Chapter One
They passed each other everyday, the orange-haired teenager who was heading over to college and the teenager with the bright white hair… he had no job, no college to go to…
So really he was just a homeless kid who was forced to move out of his grandma's flat after she died, she was the only family he had. Today was a sunny day with streams of sunshine bouncing off surfaces but none more so than his head, that's probably the only reason the Kurosaki boy even noticed him. He stopped and then watched as Hitsugaya bolted past him, about four men chasing after him. He then looked ahead to see that the alarm had gone off in a shop and that the snowy haired boy was apparently the thief- but how could that be? That boy didn't even have anything on him! And his clothes were far to thing to hide anything from that shop, considering it was an electronic goods shop.
Ichigo quickly whipped round and tripped up two of them successfully before punching one of them straight in the face. He missed the last one and scowled as he handed his bag to a passerby and bolted after him, just as he had caught up the poor boy and grabbing him.
"Juvenile detention centre for you." Breathed the older male, burrowing his head in the tuft of spiky hair. "Although, before you go, perhaps you wouldn't mind spending some time with me-"
A sudden smack across the mans head knocked him out instantly, leaving a relieved looking Hitsugaya. Ichigo then turned to see a police car pull up next to him and frowned.
"Ah shit, I'm in trouble now." He murmured, grabbing his back off the person he gave it to and sighed. "You better go kid, we don't want the cops to take you away when you've done nothing wrong."
"But you never done anything wrong!" spluttered Toshiro, "You were helping me!"
"Yeah, well, I'm taking a guess your not really from this area, are you kid?" breathed Ichigo, "They don't care if you've done nothin', they just like the thrill of the chase."
Ichigo then turned to Toshiro and kneeled next to him, placing a bag in his arm before taking off a gold chain that was around his neck.
"Take these for me, and don't lose the chain. It was a chain my mother gave me. If I get caught, then there's a high chance I wont even get the chain back, that one of the little-" Ichigo cut himself off when he heard the door of the police car open. "Shit! Just look after the stuff, I'll find you again!"
He then bolted, leaving Hitsugaya stunned. The police officer appeared right in front of him and leered, kneeling down and breathing horrible smelling breath right into his face.
"C'mon kid, your coming with us." He said, causing Hitsugaya to flinch. The person behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, raising her voice.
"Officer, this child has done nothing wroung." She declared, "I was here the whole time, it looked as if the men that are lying on the ground were trying to kidnap him. Since one of them was talking about a juvenile detention centre, it's safe to assume that one of them is a police officer!"
The police officer looked up and smirked, noticing that this woman was actually quite beautiful. He completely ignored the boy and then went to stand next to the woman.
"Perhaps I need a little persuasion-."
"Get away from me before I report sexual abuse." She growled, causing him to back away, "Do your job and next time you try and speak to me like that again… I'll god damn report you asshole!"
The officer shot her a glare before he turned to the men on the ground, pulling out a walkie-talkie and started talking.
"Four men to be arrested in the high street of Karakura, and additional support to capture a college teenager with bright orange hair." He muttered, " A boy with white hair-"
The woman shot him a glare as Hitsugaya shrunk back, taking advantage of his size and the way he looked to pass off as a little kid.
He was shy for a sixteen-year-old and was weak when it came to defending himself. He had lost count on the amount of drunken geezers that had attacked him and then tried to use him for their own purposes. Somehow he was always saved in the nick of time; he just never expected that luck to come today since most of the people here were women.
"-The white haired boy is not suspicious." The officer said, grumbling the last part, "From what I have seen and from what witnesses have seen, he was being attacked."
The woman kneeled next to him and began whispering in his ear.
"Try and find your saviour." She whispered quickly, feeling the boy freeze beneath him, "Warn him… warn him that they are coming for him, that they are planning to hunt him down."
His teal eyes blinked before he turned and gave her a small bow, running off quickly with a bag under his arm and the gold chain clenched tightly in his fist. He ran round the corner and the leaned against a wall as police cars whizzed past him, panicking, he thought:
"What if I can't find him first?"
Ichigo smirked and then leapt over one of the bins in the ally he was in, hearing the shuffling and the barking of the police dogs that were chasing him. He knew he couldn't out run them for long, so all he had to do was outsmart them. He jumped up onto a bin and looked up, leaping towards a pole and grabbing it. He then reached out for a window ledge and climbed onto it, entering the deserted building before him.
He looked round and the noted that a squatter of some sort must live here due to the possessions in it. He also knew that because there was no board covering the window. Drawing out a silver lighter his dad had given him (even though he didn't even smoke for heavens sake!); he looked around the room, coming over to a mantel piece where a pile of paper was found. He picked a piece up and began to read.
Dear Grandma
Today was a strange day, when I was in town I walked past this boy with really bright orange hair! He had a bag slung over his shoulder and he was wearing a tartan shirt and normal jeans, although to tell you the truth I thought that his shirt was too tight around his neck!
Anyway, I was looking round and I found this really nice necklace that you would like, although I may have to dig into my college savings for it.
Things are going well, I have signed up for Karakura College but I am also sad that it is so far away. I wish mom and dad were still alive to see me go study my favourite thing, Music- oh wait, I don't need to tell you this, you should be able to remember due to the fact you've raised me since I was little.
I'll be coming back soon for a few weeks before I start.
I hope you are well.
Snowflake? That's what the name meant anyway. He scanned around and then widened his eyes as he pulled a certificate- a certificate of someone's death. He moved his lighter to the side and found a picture at the end of the mantelpiece. He didn't pick it up because it wasn't right to actually touch anyone's property at all. He squinted slightly to see the picture.
His hand slackened and the lighter hit the ground moments later, making the room go black once more. The picture… the picture had a small boy standing in front of an older woman, his white hair being ruffled ruthlessly. He had bright teal eyes and he looked so very, very happy. He was wearing a jumper that had his name lettered across it, clearly stating his name as 'Toshiro Hitsugaya'.
Ichigo didn't know what to say, it was just all too shocking. The boy he had met today, the one who was being chased… that was the boy? He closed his eyes but there was no denying it. No other person in Karakura town had white hair, the only other colours similar to it were silver and grey. He began muttering to himself as he felt around the floor for his lighter and when he found it, he came across a book. As he opened it, his eyes softened as he saw what it contained. Music. Lots and lots of music. He flipped it to halfway and noticed an uncompleted piece and looked at the date. He then looked at the date of the death certificate and sighed. His assumption was right. Toshiro Hitsugaya stopped writing music when his grandmother died. He read the piece over and over before he closed the book over and got to his feet.
He looked out the window and his smirk returned when he noticed they had lost his trail. Jumping out the window, he caught on the pole and then swung towards the bin, grimacing slightly when he slipped and hit the ground. What he had to do now was find this 'Toshiro' and get his stuff back.
This was not what he had expected. He was running for his life again! It was frustrating, he had only just gotten away from those men and now more of them were after him.
"What the hell did I do to deserve this?"
He skidded round a corner and widened his eyes and he came face first with a wall. He knew he wouldn't make it out in time, but he had to try. Slipping the necklace in his pocket and zipping it as fast as he could. He ran back out, his skull connecting with someone's hand.
"Ah, finally… I got you." He chuckled darkly. Toshiro shot him a glare and struggled uselessly, his hands being restricted behind his back by the other male. He tried to make a sound but he couldn't, his throat had gone dry and he was feeling dehydrated. If miracles happened, he needed one right now-!
The man continued to chuckle and the one behind him began to snicker. It had been a long time since they had found such a half-decent prize; they would get a lot of money for this one. This first one tightened his grip on his face as the second worked to tie his hands behind his back. A few moments passed and a white van showed up, and just as they moved, something hit the man behind Toshiro head on.
"I don't know how many times I'm gonna have to save your ass kid." Growled Kurosaki, looking up with a vein popping out of his head, "But that isn't really the thing that's annoying me now… THE THING THAT IS GOD DAMN ANNOYING ME IS THE FACT THAT PEOPLE FOR SOME DAMN REASON ARE TRYING TO KIDNAP YOU!"
He turned and smacked the one in front of Hitsugaya, him getting knocked to the ground with a bleeding nose. Toshiro let out a small gasp and fell forwards. Ichigo caught him and widened his eyes.
"Toshiro? Toshiro?" he said, shaking him, "Wake up!"
"Don't tell her…" murmured Toshiro, clinging onto the last of his consciousness. "Don't… tell her…"
"Don't tell who? Don't tell who what exactly?" blurted out Ichigo.
"Don't tell… her… I don't wanna… worry her…" whispered Toshiro quietly, his eyes flickering closed. Ichigo's head snapped up as the alarms of police cars began to get closer.
"Great, just what I need!" growled Ichigo, picking up Hitsugaya and taking his bag back. He ran forwards, the boy remaining limp in his arms as he ran.
The first place that was in range was the clinic that his dad was working in. he had owned that clinic for many years and it was surprising that the place was still going. He ran through the door to find a startled Isshin staring at him and one of his twin sisters raising an eyebrow.
"Ichi-nii, is that boy dead?" she questioned, brushing a bit of black hair from her face. "Or unconscious?"
"Damn it Karin!" growled Ichigo, glaring daggers at her, "You seriously think I would bring a dead body here? Especially with Yuzu's fear of corpses-"
"OH MY GOD! ICHI-NII, WHO IS THAT?" cried Yuzu, standing at the door with horror filled eyes. Ichigo let out a small groan before turning to his father.
"Dad, I think he's suffering from dehydration." Said Ichigo quickly, "Water?"
Isshin nodded and the signalled for Ichigo to follow him. Ichigo glanced at both of his sister as he followed before he looked down at the struggling boy. He would find out on what was going on, he just had to!
Opening his eyes slowly, Toshiro blinked and sat up slightly and looked round. He knew it wasn't his home and he knew it wasn't a hospital, it was instantly recognisable as a bedroom. It was a plain bedroom, so it was easily assumed to be boy's bedroom. He looked out the window and noticed the stream of moonlight hitting his face. He covered his face and looked towards the side to miss the blinding light and then noticed someone lying on the ground. The moonlight caught of his head and Toshiro widened his eyes. It was him, the boy who had saved him twice already. Had he brought him here? He looked outside and sighed. He wouldn't be able to get back to sleep until he saw it… he needed to see the photograph again before he went back to sleep. He got off the bed and kneeled down next to the sleeping teen, prying his hand open before reaching for his pocket. A small chain was drawn out and then he placed it in his hand, closing It again. He looked over to the desk and noticed a jotter and a pen already lying there, so he ripped out a page and began scribbling quickly.
Toshiro stopped and then frowned. He didn't even know his saviours name. He grabbed the jotter and looked at the front of it before he began writing again.
To Ichigo Kurosaki
Thank you for everything.
I don't think I would still be in this town if you hadn't saved me the first or the second time. I know it's really confusing for you and I know you know nothing of my life, but I suggest you stay away from me. It is not safe.
If you see me again, act as if you have never met me and get on with life. Just pretend I'm an outsider or a tourist, just a boy who has no value.
I'll watch my back and I'll be careful, although there is no guarantee I'll be fully safe in this town. I would have liked to stay and get to know you better, but that would have just made things more complicated. I… I don't know what to do, but I'll figure something out.
Thank you, again.
Toshiro Hitsugaya.
He carefully folded the noted up and gently left it on Ichigo's chest before climbing back onto the bed, freezing momentarily when it creaked but then kept moving. He opened a window and with one last fleeting look, he closed his eyes and jumped.
A/N: New story...And new story type for me I guess, I normally write HitsuKarin but I guess a change was in order so i wouldn't get bored of writing completely. Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you reviewed and rated. thanks.