A/N: Reviews will make me happy :)

Dancing Through Life

"I hate him" Addison choked out as she buried her face in Meredith's neck "I hate him so much"

"You don't" Meredith said softly "You just hate what he said, you don't hate him"

"I have had to sit back and watch as he's cheated on Bizzy over and over again since before I can even remember and he's acting like he's, he's some kind of relationship expert" she sniffled "He has no right to judge me for being with you, no matter how we met, no matter what, he doesn't know us Meredith"

"I know" Meredith whispered against her hair "Baby he isn't worth it, he isn't worth your tears, I love you, so much, nothing is going to break us down, not unless we let it"

"I know" Addison said quietly "I love you too"

"Wanna dance it out?" Meredith smirked as she nudged her girlfriend, Addison let out a slight laugh, Meredith slipped off of the sofa and turned on some music, she started to jump around and dance wildly, Addison laughed and wiped the tears from her face, Meredith grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet, they both danced until they were out of breath and then a slower song came on, they wrapped their arms around each other and started to dance slowly.

"Y'know what would really piss your father off?" Meredith said with a glint in her eye.


"If we got married" Meredith whispered as she reached up and kissed Addison gently.

"Meredith" Addison chuckled lightly.

"I'm serious, marry me" Meredith smiled.

"Ok" Addison whispered back "I'll marry you"

"Wanna go to bed? We could celebrate"

"I just wanna dance for a while" Addison said quietly.

"Ok" Meredith said with a small smile "We'll dance then….but later?"

"We'll celebrate" Addison laughed.

The End.