Tank Dempsey woke from a short nap. He still remembered that Him, Takeo, Nikolai, and Richtofen had made a crawler and left it crawling very slowly. Now the crawler was right in front of him, it's yellow eyes glowing madly. He shot the freakbag with a AK74u.

"Die, maggot addict!" he yelled greatfully, awakening the others.

"Dempsey, what's your freaking problem?" Nikolai asked.

"I have no energy, I have no honor..." Takeo spoke.

"Both of you just shut up! I just killed the crawler for all of us, you're lucky I woke just when it came up to us." Dempsey replied. He watched Richtofen trying to repair the teleporter. Dempsey never understood why he was brought with all of these people first to Shi No Numa, next Der Riese, after that Kino Der Toten, and now, Acension. He could of swore he saw Richtofen before Shi No Numa, but it's all somehow a blur. It's the same to both Nikolai and Takeo. Only Richtofen knows what happened before the Shi No Numa zombie-fighting crap.

"I think it's just about finished!" Richtofen sqeaked.

"Let's leave this horrible place! Maybe the next one will have more Vodka for me!" Nikolai said hopefully. Richtofen turned on the teleporter, and off they went. But.. something was wrong. They wouldn't stop appearing at random places until they stopped in a small dark room.

"Oh great. What the hell just happened now?" Dempsey asked furiously.

"I don't know. I know I set everything up right..." Richtofen's voice drifted away. Just after that Takeo threw up.

"Ugh, not now! It will smell like crap zombies again!" Nikolai moaned.

"That's it," Dempsey shouted, Banging on the door. "Hey? Hey! Is there anyone out there? We're stuck in this room!"

Nikolai also tried to bang on the door. "Hello? There is a Russian stuck in the room! This is not good!"

Richtofen tried to speak too. "Excuse me, is there anyone out there that would be willing to help? Hellooo?"

"I'm blind, I'm blind, in my eyes!" Nikolai cried.

"Holy shitballs, me too... What did you do Richtofen!" Dempsey questioned.

"I did nothing. Where's the light switch? Oh. I think I found a lever. Perhaps this will turn on the light." Richtofen said.

"Ooh, AAH!. Let go, that's... not... a... LEVER! Richtofen!" Dempsey yelled furiously.

"Haha! Shhh! Did you hear that?" Richtofen asked.

"Uhh, Sounded like someone outside. Hey, you! Hey! I need vodka!"Nikolai yelled.

"Hello? Could you help us? There must be a blown fuse or something. It's dark in here." Richtofen asked.

"Who the hell...was that?" a voice asked. It was a woman's voice.

"Oh my god...it's a GIRL!" Dempsey screamed.

"Who are you, anyway?" another voice asked.

"My name is Edward Richtofen. It's so dark in here. Could you see if there is a fuse or something that's blown?"

After about 15 minutes, a light goes on in the dark room.

"Ah much better, now I can see the problem. We must have gone too far in the future. Look, the teleporter is completely broken. The time circles are damaged. We'll have to reboot the-" Richtofen was cut off by Dempsey.

"Wait, you took us here on purpose! Where are we?"

"A better question Dempsey is when- ..." Richtofen was again cut off, but by Nikolai.

"Oh look at this blinkey light, oh what´s this button do?"

"Nikolai, NOOOOOOO!'" Richtofen screamed."Oohhh great Nikolai, you just activated the MDT security system."

"Good." Nikolai said.

Richtofen began to speak to the voices outside again. "Excuse me! You outside, ja... the handsome one. We need you to locate the power sources of the security system. They look like little half domes with a hole on top ..kinda like a big... forget it. If you destroy them, it should shut down the security system."

They heard footsteps walking away.

~Meanwhile, on Call Of The Dead...~

So, what WAS going on here? Sarah Michelle Gellar thought. First she was fighting zombies, now she has to help evil- sounding strangers find some secret power sources or something. Soon she was thinking why she even took the deal of acting on this movie, "Call of the dead" it was called. Now their director, George Romero, was a freaking electro-zombie or whatever! Why couldn't she just leave this place? Who are those people behind the door? So many questions she needs answered. Her, Robert Englund, Michael Rooker, and Danny Trejo were working on the movie, but now they have to fight zombies. She had to admit, she WAS pretty good at it though.

"So, where is that fuse those guys are talking about?" Sarah asked.

"Not sure. Let's all split up and look though" Michael suggested. The one question was, how are they going to get George Romero away from them?


What do you all think? I was going to do this on my new account for zombies and stuff, shootinzombiegirl. But Fanfiction F***ed up and I have to wait two days before posting stuff on my new account. Review please! You can also ask me ideas for the next chapters. I look forward to hearing from you guys! Thanks!
P.S sorry it was a little short, but I was running out of ideas. :)