Sometimes, Uchiha's aren't Perfect

Ramen Kitsune


Side Pairings also

Disclaimer: I don't own


Chapter One:

The Bet

Sasuke sat at his desk, his head rested in his palm lazily, his eyes focusing on something much better then the chalk board.

Instead, his oh so precious attention was on none other then his loud mouth classmate, Naruto. The way his blond hair was spiked everywhere yet in a styled way that famed his face and only showed his true character. The way his stunning blue eyes moved from the board to his notes as he focused on this study more then any other, though Sasuke couldn't tell you what that was at the moment. How his face showed his interest with the way his face had a strangely serious look to it compared to normal. How the three whisker-like marks made his face look a tad bit narrower, but in a good complementing way.

All in all, the blond was gorgeous, and Sasuke was taken by him. But so were others. Gaara, for example, was rumored for hospitalizing people who went to close. Not that Sasuke was scared, Uchiha's didn't know the word, but he knew he would need to be careful.

"Uchiha-san, can you answer the question?" Iruka asked, giving the raven hair sixteen year old a look that clearly said, 'I know you weren't listening'.

"The real question is, Sensei, Do I want to answer the question?" Sasuke replied blankly, giving the man a look that said, 'Try me'. The class seemed to burst into laughter, all but the one Sasuke wanted to laugh.

"Don't be an ass, Uchiha! Iruka-sensei, I'll answer." Naruto pipped, glaring at the boy before gifting his teacher with a warm smile. Iruka smiled back, though it looked a little strained.

"Thank you Naruto, but please do not curse, it will make you sound like I'm doing a terrible job as an educator if you do." Iruka said.

"Oh...Right!" Naruto said, then went to answer the question that was once aimed at Sauske.

The Uchiha sighed, finally looking away from the blond. He couldn't help but think it useless to have feeling for the blond, since he obviously hated him, but he couldn't give up.

The class went on much of the same, Sasuke not paying attention to much, since he didn't need to, and Naruto focusing on the class.


Lunch had rolled around and Naruto had left with Gaara and Sakura, both his best friends. They always ate together, along with Neji Hyuuga and Rock Lee from the grade above them.

Sasuke watched the blond go before Kiba moved to his desk. The brunette followed the Uchiha's gaze and smirked.

"Got it for Uzumaki, eh?" he said, smirking as he did. Sasuke glared at the boy, but it did nothing. Shikamaru moved to join them along with Shino. "See that guys, our little ice prince gots the hots for none other then loud mouth Uzumaki."

"So bothersome Kiba. We've all known for months now, and you just found out?" Shikamaru said, closing his eyes and rested his head on his hand.

"Agreed." Shino said. "It's like we all knew when you had the hots for Hinata-chan before you did." About that time the shy girl joined them, sitting close to Kiba and blushed at the mention of them.

"I bet he'd say no once you ask him." Kiba said, grinning. "it would serve you right, you stuck up prick." He threw on for kicks.

"No one says no to an Uchiha." Sasuke said simply, not showing how the mere idea of Naruto rejecting him made him feel a little scared.

"Well I bet he would. He is the only person who isn't your friend who will tell you to shove it up yours." Kiba went on. "He's not impressed. Anyway, I heard he has the hots for Iruka."

Sasuke's chop sticks snapped at the thought. He had noticed how the blond seemed to fall all over himself when the teacher was around, and it did surprise him that the blond seemed to like math, but it was the subject Iruka taught.

"No..." Both Shikamaru and Shino said in union. "It's crap." Shino added, having hung out with Kiba one to many summers straight.

"I bet he'd still say no." Kiba said again.

"Alright, I'll take that bet. Fifty dollars. I'll ask him in a week, and in that time, I have all the rights to try and woo him." Sasuke said dryly, glaring at the loud mouth.

"Fifty dollars, eh? Alright. You're so on. So will you cry if he says no?" Kiba jeered, only to earn a piece of sushi in his face.


To be contunued...

Will Naruto be moved? Will he say yes? Find out next chapter! Duh.