Drake was playing DDR.

Caine walked in.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Drake paused the game, turned to Caine and said, "I'm playing a J-Pop song by Jun called Kimono Princess. It's about a girl at a festival and she sees a guy dancing and falls in freaky love."

"Ah, young love…" Caine said.

Drake rolled his eyes and continued. Caine decided to roast marshmallows so he lit up the fire place. A Life sized Sarah Jessica Parker Barbie fell from the chimney.

All of a sudden, a life sized Diana Ladris appears!

"What are you too doing?"

"We're holding boom mics." Caine said.

"Yeah, and we need to mentally prepare." Said Drake, who had paused the game again.

"You need to mentally prepare to hold a boom mic?" asked Diana.

But before they could answer she screamed and they landed on the beach.

"Oh hey! Are we at the pharmacist's office?" asked Drake.

"No." said Caine.

Then Diana exploded.

"Oh hey! This is like that time we were in the greenhouse!" said Drake, who was checking the weather on his RedBerry.

"Uh, look." said Caine, who was pointing at a forest.

It turns out they had been transported to the beach where Sam and Quinn had ended up after falling off of the cliff. Three paths were there.

"Which path leads back to Coates again?" asked Caine.

"I don't know. But I have a path picking app…"

"Sure. Let's try that."

Drake pressed a button on his RedBerry. A little pixie floated out of it on a cloud.

"Greetings! I am RollBoy!"

"Which path should we take?"

"If you like biscuits but don't like fights, you should take the path on the right!"

Suddenly everything smelled like chips.

"Excuse me!" said RollBoy. Then he turned into a pen and disappeared.

Caine and Drake looked at each other in silence. Caine snapped his fingers and all of a sudden was wearing Lady Gaga's outfit from Judas. Including the bra.

They burst out singing Judas.

Then (after Caine snapped his fingers to change back to normal) they proceeded down the right path.