A/N 1: I've finally watched the season finale and it gave me lots of ideas so I've wrote a few little oneshots. If I write a story and it's the sequel to a previous one, I will let you know, but for now, each chapter is a oneshot.
2: This was inspired by Puck talking about watching romantic comedy.
Summary: He should stop to let him win every time.

Puck shifted uncomfortably on the couch.

"Can you stop that?" Kurt's annoyed face made Puck frown.

"This movie sucks."

"Why? There aren't enough people dying?" Kurt asked sarcastically.

"By the end of this shit I will have a vagina. I thought you liked me all stud-ly."

Kurt raised an eyebrow and looked at his boyfriend. "If you were a stud, you wouldn't be scared of a little movie turning you into a girl."

Puck narrowed his eyes and looked away. "I will show you who's a girl as soon as you finish watching this stupid movie," he mumbled.

"Can you two stop talking about sex for two seconds?"

They both turned to look at Finn with an expression that clearly said, "stay out of it."

"Why are we watching this movie anyway?" Puck asked after a moment of silence.

"Because I wanted to."

"And I let you win?"

"You always let him win," Finn cut in again.

"I blackmail him with sex," Kurt told his step-brother with a smile. He chuckled when Finn looked away with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

"He's good," Puck stated, stretching his arms and casually letting one fall on Kurt's shoulders.

"I hate you guys," Finn said, getting up. "I swear, I should just give up on spending time with you two. You're always touching and kissing and Kurt is my brother and I don't want to think about him having sex with my best friend." He walked upstairs leaving Kurt and Puck sitting alone on the couch.

Kurt laid down so his head was popped up on the armrest and after a moment Puck settled between his legs. Kurt started running his fingers through Puck's mohawk and smiled softly.

"I bet you like these movies," Kurt said with a smile on his face. Puck didn't answer but caught Kurt's hand in his and held it. "They give us an excuse to cuddle up on the couch together."

"I'm taking notes," Puck answered.

"About what?"

"All the stupid things they do to get to third base or get forgiven when they fuck up. Since next year we will be living in New York, I'm writing down the name of the restaurants, the best spots to make out…" He looked up at Kurt with a cocky grin. "If you weren't so crazy about me already, I'd make you fall at my feet in a week."

Kurt rolled his eyes fondly. "Shut up and watch the movie."