeff said.

"Mhm," She said as Candice and Melina tried to keep from laughing from the awkwardness. There was a long silence before Maria finally said something.

"Well, I better go. It's a girl's sleepover and…yeah I need to hang out with my girls," Maria bit her lip.

"Oh…" Jeff said, with sadness in his voice, "Alright, well call me later?"

"Yeah," Maria replied, "Okay, love you, bye." She hung up before Jeff could keep going on and on.

Candice and Melina burst out laughing. "Wow, that was the most awkward conversation I've ever heard," Melina stated.

"I told you!" Maria fell back on Candice's bed, "It's been like this since last week."

"Ah, I'm sorry, girl," Candice looked at her friend as Maria shrugged.

The door opened again, and Cody was standing there, wearing clothes and smelled like axe, "Hey, Candi, can I borrow 20 dollars?"

Candice narrowed her eyes, "For what?"

"I'm going to go see a movie with the guys," Cody smiled at Melina and Maria.

Maria gave him a small smile back as Melina flashed him her prettiest smile.

"Ugh, you owe me," Candice got up and walked over to her purse and pulled out a 20 dollar bill and handed it to him.

"Thanks, sis," He blew her a kiss and winked at Melina then walked out.

"What a creeper," Candice looked at Melina, "Sorry about that."

Melina was already blushing as she looked at Candice, "It's fine."

Maria laughed and wrapped an arm around her friend. Candice looked at them with a confused look. Melina pushed Maria a little and laughed.

Cody grabbed his jacket and ran out the door to meet his best friend, "Hey!"

"Hey," Randy laughed, "What took you so long?"

"I had to ask Candice for money," Cody smirked, "And she had her friends over."

Randy smiled, "Which ones?"

"Maria and Melina. The ones that are always over," He laughed.

Randy laughed, "Ah, nice."

"Yeah, Melina's pretty cute," Cody smiled as he got into the car.

"Dude," Randy said, as he got in the driver's seat, "Candice would kill you. Especially if you hurt her," He laughed.

He shrugged, "Candi isn't gonna do anything," He laughed.

Randy smiled and pulled out of the driveway and began towards the movies.

Justin pulled out a crumbled piece of paper out of his pocket with a number on it. He took a deep breath and grabbed his phone and typed in the number. He bit his lip and hit the call button.

"Hello?" A girl's voice answered.

"Hey, Maria," The South-African smiled, "It's Justin."

"Justin!" Maria looked over at her best friends with a big smile, "How are you?"

"I'm good!" He said, "How are you?"

"I'm good," the red-head bit her lip, "Um, what are you up to?"

"Nothing really…" Justin sighed of boredom, "I'm bored." He laughed.

"Hang on," Maria put her hand over the phone, "Do you think I could invite him over?"

Candice smirked, "Fine, but he has to sneak in. If my mom sees him, I'm screwed."

"Eeep! I love you!" Maria hugged her friend tight then went back to the phone, "Okay, sorry about that!"

"It's fine," Justin chuckled.

"Uh, so, um, do you maybe want to come over to Candice's house? Me, her, and Melina are hanging out. It'd be super fun if you came, too!" She smiled, anxiously.

"Text me where she lives and I'll be right over!" He laughed.

"Yay! Okay, can't wait to see you, Justin," Maria smiled.

"You, too, Maria," He bit his lip, cutely.

New series 3 Hope you guys like it. I'll try to update it more :D