Author's Note: Remember when I said I was going to upload chapter two in a week? I lied. I meant I was going to upload chapter two in two years.

Sometimes, Black thinks he catches a glimpse of that elusive, emerald-haired mystery, but then the moment is over and he's left feeling strange. He doesn't understand the way his chest feels so hollow. Has he always felt this way?


N's words make him feel special, so he replays them to himself at night and falls asleep to the sweet lullabies of the wind.


At the top of Dragonspiral Tower, N is waiting and Black finds himself running towards the other as fast as he can, tripping over his own feet, suddenly desperate. When he feels strong arms wrap around him, he feels tears and chokes them back. He can't cry. Crying is...

He's clutching N's shirt between his fingers as tightly as he can and the older male just smiles and presses their foreheads together. He can feel his breath against his cheeks, closes his eyes, and time stops. For the first time in weeks, Black feels as if he can breathe.


When they meet again in front of the fallen Champion, N is not the person that Black knew. He avoids eye contact with the brunette; his eyes have glazed over with the surge of power, with the knowledge that he's doing what he thought was right. Black feels rooted to the floor as he watches everything silently. N disappears amidst the chaos.

Black takes his time going through the Team Plasma castle. He drags his feet. Serperior croons victoriously as he defeats the last member and he sighs heavily because this is it. Through those doors, N is waiting and Black isn't ready, but he pushes through and his breath catches in his throat.

But he can't have him so he hangs back. He's not listening anymore, just wanting, desperately wanting, and then, everything goes wrong. Reshiram is behind him, roaring furiously. And after all that's happened, N approaches him slowly and touches his cheek. He reaches up to clutch desperately at a thin white shirt, trying to anchor the other to him as he begs with his eyes to just stay, to be with him, to make everything work out. He needs this more than he's ever needed anything before and if only for his sake, N has to stay.

"You said you have a dream. That dream... Make it come true! Farewll!"

It's a bittersweet whisper and with that, N gently unclenches his fingers, drops a kiss on his forehead, and disappears.

Black screams.


He doesn't remember much of what happened that day, doesn't remember Cheren running up to hold him back, doesn't remember crying his eyes raw. He's champion now, whatever that means, and his days are filled with faceless reporters and things he has to do. He's tired. So tired.

Black spends what free time he has alone and listens to Reshiram croon as it flies back and forth, finally landing with a great thud next to him. It regards him warily and he wonders if he's gained its trust yet. He holds out his hand and the great dragon meanders over, letting out a soft growl as it closes its eyes. Its feathers are softer than anything he's ever touched before and he wonders where N is. Wonders when he messed everything up.


It's the middle of the night when something nudges him awake. He fumbles in the darkness for his lamp but there's no time before some shrill squeaks - Cinccino, is that you? - are urging him forward. He finds himself on the roof of his house, the cool wind playing with his bedhead, and Reshiram beckons him onto its back. Sleepily, he wanders over and barely manages to hold on before it takes off.

The sudden rush wakes him up like a cold shower and he admires the small dots of light that glow below them like stars. After what seems like forever, Reshiram suddenly descends into a forest he thinks he might have once known and he spends the night there, huddled beneath a giant wing that keeps him warm.

In the morning, Emolga brings him berries and he eats them slowly without question. His Pokemon know him better than his friends do, better than he knows himself, and he manages a weak smile when the animal chirps happily. Maybe he just needs some time away.


He's sleeping when a tender caress rouses him. He blinks wearily and when he smells the faint scent of vanilla, he jerks awake, eyes searching desperately, but nobody's there. He's breathing heavily and it feels like he's falling. He starts running.

Black isn't sure where he's going, isn't sure what's pulling at him, but something is out there. He's out there. He knows; it's a nagging feeling that keeps him going even when he trips and scrapes his palms. It's like being 5 all over again. He's biting back tears of frustration - he sure has been crying a lot lately - and sees a hand held out to him.

"I didn't mean for you to come after me," a familiar voice says quietly and he's so shocked he can't do anything. Finally, with a shaky hand, he reaches for him and touches a cool cheek. He's real. You left me, he wants to say, but only a choked sob comes out and N shushes him soothingly, kneeling to hold him.

He doesn't know how long they stay like that, wrapped in an awkward embrace, but it's perfect. Black leans up to brush his lips against a pale neck and he's almost frantic, almost scared. Slim fingers run through his hair to calm him down, a sweet voice whispering in his ear. He wants to tell him everything, how badly he's missed him, how everything's fallen apart without him, how much he needs him. How is it when he needs them the most, the words won't come?

"It's alright, I know," N murmurs, tilting his chin up to kiss away salty tears he almost hadn't noticed. "I know."


They're lying on the grass and N's teaching him the constellations, their hands linked between them. His voice is gentle and kind, makes him sleepy, and he leans in a little closer. He curls up against the taller male, fingers tracing shapes on the other's stomach.

N tangles their fingers together and lifts them up to kiss the back of his hand. He pulls himself up until he's leaning right over him, his eyes flutter shut, and he whispers against his lips before he presses them together.

His heart beat is fast, is loud and he hopes N can hear what he's trying to say.

I like you.