A/N: The song in this chapter is Fairytale Ending by Brock Baker. The lyrics are italicized and centered. This song was also the inspiration for this entire story.

This is also the last chapter, so if you have read this far I hope you enjoyed it :) Please feel free to comment.

Disclaimer: The characters of Julian, Logan, Derek, and Joshua and related ideas belong to CP. Kurt, Blaine (who are mentioned during this story) and Glee belong to their designated copyright owners. I also do not own the song used in this chapter.

Chapter 5

The next day, Logan's head was still spinning.

Julian loved him…

Unfortunately, with that realization came a growing pain, the reason he took his pill again that morning. He felt helpless. Even through his medication, Logan felt helpless. He couldn't do anything for Julian, the boy he loved, because Julian wouldn't let him in. But Logan wouldn't force it. Julian had some reason for not telling him about what was going on… and for not having told Logan that he loved him.

As the day drew on, Logan's feeling of helplessness grew. Why wasn't his medication helping? Why was he still feeling all this pain? There was only one way Logan could think of to cope with these feelings. If medication wouldn't work, then song had to. Logan knew that Derek was in the room with Julian, so he felt alright leaving his spot in the hallway to find refuge in music.

Logan made his way down the hall to his room. He sat on the bench in front of his keyboard, trying to think of a song, any song that would verbalize what he was feeling. The perfect song came to mind. Logan's fingers began to run over the keys, playing the opening instrumentals. Then he began to sing.

Every time I look at you
I see a crown your eyes of blue
Love inside so thick with deep emotion

Logan sang 'blue' but all he pictured in his mind were sad brown eyes.

I hear the words inside your head
The ones you wish I woulda said

I love you. Julian undoubtedly had been waiting to hear those three words come out of Logan's mouth for who knows how long. Logan wanted to say those words to Julian right now, even though he knew it would never make up for all the pain he had undoubtly put his friend through.

The night is out the day is dead
You sway me more violent than the ocean
You are perfect in this light

Julian did move him. A lot. Enough, even, for Logan's emotions to start creeping through his medication and into his words.

You are the damsel in distress
And I am nothing less
Than your knight in tattered armor

Logan was no knight in shining armor, that's for sure. He had too many problems of his own. Regardless, he was a knight who wanted to help Julian, his damsel in distress.

So, take my hand
Oh, baby come on
And we will run through the open fields
You and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending

Why wouldn't Julian let him in, take his hand? Logan just wanted to help him, so they could have chance at their "fairytale ending." This is one messed up fairytale, Logan thought, laughing a little to himself.

"What the hell is going on?" Derek said as he did homework in Julian's room. He heard music swelling from somewhere down the hall. And was that someone singing? Derek got up from where he was sitting on Julian's bed and opened the door. The sound got louder. It was someone playing the piano… and that was definitely Logan's voice. Derek turned around to look at his friend. Julian was sitting at his desk. By the look on his face, he was listening too. They both sat in silence, Logan's voice growing stronger as he continued to sing.

Julian got up from where he was sitting. Logan was singing in his room for the first time in over a month. After this long of an absence, there had to be a reason for that voice appearing again. Could it be for him?... That question was ridiculous. There was no way Logan had any feelings for him. Logan was clueless to anything that didn't revolve around himself or that little Windsor diva.

Regardless, something pulled Julian out of the room and down the hall. Derek didn't stop him. He knew what the song meant.

When we touch I feel your heart
Beat inside your chest it starts
Making me wild without a hesitation

Logan remembered the night a week ago. He wanted so much to just hold Julian like that in his arms again, feel his heart beating.

I cannot contain this love
As strong as the hand of God above
More powerful than the kings of any nation

Emotion continued to force its way through the medication and into every word Logan sang.

And you are the damsel in distress
And I am nothing less
Than your knight in tattered armor

Julian leaned against the doorframe of Logan's room, listening. Logan's voice was so powerful, so full of feeling. But Derek had said that Logan was taking his medication religiously, ever since he had destroyed the Common Room.

Logan raised his head from the keyboard. He hadn't noticed Julian standing in the doorway. Julian caught a glimpse of the Prefect's eyes. They were hazed over from his medication. What was allowing Logan's emotions to break through then?

Nothing could break through that haze, except maybe a duet with Hummel. But Derek had also said Logan hadn't talked to or seen Kurt outside of class and Warblers practice since he had finished his retelling of last year's events. And that apparently Logan had moved on from Hummel. So the song couldn't be for Kurt… and the words weren't quite right… they didn't fit that situation. Kurt wasn't a damsel in distress… he didn't need Logan to be his knight… he had Blaine for that.

So, take my hand
Oh, baby come on
And we will run through the open fields
You and me

We will be living
In a fairytale ending

The thought floated back into Julian's head once more. Was this song for him? He remained at the door, listening, still trying to figure out who the Prefect was talking to.

Logan's voice filled with more emotion than he had felt in the past 5 weeks, as if he wasn't on any medication at all. He just wanted to be there for Julian so badly. Why wouldn't he let him?

As Logan continued to sing, Julian no longer doubted who the song was for.

When the dark gets too dark
Then I will be your light
When the pain's too great
Then I will be your fight

Julian sang the next few lines. He figured they fit his situation better than Logan's.

When you're blind to love
Then I will be your sight, oh
I will be your knight
In tattered armor

Logan stared as Julian made his way across the room and sat down next to him. Their legs pressed together on the small bench. Hopeful brown eyes met hazy green. In that moment, the two saw their love reflected back at them in the other's eyes. Logan picked up the chorus, hoping that Julian got the meaning of his words.

You are the damsel in distress
And I am nothing less
Than your knight in tattered armor

So, take my hand
Oh, baby come on

And we will run through the open fields
You and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending

The two joined together, making sure the other knew exactly how much he was loved. Brown and green eyes continued to stare intently, neither pair leaving the other.

Yes, you and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending
Yes, you and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending

A fairytale ending

Their voices trailed off as Logan's fingers left the piano keys. Logan didn't really care that the song wasn't finished. He needed to talk to Julian.

"So you finally figured it out? Took you long enough." Julian placed a hand on Logan's knee.

"Hey, at least I figured it out, princess."

"Oh I see what you did there. Fit your comment into the song. Clever, squid."

"What did you just call me?"

"A squid. Because you are a giant squid of ignorance... or were I guess."

Logan shoved Julian, almost causing him to fall off the bench. "I'm going to let that one go this time. But only because I haven't actually talked you in over a month."

"Fine." Julian huffed, righting himself on the bench and crossing his arms over his chest.

The two still hadn't broken eye contact, their legs still touching. The blond looked over the face of the boy he had been dying to see in what felt like forever. Dark circles lay beneath sunken brown eyes, which were rimmed with red from what Logan could only guess was hours of crying. It was obvious the actor hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in quite a long time.

But there was only one thing he wanted to do to him now.

Logan uncrossed Julian's arms and took his right hand, lacing their fingers together. He ran his other hand through the brunet's hair.

Julian sat next to Logan stunned, but happy, at what was happening.

Logan's hand fell from Julian's hair onto his cheek, cupping his face. Slowly, the blond leaned in, making sure to give Julian enough time to pull away, in case he had someone misinterpreted everything. But Julian didn't pull away. Logan brushed his lips against the brunet's, gently kissing him.

Julian didn't know how to respond. He had been waiting 3 years for this very moment, but had never prepared himself for what he would do if it actually happened. Instincts took over. He leaned in, his free hand wandering up to the nape of Logan's neck to gently tug at the blond hairs. Julian returned the kiss, using his hold on Logan to push their lips closer together. Responding to Julian's touch, Logan deepened the kiss.

Logan untwined their other hands, placing his on the actor's other cheek. With his right hand now free, Julian moved it to the small of Logan's back, rubbing in small circles. His other hand moved from the back of Logan's neck and down his back to join the other, pulling their bodies closer. Julian was practically sitting in Logan's lap. Neither wanted this kiss to end.

Julian was the one to break it. "Wow." He was out of breath.

"I tend to elicit that kind of response from the people I kiss." Logan smirked.

"Whatever." Julian returned the shove from earlier.

Righting himself, Logan took Julian into his arms, holding the boy he loved. "Now, princess, will you stop being such a diva and tell me what's going on with you? I want to help." Logan returned his hand to where it had been holding Julian's face earlier.

"Two insults in one sentence? I had forgotten what I was missing by not talking to you," Julian smirked, rolling his eyes. He knew Logan was actually using them as terms of endearment, but he couldn't resist making the comment. He looked up into Logan's green eyes. They were hazy from the medication. But there was something else there that Julian had never seen before. It was then that he realized how much Logan loved him in return. His smirk turned into a smile as he finally decided. "Yes."

Derek turned from where he had been listening at the door with a huge grin. He closed it and headed back toward his room.

"A STALKER! And they did WHAT? How could you keep something like this from me, Jules?" Logan's voice came from behind the now closed door. Derek was certain there would have been a lot more force behind the words, accented by a crash, if Logan had been unmedicated.

Derek knew it would be a while before Logan and Julian's relationship, if it even became one, had anything close to a fairytale ending. That is, if either one of them didn't kill the other first. This was going to be one of the most unconventional fairytales ever told.

As Derek closed the door to his room, hoping to block out the chaos going on in the room down the hall, he sung to himself under his breath.

Welcome, welcome
To happily ever after

And they lived (unconventionally) happily ever after

The End

A/N: If you liked this fic, read the sequel "A Little Unexpected" which can be found on my main account page... And please review :)