DISCLAIMER: CLAMP's Card Captor Sakura is not mine. However, the made-up characters in this story are.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Newbie here. This story is an experimental one, so, sorry for the grammatical errors and such. :)

i. Catwalk 1: Just go with it, please.

Lights continue to shimmer. Chatters about the new line of clothing were passed from one mouth to another. Nonstop flashes of camera added to the lightness of the hall. Behind these rather busy things were the sounds of a stressed manager of the most anticipated fashion show in Tokyo – Tokyo Trend 2K11…

"Oh. My. God. Please hurry up people! We only have 30 minutes until the show starts! Are the models ready? Where is Sakura? She should be here by now!" shouted Mr. Ki, the manager for the fashion show, continued to shout as the make-up artists, models, and production staffs work like ants.

"Here!" a green-eyed gorgeous lady shouted.

"Oh Sakura! Where have you been?" asked Mr. Ki.

Sakura grimaced. Even though she's known Mr. Ki, her manager, for the past five years, she still isn't used to hearing his weird voice that is slightly one octave higher than that of a soprano. "I was caught on traf…" she tried to explain.

"Shush now, darling, and get dolled up. You need to rock my show tonight!"

Sakura rolled her eyes. Many people expect a lot from her. Well, she really can't blame them for she really does meet their expectations. One is from her stepmother who wants her to meet all of the guys she sets her up with and display an elegant manner and wishes to shower her with plenty of money and jewelleries, which she always does, by the way. And, there is also her manager, who always, as in always, wants and makes her present in all of the shows he arranges for her. Her fans are also added in the list for they always expect her to project a wonderful image to the media and to always do a great job in the fashions show she does.

"Ugh! I'm getting tired of this. I hope something good happens to me… Like love or something cool…" Sakura's thought were soon interrupted by the voice she familiarly hears for the past five years.

"Sakura! It's time." Mr. Ki shouted.

"Okay." Sakura said while looking at the mirror.

"Wow. You looked so goddess-y, my dear." Mr. Ki said, with a hint of adoration of her beauty.

"No wonder you're always chosen as main model. You never fail to rock the garments you wear!" Naoko said. Naoko was her friend since high school. Sakura and she became friends because they were in the cheerleading squad. Sakura never thought of Naoko being a model for she likes books. Hence, she thought that Naoko was going to be a writer. However, she was surprised that Naoko also pursued a modelling career, which was just as successful as hers now.

"I bet even in a tattered piece of clothes, you'll still look good." said another model.

"Thank you. And stop with the praises already. I'm getting embarrassed here" Sakura said while blushing.

"Okay. Up Up! Go rock the show!" Mr. Ki said as he/she guided Sakura towards the catwalk.

As Sakura stood, walked and strutted her stuff to the catwalk, all of the people hushed, cameras were totally focused on her, guys were openly gaping at her beauty, women were watching with envy, and the producers of the show have smug on their faces for Sakura once again showed Tokyo that she is by far the most renowned model of today.

The door the leads to the parking lot instantly opened as Sakura walked in. "Ugh. I'm so tired." She said as she sighed. While she was looking for her car, her phone rang. Sakura groaned. As soon as Mr. Ki calling flashed thru her phone, she turned it off. "I think I deserved a night off for myself after having to rock the fashion show tonight." Sakura said mimicking Mr. Ki's voice as she bounced happily towards her car. Mr. Ki was going to be angry at her tomorrow for secretly going home even if the after party for the show didn't start yet. But Sakura doesn't mind because she was really tired and she has been planning on visiting her best friend Tomoyo.

However, her plan was soon interrupted when someone called for her.

"Sakura! Wait up!" Akio called.

Akio Toko was her co-model slash full-time suitor. Akio stands 6'2 in height, has blue eyes, and a silver hair. His overall look screams 'eat me' for he is the male counterpart of Sakura as a supermodel in Tokyo. Despite his godly looks, what the people don't know is that Akio is an overbearing, proud, and manipulative man. He will do anything just to get accepted at castings on huge production fashion shows in Tokyo. Only Sakura knows of this because she has been with Akio most of her life. Akio was her childhood friend and he has been courting Sakura ever since she started her modelling career. And Sakura perfectly knew why he has been courting her, so that he can become more popular.

"Oh for fuck's sake, not now…" Sakura grumbled as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples as if having a headache.

"Sakura! Where are you off to? Wanna come to my place?" Akio asked hoping that she'll say yes because he certainly plans on doing something to her that night.

"Uhh.. I'll meet someone at the bar…" Sakura lied

"Who? What bar?" Akio asked.

"You know… The newly opened one… with some guy…"

"Some guy?" Akio asked, his eyes darkening at the thought of Sakura with some guy.

Sakura noticed this and she didn't like it one bit. So, instead of telling the truth in order to calm Akio, she even heightened his anger by adding more lie to the long list of lies she fabricated just to avoid having a relationship with Akio and Akio himself.

"Uh yeah. Didn't I tell you? I already have a boyfriend so stop with the courting already. No matter how much effort you put into courting me and getting in my pants won't work because I'm not like those other girls you can easily charm! I'm more than that because I know you. I know that you're really not interested in me. You're just in it for the fame." Sakura blurted out.

"What! Are you crazy? I.. I.. can't do that to you, you know." Akio reasoned out.

"Pfft" Sakura said as she rolled her eyes. "Will you already stop with the reasons? I have someone to meet up and I'm going to be late." She said.

"I'm going with you. I want to see this 'SOMEONE' you're meeting."

"NO! You can't! He's the jealous type. " Sakura tried to reason out.

Akio rolled his eyes. He knew that Sakura is trying to make again, another SOMEONE, to make him avoid her. "Well how can I believe if that SOMEONE is real and not someone you're trying to make up just to avoid me? And yes, I know of your little white lies you've fabricated the whole time" Akio said.

Sakura was shocked she didn't know he knew of her fabricated lies. So she said something that she's going to regret in 3 seconds. "Fine. You can go with me. But I will not going to introduce him to you. Just watch from a distance. Got it?"


"Fine!. But just.. just.. follow me!" Sakura said irritably.

The newly opened bar, Tokyo Tempo, was jam packed. Many people tried getting in but only VIPs and those with connections get a free pass. When Sakura walked in, all eyes turned to her but she didn't mind because her eyes were set on someone that is alone and that she can corner. Unfortunately, she's having a hard time finding that someone for all of the guys in the bar seemed to have a date already. "Seems like karma is going down on me." She bitterly thought.

She looked behind and spotted Akio watching her like a hawk. "Ugh. He really is adamant in seeing that someone!" Just before Sakura's face turned to the dance floor, she spotted someone at the counter drinking alone. "Just what I'm looking for. Thank God!" She thought.

She hurriedly went to the counter and just as the guy was about to drink his vodka, Sakura grabbed hold of his hand. The guy's right eyebrow then went up a notch higher and asked, "Do you need something?" he asked. He didn't like it when he was disturbed especially when he is in deep thought. The guy looked at Sakura from head to toe. The moment he did that, he was instantly captivated by her beauty especially her eyes. Those gorgeous eyes that possessed his favourite colour – green. This is probably the first time he finds himself looking straight at a girl. "She looks decent. Gorgeous even" he thought. So, since he found the woman standing beside him attractive and his type, at that, he considered forgiving her for stopping his moment of drinking.

Without further delaying anything, Sakura then said, "Do you see the guy behind me, silver hair, black suit, watching me like a hawk? Don't look at him so obviously. Okay. I'm about to do something that you might find disturbing and irking but please, just go with it. I promise after this I will do whatever you want." She said.


But before the guy can say anything, Sakura grabbed his face and inserted her tongue in his mouth. The guy's eyes widened but after a few seconds, he seemed to enjoy the deed that Sakura is doing to him. They were at it like there's no tomorrow and after for what seemed like an eternity, they both needed air so they unwillingly stopped kissing… with tongue.

"Wow." The guy exclaimed. He was surprised with the kiss but rather than getting angry, he held sympathy for the girl because when she did that, she seemed desperate. Also, it seems that cupid struck on him because for the first time in his life he enjoyed some stranger, a hot stranger, kissing him. He frequently gets kissed a lot randomly back at Hong Kong and he hates it. When something like that happens, he usually lets his men do the something about the stranger who kissed him. He then remembered what she told him a few minutes ago… "I promise after this I will do whatever you want." Maybe he could use that to get acquainted with the girl. The woman was a beauty and he sure doesn't want to waste this chance of a lifetime meeting such an exquisite beauty. Besides that, he has nothing interesting to do until his cousins arrive tomorrow. With that, the guy decided to use this night to try and charm the girl.

"Is the guy still there?" Sakura asked hoping that Akio somehow got the message and left.

The guy turned around and said, "Nope. No gray hair."

Sakura laughed. "It's silver and I'm sorry for kissing you."

"It's okay. I pretty much enjoyed it myself. You're a good kisser, by the way." The guy said with a wink.

Sakura blushed for it is only now that she noticed how hot, as in hot-hot, the guy she kissed is. He bleeds sexiness and the guy has this messy, unruly, but sexy brown hair, has an amber eye that any woman would die to have a glimpse of, and even in a suit, she can say that he has a body that can beat even that of Hercules'. O-kay. Maybe that was an exaggeration but the guy is really good-looking. Dangerously good-looking.

"Aren't you like… like.. mad or something? I mean… a total stranger just kissed you."

"I get that a lot especially back at Hong Kong. Girls just love to kiss me. Also, how can I be mad when a hottie like you gets to kiss me?" The guy said, obviously trying to flirt with her.

Sakura blushed even more. She was used to flirting. However, this time, she seemed shy because she finds the guy attractive and she is usually like this when talking to someone she likes. " No wonder you get kissed a lot. I mean, look at you. You ooze sexiness. Oh, this may be rude but may I ask your name so we can address each other properly? I'm Sakura. Sakura Kinomoto."

"Xiao Lang Li. Thanks for the compliment" He winked. Sakura blushed. "I believe you, too, ooze sexiness." He added. Sakura blushed even more. "Okay… is today blushing day?" Sakura thought.

" I remember you saying that after kissing me, you'll do whatever I want. Isn't that right?" Xiao Lang then said.

"Xiao Lang… Oh and Uhh …Yeah I'll do anything you want" Sakura said rather awkwardly.

"Alright then. Since I have no one here to accompany me, how about you spend your night with me?" Syaoran asked but then he thought for awhile because what he just said was like rude or something. "Not like have sex, you know. Just spend your night with me, talking…" Xiao Lang added.

Sakura laughed. "I get it. I get it. No need to expound."

The two talked, laughed, and shared their views on random things. Xiao Lang found out that Sakura was avoiding that Akio guy that's why she kissed him, she's 22, a model, she likes strawberries and bears, and her favourite colour is pink. On the other hand, Sakura also learned many fast facts about Xiao Lang like his lust for chocolates, he's 24, his favourite colour is green, he's not Japanese, and that he's a very, as in, very quick-tempered. Sakura didn't bother asking him what he does for a living because she already assumed that he's a businessman and she really doesn't like to pry on the more personal stuffs about someone. Besides, they just met so, maybe one of these days she'll know what his job is.

Their glorious moment of getting-to-know-each-other has been interrupted when Sakura's phone rang. Uso Mama Calling… flashed onto Sakura's phone. She then grimaced when she saw who was calling.

"Uhm. Excuse me. I gotta take this." She said.

"Go ahead. I don't mind" Xiao Lang said whilst flashing his sexy smile. Sakura blushed, again, for the nth time.

With that, Sakura headed to the washroom to answer her call and just when Sakura left, Xiao Lang's phone also rang.


"Syao-syao! Pick us up tomorrow at 1 okay?"

"Mei Lin? Okay okay. And, enough with the Syao-syao nickname. Is tha all?" Xiao Lang rolled his eyes, irritated at being called that name.

"Ooooh… Why the hurry? Busy or something?" Mei Lin asked. Mei Lin is Xiao Lang's most annoying cousin. Mei Lin is a petite woman and has a fair complexion. Also, she has this jet black hair that is always tied into two buns. She was currently holding her phone in between her head and shoulder as she packs her clothes into her luggage. According to Xiao Lang, they will be at Japan for a year at most, and if ever they finish what they came to finish in the country, they will return to Hong Kong immediately.

"I'm with someone" Xiao Lang said.

"For real? Oooooh. I want to meet her! Is she pretty? Is she sex…"

Just as his cousin was babbling, Sakura came out so he instantly said his goodbye to Mei Lin.

"Hey" Xiao Lang said. He then noticed that Sakura was kind of pissed so he asked "Is everything okay?"

"Apparently not" Sakura said sadly. "I gotta go. You know… curfew shit" she said embarrassedly.

Xiao Lang laughed because he found it cute for Sakura to be embarrassed. "Want me to drop you?"

Sakura contemplated on this. What are the odds that some paparazzi will see them? It's already three in the morning and she's dead sure that no one would be that crazy to follow her. And besides, those twenty minutes of ride from this club to her condo is another plus time for her to be with Xiao Lang. Truth to be told, she just met the guy but she feels comfortable around him so then she said "Okay."

"Let's go then." He said.

The ride was surprisingly quiet. Not that boring-quiet, but comfortably-quiet. Just as the silence was broken, Sakura was also broken from her reverie of thoughts when Xiao Lang spoke. "Tomoeda Towers, right?"

"Right. Hehe. Uhm. Thanks for dropping me. I had a really great time. It's like I re-acquainted with an old friend. "

"You're always welcome" Xiao Land said as he closed the gap between him and Sakura. "Do you want to come to my place tomorrow? I know it's too fast but my cousin wants to see you and she's kind of a spoiled brat so I couldn't say no to her" he reasoned. Mei Lin

"Of course. I think I'll be free at around two in the afternoon"

"Great. I can pick you up then after picking them up." Xiao Lang said

"Okay then. See you tomorrow."

When Sakura opened the door and was about to come out, Xiao Lang grabbed her elbows and kissed her passionately… and they were at it again, just like few hours earlier back in the club.