I'm planning to have around 13 Chapters in the first installment. (And hopefully the other installments as well.)
Please review with nice words. This IS my First Fic after all.
I would also like to thank Suki_Itami2010 for helping me Beta Read! She was very excellent, very fun to talk to and the corrections that she made were excellent! I'm looking forward to the next time I work with her to make the next Story in this series. We also planned to edit each other's stories, thanks to the easiness of Google Docs. :)
Please ENJOY!
There has been an Urban Legend of three people that saved a thousand people only using seven guns, and the purest teamwork that you would ever see. The three were extremely close, since they have been great friends since the 70's.
They bunked together, fought together, ate together, went everywhere, (maybe not everywhere), together, well, you get the idea. They were inseparable. Their names are Alexander Mason, Franklin Woods, and Johnathan Moreno. This story starts after the events leading up to the imminent death of Dragovich, (a.k.a. Dragobitch).
POV: Moreno
"Attention, operatives," General Gravens said. "We have found the location of the supposedly 'deceased' Sergeant Frank Woods. He's alive."
Everyone gave a puzzled look around the room, I for one. K.I.A., and yet he's still alive? Sounds like a trap to me.
"Captain Mason found an electronic mailing message sent by somebody codenamed 'X'," Gravens continued, "Now for his rescue mission, we need the most experienced team to go to the Hanoi Hilton, in which he was suppose to be staying at after his incident with the grenade explosion. We need people who are willing to go into danger knowing that this e-mail is actually a trap and not true what so ever. Who would be volunteering to go along with this mission?"
"I would love to go along in this operation," a voice said.
I looked at the speaker; so did a few others. Alexander Mason. Forty years of age. Grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska. I'm usually good at identifying very well known soldiers in the force. This guy has been very well known since he killed Stiner, Dragovich, and Kravchenko - the three most wanted Russians in the Cold War. Since it is over, Americans and Russians are starting to get along quite nicely. I'm not an American, however. Needless to say, I'm actually a proud Canadian with a Colombian heritage.
"Excellent," Gravens said, "but we need two more just to help back up the Captain here."
"I'll go along. To get him is worth the risk."
I turned to the new speaker, his name was Jason Hudson. At forty-one years of age, he has the known nickname of "Mr. Shades." Probably because he wore sunglasses a lot. I wouldn't know since I was still kind of an outcast, despite my arrival three weeks ago. It also might be because I really wasn't paying attention around the office.
"Okay, great," Gravens said. "Now we need one more solider. Any takers?"
No one else spoke up to the large group or raised their hand. Not a lot of people knew this guy, so why would they run blindly into a highly possible trap for this rather careless soldier that has been missing for a really fucking long time?
"Well, I guess that I have to pick someone then," Gravens sighed. "How about you, Moreno?"
"Me?" I asked, sticking a thumb against my sternum. I sworn I could have felt at least thirty-five different pairs of eyes trained on me, and I especially knew this soldier.
Johnathan Moreno. Thirty-nine years of age. Super awesome but kinda weird. He went to the most prestigious camps all over the world for his twenty years of training. I don't know abut his look entirely, though...
"Yes you," Gravens confirmed. "You arrived here in like what, three weeks or so ago? You are relatively new to the force but your test results are flawless, and you are a higher rank than most of us here, excluding me of course."
Now I definitely felt thirty-five pairs of eyes full of jealousy trained on me. Since I haven't been on an actual search and rescue mission before, I thought I would give it a try.
"I accept," I said.
"Great!" exclaimed Gravens. "We have the three we need to rescue Woods. Mason, Hudson, and Moreno, come by my office tomorrow morning at zero-six-hundred hours sharp for a mission briefing!"
"Yes, sir!" All three of us shouted in unison.
With that, the meeting was disbanded.
After the meeting, I walked back to my room. It was empty except for my belongings next to the bed on the far right corner of the room. There were three other beds that were unoccupied. It mysteriously felt like home. I know where this room is more than the actual location of the bathrooms still, and it felt like my "sanctuary" for the past three weeks. I'm weird. I know.
"Hey, Moreno," a voice behind me said. I wheeled around only to be faced by Captain Mason himself. "Seeing that three of the beds in this room don't belong to anyone else, Hudson and I were just wondering if we were able to sleep here for the night. Since we are all gonna wake up together anyways to go to the General at the same time, it would seem logical. You can say no if you do mind us crashing here for the night. I thought that it would be a nice gesture, since you are new to the office."
I smiled at how generous Mason was with me. "Yes!" I said with excitement. "Please, be my guests!"
I felt so happy that I wouldn't have to sleep alone tonight, but I couldn't sleep for some reason. I just twirled a ring in my hand that used to belong to my now ex-girlfriend.
She just didn' me anymore. Point finale. I asked her what I did wrong with our relationship. Like a total John, I blamed myself for anything that goes wrong around me.
"What?," I said, dumbfounded. "You-You're breaking up with me?"
"Yes," she replied. "I just don't love you anymore."
I frantically tried to fix the relationship...
"What can I do to make it up to you? Want me to take you out to more dates? More gifts? More awesomeness?" no avail.
"No. Nothing can make me love you again."
I slumped my head downwards.
"It's because I haven't been seeing you as much as I should have been, right?"
She looked down, as if she felt "ashamed". I'll be the first to call bullshit on that. "Sort of. It's also because you embarrass me since you're too...unattractive."
I looked up with anger, rage, and sorrow- the worse combination of feelings. We shared our last argument together that night. Ever.
That bitch was such a whore! We were engaged to each other for fucks sake! I threw the ring down on the ground in the frustration that my love life isn't thriving like I hope for. So I'm weird and unattractive?! Just fucking great!
I heard some sheets rustle to my left.
"Ugh... Are you okay, Moreno?" Hudson asked. "It sounded like you are really upset with something..."
"No, I'm fine Jason," I replied. "It has nothing to do with you. It's just...girl problems."
"Ah, I see," he acknowledged. "Well, I won't want to go too in depth with that. Go to bed soon John."
"I will...don't worry about me."
He chuckled. It might be something to do with my perfect marks in the tests that I had to do to see if I qualified with standards. I apparently surpassed the expectations of everyone training me.
"Good night, Moreno," he said before slipping into the land of dreaming.
"G'night, Hudson," I said back.
I just sat there waiting for the sweet darkness to engulf me into subconsciousness. The last thing I thought of before I drifted off was, "Why is this 'Woods' guy so important to the force?" Unknowing about the events that would unfold in the future.
Woods' POV:
I just sat there caressing the large cut on my left arm that I had just gotten not that long ago. Those Communist bastards can go fuck themselves for all the torture they have caused me over the past six months! I felt horrible, tired, and, well, weak.
Oh how I hate the word...! I like to be strong all the time and to not let my guard down, because when I do, shit happens. Oh how I missed my long time partner, Alex. I haven't seen him since my jump out the window with that son-of-a-bitch Kravchenko.
I sacrificed my self to save Mason. If I didn't, then both of us would've been dead by the grenade explosion. I miraculously survived the explosion at point blank.
I, to this day, still wonder if an angel or some shit was looking out for me. I'm not religious, but when stuff like that happens, you just think about how lucky you are to be alive...
Fuck that. I would rather be dead than be here at the Han-Shit Hilton. The N.V.A. found me unconscious and apparently paid ¥400000 to the hotel to get one floor to themselves to just...torture me. To get answers, I think. I'M SORRY I DON'T SPEAK VIETNAMESE, COMMUNIST ASSHOLES.
Mason. I hope you can find me, and soon. I can't take this anymore. I just wanted to see a comforting face for once in three months, but I'm guessing that it won't happen anytime soon. I-I believe that they might do stuff to me in the very near future that would be...sexually invading...
Come and find me, please.
And now I pray, for the first time in my life...