Disclaimer: I do not own anything Total Drama related. I partially own the OC's but that's debatable.

Episode 6, Part II- Frenemies

"Welcome back to Total Drama Fans vs. Favorites!" Chris Mclean says, grinning at the camera. "Before the last commercial break we were just getting on with the team challenge. I only asked two questions to Melinda and Fiona and both of them got it wrong and were dunked into Lake Wawanawkwa, which was hilarious of course!"

"Oh yeah, hilarious." A drenched Fiona says. She is still sitting next to Izzy who now wears a strait-jacket and the button in front of her has been disabled, to keep her from dunking the booth.

"Well it's hilarious from where I'm sitting." Izabella says, snickering at Fiona, whose make-up is running down her face.

"Ahem, getting back to me." Chris says, getting the camera's attention.

"You're such a camera hog." Gwen mutters.

"What's that Gwen? You would like the next question? Okay then." Gwen groans as Chris pulls out an index card. "So, Gwen, what was Eddy's father's job?"


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Gwen: I've watched plenty of Mafia movies. Now what was the leader called? Think, Gwen, think!

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"The….the dan- no Don! The Don of the Mafia!"

"Gwen," Chris says, shaking his head. "You are so…correct! The Screaming Turtles get their first point!" Gwen and Eddy high-five.

"Next question goes to… Noah." Noah sighs. "I can't wait."

"Noah, what is Alejandro's…birth country?"

"Crap um…." Noah looks at Alejandro, who is grinning at him. "Well…it has to be like somewhere in South America. Um, Mexico?"

"Nope! Wrong!" Chris pushes his red button and Noah and Alejandro plunge beneath the water. Chris pushes the button again after a few moments and they emerge. "The correct answer was Bolivia. Then he moved to Mexico and finally resides in Canada for this show!

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Noah: How am I supposed to know that? I'm trying to have as little to do with Alejandro as possible.

. . .

Alejandro: Hmmm, perhaps I should have alerted Noah to my country of origin. No matter it is just one question, I'll get him on my side.

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"Our next question will go to…Greg!"

Static looks nervously at Greg, but he appears very calm.

"Greg who is Static's best friend?" Chris asks. "And don't say Theodore."

"Easy Chris." Greg says. "Static's best friend is…Stella. She helps with her alien hunting."

Static and Chris gape at Greg. "That's…correct. Good job Greg." Chris says. "Killer Snails have tied it up 1 to 1!"

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Static: How did Greg know that? I told Theodore about Stella and hunting aliens. The only way Greg would know that is… (her eyes widen) you don't think…?

. . .

Greg: While I was spying on the competition I did happen to overhear Static telling Theodore some personal information. That was just lucky. But I have a way to ensure us a way to win this challenge.

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"Next question goes to…Mary!"

"Hi Chris!" Mary says, bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Hi Mary." Chris winks at her before reading from the card. "Who is Theodore's role model?"

"Oh um," She looks at Theodore, grinning. "Could it be Sherlock Holmes?"

"Correct! The Screaming Turtles have two points now!"

"Hey, that was unfair!" Heather shouts. "Everyone knows Theodore has an obsession with that guy!"

"It's not an obsession." Theodore mutters.

"The questions are the questions Heather. Deal with it. Next up is… Duncan."

"Yeah, yeah, just get it over with." Duncan says rolling his eyes.

"Duncan, what is the food Owen is allergic to?"

"…you have got to be kidding me! This guy eats anything he can get his hands on! How can he be allergic to anything?" Duncan asks.

Chris shrugs. Owen shrugs as well.

"Fine…let's see…what haven't I see you eat…?"


Owen is eating a bowl of Chef's soup. Duncan stirs around his soup with a spoon but when he lifts the spoon up the end has been melted off. He moves his bowl over to Owen, who slurps it down.

Duncan and Owen are walking by the cabins and they see Chris eating a banana. He finishes half of it then tosses the rest of it into the trash, however his aim is off and the banana ends up landing next to the trashcan. Owen pushes Duncan aside and heads for the banana.

Duncan is sneaking into the kitchen for a midnight snack, he turns on the lights and sees Owen, sound asleep, raiding Chef's fridge. Owen stands up and his arms are full of food from the fridge. He starts walking out the door, passing by Duncan, who stares at him open-mouthed.

"…I got nothing." Duncan finally says.

"Sucks for you then." Chris's presses his button and Duncan and Owen sink under the water. Chris hums a bit of the "Total Drama Theme Song" before they come back up, taking large gulps of breaths.

"Chris!" Duncan coughs. "Chris there was a shark under there with legs!"

"Oh him? That's Fang. He's a mutated shark we brought here specially from-"For some reason Chris stops speaking and looks off camera. "Uh…never mind. Anyway, Fang doesn't really like any camper especially bullies. So you better watch out Duncan."

At this Duncan pales.

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Duncan: A mutated shark named Fang? Now I've seen everything….

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"Moving on…Joe! Would you like to take the next question?" Joe opens his mouth but Chris cuts across him. "Of course you do. So Joe…what is the office Melinda currently holds on her Student Council?"

"Uh…." Joe sneaks a peek at the answers on his arm; however the ink is running from the water. "Uh the um…prescriptionist? No President! I meant President!"

"That is totally…wrong!" Once again Melinda and Joe are pulled under the water. Under the water, Melinda glares at Joe and Joe shrinks into his seat. They go up but not before catching a glimpse of a gray-ish blob moving toward them.

"Yes Melinda does hold the office of President." Chris tells Joe. "But she also is in the offices of Vice President, Treasurer and Historian."

Duncan snorts. "Somebody needs a life." Melinda turns red and stands up in her seat, ready to tackle Duncan. Joe tries holding her back but she shakes him off.

"I'm gonna kill him!" She says jumping at Duncan. However she misjudges how far away she is and lands in the water.

Chris sighs and points off-screen. "You, intern, fish her out. Fang might decide he wants a snack before Duncan's next turn." Chris says. "Not that she'd be missed but I'd have a TON of paperwork to fill out."

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Melinda: (dripping wet) I know I overreacted at Duncan's comment but I happen to take my achievements very seriously.

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"Now that Melinda is above the water." Melinda is back in her seat but she is now also in a strait-jacket matching Izzy's. "Let's go over to...Izabella! You're looking pretty comfortable." Chris says to her.

"Oh yeah I'm comfortable but it's really cold here since I'm next to this frigid bitch." Izabella says pointing at Heather.

"Yeah well I feel sick since I've had to look at your ugly face for so long." Heather snaps.

"I love this team." Chris says, grinning. "Anyway, ahem, Izabella…in which season did Heather win the million dollars?"

"That's an easy one." Izabella says. "Season Three."

"Nope! Wrong!"

"Wait but-" Izabella and Heather plunge under the water.

"Chris, Heather did win in the third season." Gwen says. "Remember, she tricked Alejandro and won but Ezekiel threw the money into the volcano."

Alejandro sighs when she says this.

"Actually Gwen that was the American version. Since we are in Canada we should be following the version where Alejandro won, and so Izabella was wrong."

"Since when are we following the Canadian version?" Melinda asks.

"Probably because the lazy-ass author switched her view on things." Duncan says.

"Shush Duncan we're not supposed to know this is a story." Owen whispers to him.

"Guys stop breaking the fourth wall. We don't know what she'll do to us if she finds out we know." The campers look up to the sky and shiver.

"You know what I think." Eddy says. "I think you just changed the answer so Izabella and Heather would get wet."

"I would never do such a thing!" Chris protested. "But…I did do it. That reminds me they've been down there a long time. I probably should bring them back up before they run out of air." Chris presses the button and Izabella and Heather rise up, gasping for air.

"Chris *pant* I'm gonna *pant* so *pant* ugh never mind." Heather says slouching into her seat.

"The next question goes to…Eddy!" Chris pulls out another index card.

"Where are you keeping all those cards?" Gwen asks.

"That's for me to know and for you not to. Okay, Eddy…what is the name of Gwen's little brother?"

Eddy smirks. "I was actually a fan of this show before I came on it Chris. His name is Michael."

"Ding ding ding! You are correct! That's another point for the Screaming Turtles giving them three and the Killer Snails still only one." Eddy and Gwen high-five again.

"Next question…Owen! How are you doing man?"

"I'm great Chris! Oh I'm just so excited for this challenge!" Owen replies.

"Good to know Owen. So what did Duncan go to Juvie for."

"Oh that's an easy one it's…." Owen looks at Duncan. "Actually I can't tell you Chris, what happens in the tree house stays in the tree house."

"Thanks man." Duncan says, genuinely grateful that Owen didn't tell his secret.

"Aw isn't that sweet. You know what I'm gonna give you the point since we all know you do know. But you're still gonna have to be dunked for not answering the question." Chris presses the button and Duncan and Owen go below the water again.

"What did Duncan go to Juvie for?" Noah asks.

"You don't want to know." Gwen says.

"Believe me, you don't." Heather says.

Underneath the water, Duncan and Owen are dealing with their own problems. Fang, a light gray shark with VERY big teeth and gray colored legs, is trying to chomp on Duncan. Duncan jumps into Owen's arms and let's out an under-water scream. Fang seems to be smiling as he leans in and shows his big teeth to Duncan. At this point the seat rises and Duncan and Owen are out of the water.

Duncan slips out of Owen's arms. "None of you saw that." He tells the other campers.

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Duncan: That was one scary shark! And why does it want to eat me?

. . .

Fang: *putting on a bib and licking his lips*

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"Next goes to…Alejandro!" Alejandro smiles at Chris. "I'm ready for any question you have for me Chris."

"Whatever. What was the first book Noah ever read?"

"Hmmm…I'm assuming since Noah here is so smart that he started reading at a very early age. Therefore he would read books for children. A classic one would be Good Night Moon."

"Is that you final answer?" Chris asks. Alejandro nods. "Well then…you are correct!"

Noah's jaw drops open.

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Noah: Okay, so he had a lucky guess on that one. I'm not saying he impressed me or anything.

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Alejandro: They way to get to Noah is through his mind. So I'll just have to show off my intelligent side. It'll work as well as when I attract the ladies with my looks. Of course…when they find out they all end up hating me…hmmm, maybe that is the flaw in my strategy.

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"Next question is for…Heather." Heather groans. "Heather, what does Izabella want to be after she graduates?"

"Why should I care? Ugh, probably some form of low artist. Except she won't make it far 'cause her paintings suck."

Izabella's eyes flash. "What did you say?" She asks Heather.

"I said your paintings suck. Loser!"

"Oh you-you-" Izabella hits the button in front of causing the seat she and Heather are in to sink into the water. It rises up a few seconds later, Heather spits out water into Izabella's face. "That's it!" Heather hits the button again and the booth goes down. Two seconds later it comes back up, the girls are now screaming at each other and Izabella presses the button again. It goes down then comes back up, the girls now physically fighting with each other, the booth goes down again when Heather presses the button. The girls continue to fight as the booth dunks into the water then rises up every 15 or so seconds.

"Um…shouldn't someone stop them?" Eddy asks Chris.

Chris shakes his head. "Let em' go at it for a few more seconds, this challenge needed a chick fight."

"Ugh this is going to take forever." Fiona says, slumping into her seat.

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Heather: Izabella is the WORST! And I've lived with Leshawna so that's saying something!

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Izabella: I can't STAND Heather. I'm surprised she's actually human and not a classified as a banshee.

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Greg: Thanks to Izabella and Heather distracting everyone I was able to take a look at the cards of questions for Static and myself. If Static plays along we might just be able to win this challenge. If not then…I have no further use for her.

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Static: Greg told me that we needed to cheat to win the challenge. I just…I don't feel right about it. But I don't want to go to elimination. I hope we win.

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Gwen: Eddy is cool…he's a bit like Duncan, but more honorable. I think I might ask him to be in the alliance. We lost Leshawna, Fox, and Izabella so we're on the weaker side.

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Eddy: Gwen's all right. Nice to know someone on this team isn't squeamish around me.

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Fiona: I HATE being paired with Izzy. She says the most random things, likes to blow things up and I think she wants to molest me.

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Izzy: (still in her strait-jacket) Fiona's feisty! She always says 'no' when I ask for a kiss, but Izzy knows 'no' means 'yes'! (laughs)

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"Well after 26 questions the Screaming Turtles have 8 points thanks to Eddy, Gwen, Theodore and Mary but the Killer Snails only have 4 points because Greg and Static were the only ones to get their questions right."

"Gee, I wonder why." Heather mutters, casting a look at Greg, who just looks forward in innocence. All the teams are soaked to the bone except for Eddy and Gwen, Theodore and Mary, and Greg and Static.

"So for our 27 question let's go over to…Fiona." Chris grins at Fiona, who seems to have suffered the most of the dunkings. Izzy is just grinning in anticipation, bouncing around in her strait-jacket.

"Fiona…who was Izzy's first boyfriend?"

"Finally, this I know." Fiona says, sitting up. "Her first boyfriend was Owen of course."

"Um, actually…." Owen starts to say.

"Incorrect!" Chris says. "Izzy's first boyfriend was Fred Weasley. Then she dated in quick succession Percy Jackson, Gale Hawthorne, Sam Winchester, Finn Hudson, Butters, Edward Cullen, Chris Griffin, Hugo Chavez, and Mr. Saturn."

"But those are all fictional-" Fiona is not able to finish her sentence as she is dunked in the water with Izzy.

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Gwen: Who knew Izzy had so many boyfriends.

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Alejandro: I guess it's useless to point out what an arrogant dickhead Chavez is over the people of Venezuela for his constant use of- (the Trapdoor of Shame opens and Alejandro falls down it, screaming as he goes).

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Chris: There is no politics on this show, we profit off exploiting the drama of teenagers. Politics has no place.

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"Now that we've distinguished Izzy has dated some very strange boys and whatever Mr. Saturn is, let us move onto the next question for Theodore!"

"I'm ready Chris." Theodore says, he had been doing pretty well in the competition so far.

"I don't really care. Anyway, Theodore, what disorder does Mary have?"

Mary blushes and looks down at her hands. "Sorry Mary, but I think she has ADHD because of how hyper and inattentive she usually is."

"That is…almost correct. But not totally correct. Sorry man." Chris presses the button and Theodore and Mary sink under the water. "And so goes Theodore and Mary's streak."

He presses the button again and Mary and Theodore rise up out of the water. "Mary does have ADHD but she also has another disorder."

"You said disorder! As in one not plural!"

"Same difference." Chris says waving his hand at Theodore.

"Can we stop using that word please?" Mary asks, shivering from the cold water.

"Fine, whatever. Anyway…Duncan! I haven't ask you a question in a while."

Duncan sighs. "Whatever Mclean."

"So Duncan…what is Owen's favorite food?"

"Again with the food subject?" Duncan shouts. "How can I tell he eats everything in sight?"

"If you do not answer then you will be dunked." Chris says. "And it's right about lunchtime for Fang."

Duncan's eyes widen. "Fine." He thinks then grins. "It's a trick question isn't it? Owen doesn't have a favorite food because he loves all food."

"Is that your final answer?" Duncan nods. "Well that is…incorrect! Say hi to Fang for me." Before Duncan can protest, Chris presses the button and they plunge under the water.

"Ugh, how long do we have to do this?" Fiona groans.

"Until one team gets to ten points," Chris checks his watch. "Which better be soon, I have a manicure scheduled in half an hour."

"Oh God forbid you don't get your weekly manicure." Gwen says.

"Thank you Gwen at least someone understands." Chris says either not aware of the sarcasm or choosing to ignore it. He pushes the button again and the booth rises up, Duncan clinging to Owen in fear. He immediately pushes the big guy away when they reach the surface.

"Owen's favorite food happens to be cheese Duncan. His mom even bought a cheese cellar when she thought he won the first season."

"And I didn't even get to eat any of it." Owen says a tear coming to his eye.

"Anyway, next question is for… Static!" Static looks at Greg nervously and he nods at her. "What is the name of Greg's older brother?"


"Correct! And the Killer Snails now have 5 points! Better watch out Screaming Turtles…."

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Static: I can't believe I helped Greg cheat! (she shivers) What if Greg wants me to cheat again? Or worse! What if Greg's an alien and is using his mind powers on me? (presses her tinfoil hat even further down on her head and curls up into a ball)

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"And the next question goes to…Izzy! Now Izzy, I need you to focus. Pay attention to the words I am saying. Concentrate."

Izzy frowns. "Chris I'm crazy, not mentally retarded."

Joe winces. "Maybe we can use a different word than that. Like mentally challenged?"

"We'll just have to edit that out in the final cut." Chris says, whipping out another index card from nowhere. "Izzy… this is a really easy question, what was Fiona's title at her Prom? It begins with a Q and is always paired with a KING."

"Hmmm…." Izzy thinks about this. "Ooh I know! She was the Court Jester."

Both Chris and Fiona groan. "Sorry Izzy, that's incorrect."

"Yay!" Izzy says before being dunked along with Fiona. "Geez Killer Snails, you sure are sucking today." Chris comments as the booth rises back up. Fiona looks miserable, but Izzy is bouncing in her seat. "Again! Again!"

"Izzy, Fiona was Prom Queen. How you couldn't get that from all the hints I was giving you I will never know…. Moving on…Greg! Your turn!"

Greg smirked as Chris turned toward him. "Greg, what country was Static born in?"

"That would be Wales, Chris."

"Correct! The Killer Snails now have 6 points but the Screaming Turtles still have 8, so it's anyone's game!"

"Just get to the next question!" Heather shouts, thoroughly annoyed with the host. Chris gives her a look. "Fine Heather then YOU can have the next question."

"Fine, wonderful, bring it on. Just do it so I don't have to sit next to THAT," she points at Izabella. "anymore!"

"Oh like you're so sweet and charming." Izabella retorts. Chris sighs and dunks them under the water. "Those two need to seriously cool down. Next question is for…Mary!"

Mary looks up. "Oh…we're still doing the challenge." Theodore facepalms.

"Yes, Mary, yes we are. Your question is: how many cases has Theodore actually solved?"

Mary looks at Theodore sheepishly. "Well I've only seen you've solve one case, so I'll just go with one."

"Correct!" Theodore hangs his head, ashamed. "Now the Screaming Turtles have 9 points. And only need one more point for the win!"

"Um, Chris, I think you're forgetting about something." Noah says, pointing to the empty spot where Heather and Izabella used to be. Chris looks at the spot. "Oh yeah..." The booth rises up with Izabella and Heather, they both take big gasps for air.

"How *pant* could you do *pant* that *pant* AGAIN?" Chris shrugs. "Well since we are running low on time for this chapter- I mean episode," Chris says, seeing the warning looks from the other campers. "We'll go to Gwen, who will hopefully finish this up."

Gwen bites her lip, unsure of herself. "Hey, you've been right so far. What could it hurt?" Eddy asks. Gwen has a lot of answers to that question but she decides not to voice them.

"Gwen if you get this question right, your team wins immunity. If not you will be dunked and a question will go to the Killer Snails. So no pressure." Chris grins and reads from the card. "Gwen, for the win, how does Eddy make most of his money?" Eddy grumbles something about 'giving away family secrets' when he asks this.

"Um…." Gwen looks at Eddy then back at Chris. "I'm gonna go with he hustles them at gambling. I mean like it's a stereotype…."

Chris stares at her. "Is that your final answer?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Are you really sure?"

"Yes I'm really sure."

"Are you really really-"


"Okay, okay, no need to get snappy." Chris looks back at the card. "Gwen…you…are…." Chris takes a deep breath. "Correct!"

Gwen sighs with relief. "The Screaming Turtles have won!" Chris announces. The Screaming Turtles cheer. Gwen and Eddy high-five along with Theodore and Mary. Alejandro and Noah start to high-five, but Noah backs off at the last second.

"Well, it's good to see I'm on a team of hard workers this time." Melinda says. Joe restrains himself from rolling his eyes.

"This is all your fault!" Heather snaps at Izabella.

"My fault? How is it my fault?"

"Maybe if you actually answered a question right-"

"Oh like you did any better-"

"Face it, you both sucked." Fiona says to them.

"Shut it Fiona!" The two girls say to her.

"Oh, c'mon guys, losing isn't that bad." Owen says, trying to raise his team's spirit.

"Well," Fiona says. "The one good thing about us losing is that we get to vote someone out. And I can think of so many possibilities." She looks at Izabella, Heather and Izzy.

"Don't get your vote ready just yet Fiona." Chris says. "The Killer Snails still have to participate in the individual immunity challenge. So all of you climb down and meet me at the campfire pit. That includes you too Screaming Turtles." Chris looks at his red button remote. "Well, I guess I don't need this anymore." He tosses the remote control over his shoulder and walks away. The remote lands on the beach button down, so the button is pressed and all the teams are pulled under the water.

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Greg: Well we lost, I am not too surprised by this. Chris put the people who would get into the most conflicts on one team, which happened to be our team so it definitely didn't work out for us. But the individual immunity challenge does give me more time for plotting and scheming. Starting with Static and the one half of our "star-couple", Izabella.

. . .

Joe: It's a good thing we did win. I mean, I know Melinda is a good person, but she got every question wrong and blamed me for it! Who does that kind of- but I'm not complaining. She can be very…competitive but she has some redeeming qualities like…uh…(he thinks on this) hold on it'll come to me.

. . .

Heather: Izabella and Fiona are the first two on my "vote out" list. And probably Fiona's little servant Static too.

. . .

Static: I really wish we won. This team is already at each other's throats as it is.

. . .

Mary: I'm so glad we won! Now we get to meet the new people on our team!

. . .

Theodore: You know, that challenge could possibly be termed "illegal" since it was basically like water boarding us. Someone should really report Chris to the- (the Trapdoor of Shame opens and Theodore falls down)- not agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaain!

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Campfire Pit

"Campers, welcome to the Individual Immunity Challenge!" Chris says as the campers arrive at the fire pit.

"Um, Chris, what's the catapult for?" Static asks, pointing to the large, wooden catapult dominating the scene.

"Ooh Izzy knows what to do!" Izzy jumps into the catapult, pulls the lever and flings herself into the forest with a "whoop" of exhilaration.

"Well at least we got rid of her." Fiona says.

"Not quite Fiona. For your challenge, Killer Snails, you will be…well basically doing what Izzy just did. We are going to launch you deep into the forest by this catapult and you are going to have to find your way back to camp. The first camper to find their way back wins immunity."

"Question," Theodore says. "Why do you have a catapult in the first place?"

"Well…." Chris looks off-screen and nods. "Well, we were going to use this as the Catapult of Shame instead of the usual Dock of Shame and Boat of Losers. But we decided it would be better used in a challenge.

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Duncan: Chris has done a lot of crazy things to us in the past but a flinging us in a catapult? That's was definitely not in our contracts.

. . .

Theodore: This challenge seems very illegal too. (the trapdoor opens up but Theodore jumps up onto the toilet seat) Ha! I gotcha there! (the trapdoor opens up wider and the toilet and Theodore fall down the hole)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"So, who wants to go first? Well second since Izzy's already gone." Chris looks over at the Killer Snails who are all shifting around nervously. "No volunteers? Fine then. Oh Che-e-ef!" Chef walks over to the campers with a big butterfly net. They see him and start to run as he swings the net at them. He manages to catch Greg and he puts him in the catapult.

"Have a nice trip!" Chris pulls the lever and Greg is flung into the forest, screaming his lungs out. Chef next catches Static and Fiona and both of them are flung into the forest. He catches Owen afterward but when he puts Owen into the catapult, it tips over onto the ground.

"Hm, guess we should have seen that coming." Chris says. "Can I get some interns over here?" A couple interns run over and push the catapult back into place. Chris pulls the lever and Owen is flung into the forest.

Chef looks around for Izabella and Duncan but he can't seem to find them anywhere. Out of the corner of his eye he spots some bushes moving. He walks over and fishes Duncan out of the bushes.

"No, please…." Duncan begs as he is placed in the catapult then flung into the forest.

"Only one crazy left. Where is she?" Chef eyes the Screaming Turtles. "Do you freaks know?" They all shake their heads. Chef walks over to Joe and puts the butterfly net in his face. "You better not be hiding your crazy girlfriend, boy, or else…." Joe gulps and shakes his head. Chef gives him a menacing grimace then continues his search.

Izabella pops up from where she was hiding behind Joe. "Thanks, sweetie." She kisses his cheek (he immediately turns red) and makes to run. "See you guys late-yegh!" She is yanked up by the back of her shirt and faces Chef. She gives a sheepish grin "Oh, you found me, hehe. Yay…." Chef growls at her and stuffs her into the catapult.

"Any last words?" Chris asks her.

"Before I die I just want to say, Joe, I l-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaah!" Izabella screams as she is flung out into the forest.

"And they're off!" Chris says. "The Screaming Turtles have won the challenge and now the Killer Snails play for individual immunity that might be the difference between them staying on the island or being voted out. Who will return to camp first? What is Greg planning on doing to Static and Izabella? Where did Izzy fling herself to? And who will be voted out on the most dramatic Campfire Ceremony yet! We'll be back with more Total Drama Fans vs. Favorites right after these commercials!"

This chapter was meant to be much longer but I thought this was the perfect place to end it. So the NEXT chapter will be the long one since it will be containing the Individual Immunity challenge and the Campfire Ceremony.

I've started school but I will try to update as regularly as I can, I have started a procedure of writing for an hour before I go to bed and so far it's been working pretty well. I should have another update in about two weeks or so. It depends on how long it takes me to write the next chapter of "Alliance…"

I have two other stories prepared to start in a couple months as well. "The Trial of Peter Pettigrew" and "Total Drama Shipwrecked". TDS uses all of my original characters and I hope you guys will check it out if you like this series.

I had the strangest dream when I started this chapter. I was on the island with everyone and I hugged Chris. I have no idea why I hugged Chris but I did. It was strange.

Well, ta ta for now, loves! Time to proofread then upload!