'DA/N: A new chapter story I've written, what a shock. Fff- I think I'll be able to completely stick with this one, it's one of those ideas that have just stuck to my mind and hasn't detached since then. Then would be about a month or so ago. :'D It's a wonder why I never wrote it up earlier, but recently I have, and the first chapter is done. I wouldn't particularly say this is a Silver Millennium story even though at first glance it might seem so with the Princesses. The first two chapters are more introductions then anything.
Disclaimer; I don't own the characters of Sailor Moon nor the references to mythology. I only own the idea that spawned from my head and my own characters.
Couples; HarukaxMichiru, MakotoxAmi, ReixMinako, UsagixMamoru, ect.

Michiru Neptune was plagued by so many different emotions right now. Anxiety was the most prominent one, followed by an extreme pang of nervousness and worry. At the lower ends of the spectrum came the icy chill of anger with the slight warmth of excitement. Perfectly manicured hands grasped tighter at the metal in her hands. Well, even tighter, since the item had already been in a death grip before. It's coolness was evaporated by her hand's heat as she turned to gaze into it's glass.

Stunningly beautiful, everyone in her kingdom believed. With her porcelain white skin, seemingly untouched. Wavy tresses of aquamarine hair framed her well angled face. Deep blue eyes that were almost always impossible to impenetrate yet were capable of showing compassion at the right moments. Even down to her slender and curvy body she was beautiful, a perfect figure for a goddess like her.

To herself though, she looked like a complete and utter mess in her hand mirror. Her eyes bore right back into her, showing complete distress. If she payed closer attention, she could faintly see her hairs standing on end, whether it was from the onslaught of emotions or not was questionable. Her facial features were pulled down into a tired expression. An audible sigh left her.

If she didn't put herself together then she'd break right off at the seams, she thought. Something like that would be extremely odd, or at least odd to everyone else. This Michiru was always strong and well-put, fit for any kind of distress. Perfect to everyone too, unbreakable.

Then of course, how could their dear Princess of Neptune be anything but?

'Put yourself together, Michiru…' The thought resounded in her head as she tore her stressed gaze from her precious treasure; the aqua mirror. The mirror was far too important to lose. Something important to her and the kingdom, as some rumors mentioned. Something that couldn't break. Yet when she gripped it with enough intensity to nearly bend metal…

Loosening her grip on it, she gently placed it back down on the marble counter, heading to the bathroom in her room. She reached over to turn on the bath, letting hot water pool in the large basin while she stripped off her clothing. Letting the satin white robes fall to the floor, she gingerly stepped into the tub, sighing contently at the calming heat. She closed the tap and relaxed quickly after, slinking further into the water and leaning her head against the wall, closing her eyes.

She felt entirely at peace at the moment. If only she could stay this calm.


"…chiru… ichiru… Michiru..!" At first the voice was a blurry mess of syllables to her ears, before it cleared up slowly, words intelligible to the aquamarine haired girl. A groan of distaste left her lips as the name was repeated with more frequency, followed by an annoying knock. The voice was smooth; slightly deepened with an annoyed tone to it. A male. A male she knew very well was calling her.

"Michiru! Hey, Michiru, open up!"The voice jolted her out of her thoughts and she finally registered the feel of cool liquid around her bare body. Jerking up straight, she surveyed her surroundings. A sigh of relief followed. She was only in her bathroom after all. Staring down at the clear water she was in, she held back a snort, noting she had fallen asleep. Oh well, who could blame her? She had been tired and stressed.

"I'm coming!" Rising from the water she snagged a towel from a hook and quickly dried herself off. Michiru couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sound of a foot tapping impatiently on the ground. Taking her time in getting dressed, she heard the man murmur something about girls always taking too long to get ready, and she chucked a pillow at the door, smirking at the squeak she heard.

Finally pulling open the door, she raised an eyebrow at the boy standing there.

Naiad Neptune stood before her, arms crossed and a noticeable amused look on his face. A still maturing, adolescent boy, he was only younger then Michiru by a year. Body toned and tanned from the excessive amount of time he spent training outside, he towered over Michiru by two inches. Shaggy, aquamarine hair framed his grinning face while the rest was tied down in a messy ponytail. He detangled his arms from themselves, running a rugged hand through his hair and sighing dramatically.

"Man, Michiru! Do you know how long I was calling you? What, did you fall asleep in the—" He was cut off by his annoyed sister.

"Naiad, did you come here just to say this?" Michiru spoke in irritation, something that made him grin down at her. "No," He responded easily, and when Michiru opened her mouth to demand why he came, she beat him to the chase.

"Actually, I came to get you…" He paused for a second, shuffling his feet when she gave him a confused expression. He didn't continue until his sister cleared her throat, urging him to go on.

"O-Oh, right…." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head before suddenly holding out his arm for her to take, not speaking until a minute later. "To, um, escort you. You know?" He was obviously stalling, having trouble with how he was going to put this.

No matter how naïve he seemed, Naiad had seen the obvious change in Michiru's demeanor when their father was mentioned. She'd tense up noticeably, eyes flashing with a mix of emotions. Of course, she'd put back on a straight face, as always. Her brother knew she wasn't one to show extreme emotion, but whatever had happened…

This worried the male. Their had never been many problems with their father, so having Michiru react this way to just hearing his name now, just after last month… he had remembered seeing her rush down the hallway that day, pale-faced and distressed.

"Where, exactly?" Naiad heard Michiru's voice and he looked to her again, biting his lip. He smiled a little after, tilting his head towards the door and keeping his arm extended for her. He felt her slip her arm into the loop his made, her curious gaze on him.

"Father wants to see you."

"Oh." Michiru felt her stomach drop, lurching and she didn't stop the nervous expression the crept onto her face. This was exactly what she had been dreading; another confrontation with her father. Their last meeting hadn't sat so well with her and she had a feeling this one would be as pleasant either. What information would be announced to her now? She gripped her brother's arm only slightly tighter, allowing him to sense her distress.

Michiru knew her brother wasn't stupid. He only played the dumb card to trick fools. And as the fools they were, they believed the act. She was sure that her brother had seen her change around their father, his insightful gaze studying her ever so often.

The female nearly jumped at the feel of a hand on her back.

"It'll be okay, Michi," The male teen consoled her, walking slowly with her and feeling her fingers dig into his sleeve. "Trust me… I'll protect you if you need me, always." He smiled at her gently.

She only weakly smiled back.


"We're here," Naiad announced loudly, earning him a glare from his pale sister. Announcing it like that didn't help her nerves at all… and upon realizing that Naiad flushed slightly and apologized. The two stood there for a few moments, Michiru's gaze on the door and Naiad's on her.

The poor male was desperate to find out what was wrong. He wanted to know what the ruler had told her, he wanted to help her. Doing so was hard though, if she refused to confide in him. He held back a sigh.

Even if he did know, what would he do? Going against a god… absolutely impossible. He inwardly scowled at how she grasped his sleeve, before the arm slid out of his. "Michiru?" He mumbled, looking down at her. He quickly took note of her features; she had carefully molded them into the same calm and collected one she was always seen with. He smiled faintly at her, gently patting her arm. "You'll be okay?"

"I'll see you in a bit." Naiad nearly broke out into a weak grin at her smooth tone.

If only her brother knew how hard she was trying to keep this up. She wasn't even in the room yet, and she was already struggling to hide her growing worry. She usually never felt the pressure of faking to her family, only now it was coming crashing into her. She cursed it.


"Father," Michiru greeted as she walked into the room, bowing down slightly and politely. She felt the god's gaze on her form, eyes flickering up to look anywhere but at him for a slightly moment. They lingered on the royal guards covering the corners of the room and knew their eyes were on her from under their helmets. Her eyes finally came back to rest on her father, her own steely gaze on his strong sea green eyes. He tried to search for something in her eyes, anything, but Michiru refused to show anything.

She wanted at least some control at the moment.

However, she knew it wouldn't last long. This was not anyone. Ripped muscles underneath tight clothes, gnarled, large hands grasping at the handle of a sea-colored staff. The staff was adorned with three jagged, sharp points, making it obvious it was the feared weapon of their king. Gray-white hair that fell down to his shoulders, beard following in suit, something that still managed to make him look extremely intimidating. The thing that irked Michiru the most was that her father wasn't always like this, the air of affection he usually had around her wasn't there.

At the moment, Poseidon, ruler of the seas and Neptune was completely serious.

"Michiru, my daughter…" His voice was booming in the room and she tensed up, awaiting his next words. The information that she was reluctant to hear, but had no choice whatsoever in the matter. She held her cool demeanor, taking the unspoken challenge in her father's eyes head on.

That was when his next words hit her hard and her hard gaze faltered.

"The Prince of Uranus is arriving tomorrow." There was no room for argument.

A/N: And that's the first chapter for you. A little boring, I guess, but it was necessary, I believe. C: The next chapter will come soon, since I already have the thing down. I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and stick along for the ride.