Because I am an evil, evil person.

"Come on, Thor! Push harder!"

Thor shot a glare at his brother. "Me?" he groused, pausing to wipe the sweat glistening along his forehead. "You're just lying there!"

Loki scoffed. "Well, it's not like there's much I can do from this angle."

Thor rolled his eyes and prayed for patience. The following silence was broken only by Thor's rhythmic grunts.

"Try spreading your legs a little. You'll get more leverage."

Thor stilled his exertions to cut another exasperated look at Loki. "You know," he sighed. "This might go smoother without the running commentary."

"Sorry," Loki replied, sounding anything but. "I just thought that you'd be better at this sort of thing."

"Well, it's not like I've had the most experience!"

"I can tell."

Thor blinked the sweat from his eyes and continued. After a few minutes, he paused, his brow creased in worry. "Hmm," he hummed.

"What now?" Loki sighed.

"I think it's stuck."

Loki's eyes popped wide. "What?" he shrieked. "It can't be!"

"Well, I'm sorry!" Thor snapped. "I told you something that big is supposed to fit into something that small!"

"That's just because you're doing it wrong," Loki sneered.

"Well, if you're the expert, you try to get it out!"

Loki huffed but did not argue for once. He and Thor shifted until their places were exchanged, and Loki tugged, using all of his body weight, teeth gritted in determination. Eventually he had to pause for breath.


"You see?" Thor grumbled.

"Well... okay." Loki frowned, running a hand through his dark hair. "Maybe if we both pull at the same time?"

"Fair enough."

Loki counted to three, and then both brothers heaved, pulling in opposite directions. Eventually they slumped, panting.

"I think I felt it shift a little," Thor said.

"Me, too."


For the second time, the brothers combined their strength, this time pulling until Mjolnir slid free.

Thor hefted his hammer with a sigh of relief. He'd told Loki that Mjolnir wouldn't be able to open the Bifrost the way Heimdall's sword or Odin's spear could.

"Maybe we should have put it in handle first," Loki mused.

Thor shook his head and walked away before his brother could say anything else.

...what did you think they were doing, you pervs? XD