tastes like home

by NiNA_eN

Actions speak louder than words. -Celty Sturlson/Shizuo Heiwajima.

prompt: living at Shizuo's.

It has become a ritual of sorts now.

Whenever she's frustrated by her continual lack of success; whenever she just cannot give up but doesn't know what to do; whenever she feels lonely and Shinra's not enough; when she cannot put up with his dissuasions, perversity and indifference; when she's so angry, she thinks she can feel hints of the emotions that should be behind the death scythe...

She goes to his house.

She imagines it must be strange to have a headless houseguest, but he is unjudgmental and says nothing.

He is so used to her presence and she comes over so often, she even has her own little storage placement - sometimes, their clothes and possessions are even mixed together.

In one instance, it's an unusually hot day and she lolls sluggishly against his sofa in his shirt and old shorts.

Her usual black attire is unsuitable, stifling as even she cannot stand such heat and Shizuo lacks the perversity that would've prevented such ill-fitted clothing and undignified behaviour.

Celty is comfortable and a little drowsy, and the black mist of her neck streams to the other side of the sofa where Shizuo is, reminiscent of clouds as it breathes and hovers above their heads.

In uncharacteristic laziness, she ponders on how it has come to the point where she doesn't even need a reason anymore and simply walks through when he opens the door.

Like today, for instance: where she turned up and immediately took off her helmet once inside and started fanning herself, the zip of her catsuit pulled dangerously low.

Shizuo took one look at her and went to fetch some of his unused clothes.

She felt touched by his silent consideration - and was struck by that age-old adage of actions speaking more than words.

-shrugs- short and sweet, I guess?