After that little fiasco, Caine and Drake proceeded to galumph through the streets of Perdido Beach and whisk through the fields. As they walked joyously, they noticed the sun shining down on a lovely garden, where Dekka was planting rhubarb.

"Oh, hello darlings! Would you be so kind as to pass me the pips designated for the growth of roses?"

Drake then arched his back and looked to the sky, projectile vomiting seeds into the atmosphere.

"Sweet joy Roger!" said Caine.

Then a massive fight broke out between Dekka and Drake, with the boy with the teeth expelling nature products from his mouth and the gardener cancelling out gravity like it was nobody's business.

The fight ended when Drake threw up a note.

To Drake, my apple flavoured dumpling.

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough with my previous clue. Not only are we indoors, but we are also having lunch. It's goat cheese.

Sincerely, your Fanta guzzling party pooper.

"Drake, how is it that you're throwing up so many things? I've never seen someone projectile vomit thousands of rose seeds and a note before. Perhaps your gag reflex is out of whack, as the kiddies would say these days. Have you ever considered going to see a doctor about that? Also, why did you eat rose seeds, and where in your body were they being stored? Is it that you are like a chipmunk, and store them in your cheeks? Or perhaps you are like a cow and have four stomachs, with one designated for seeds? Either way, I-"

Rollboy appeared in Caine's mouth.

"Blaugh." Caine screeched to the heavens as Rollboy moved out of his mouth chasm and into the outside world.

"I have crawled out of Caine's mouth to tell you both to move on South!"

"Which way is South?" asked Caine, unfazed by the fact that a pixie on a cloud just appeared in his head.

"I've got an app for that." Said Drake, digging his GooseBerry out of his pocket. He pressed some buttons and it started to float.

"We follow the phone 'til duck!"


"I mean dusk!"


They pranced.