Thanks for finding me
Summary-He was the only one who was truly looking for her. Perlia
Notes-I was orginally supposed to be an angst fic with her being the Hunters and Percy with Annabeth but I lost my muse for that. But I got an awesome story idea from it which I shall tell you at the end of this. This is somewhat AU as in Thalia didn't join the Hunters.. Oh and this is my first songfic...take it easy.
A/N:I just fixed this cause stupid FF screwed it up DX
Is this a dream?
If it is
Please don't wake from this high
I'd become comfortably numb
Until you opened my eyes To what its like
When everything's right
Thalia's whole life was a mess. She didn't know if she should trust. Only a few had broken through the walls she had carefully built.
She'd become numb to the world and she liked it that way. It was easy.
She knew what to expect. Nothing unexpected would break her down.
That scared people.
She was virtually indestructible. No one could hurt her.
(Except for those who had broke through her walls)
That was how she planned her life(Being a demigod was a bump in the road)
But he tore those plans apart.
I can't believe
You found me when no one else was looking
When no one else was looking
You broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs and you still didn't leave
I guess you saw what no one could see
You found me
That was her life
But he saw her for her
Not for her father
She wasn't Thalia Grace,Daughter of Zeus to him
She was Thalia Grace to him
The only thing that rivaled her toughness
was her confusion
Who was she?
He broke through that too
So here we are
Thats pretty far
When you think of where we've been
No going back
I'm fading out
All that has faded me within
You're by my side
Now everything is fine
"Thalia? Everything they said was a lie
"You're not worthless,you're worth more than I can describe
"Don't fade away from us...from me
"I'm always going to be by your side,even if I'm not there
Even if I'm dead...
"Don't run away from us
"I love you"
I can't believe
You found me when no one else was looking
When no one else was looking
You broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs and you still didn't leave
I guess you saw what no one could see
You found me
She had tried to run from the feeling she didn't understand
I love you
Her confusion grew but he never gave up
"Why don't you give up like everyone else?"
"I guess I'm not like everyone else"
He was deterimined
He wouldn't give up
He wasn't like everyone else
And I was hiding
Till' you came along and showed me where I belonged
Next to you...
You found me
When no one else was looking
How did you know?
Even if she denied it with all she had
she still believed in wishing
the thing she wished in everynight
"Let someone find me"
She thought her wish would never come true
For once he was glad to say
I'm wrong...
You found me when no one else was looking
When no one else was looking
How did you know where I would be?
You broke through
all of my confusion
The ups and the downs and you still didn't leave
I guess you saw what no one could see
You found me
She was hiding right in front of them
They didn't care to find her
But he tried
And she's glad he did
I'm lost without you...
Even when she pushed him away
He wouldn't give up
When she cried
When she laughed
He was there
She can't thank him enough
You found me
You broke through
all of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess you saw what no one else could see
The good and the bad
And the things in between
You found me
"Hey Percy?"
"Yeah Thals?"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
And thanks for finding me
That sucked so baaaaad DX I'm so sorry peeps but it really does suck but I'm still publishing it O.o. Now that story idea that I'm having doubts on using is this "What if Artemis asked Annabeth to be her second-in-command? How would that change the tale of Percy Jackson?" Wait...SCORE! I'LL READ GREEK MYTHOLOGY AND FIND SOMETHING RICK RIORDAN DIDN'T TALK ABOUT IN THE SERIES! Oh yeah...anywho tell me if thats a good idea. And review!