Hello everyone. I came up with the idea for this story after reading the hunger games book. Let say this is an alternate version of catching fire. This is a Gale X Peeta story so if you don't like that then please don't not read. For the rest of you I hope you like it. Sorry for any spelling and grammatical errors.
"There has to be someone you want to bring with you."
Effie Trinket was about to have a conniption, running his thin finger with gold painted nails through her golden wig with such force that I'm sure that if the hair was attached to her head, she would be ripping it out in clumps. She continued to pace back and forth, her clipboard clamped in the other hand about to be crushed into a dust if I don't give her a satisfactory answer as soon as possible. Tomorrow we start the victory tour of the hunger games, a six week tour of Panem starting with the Capital and going through each of the districts, learning about their main industries, before we end our journey back in district twelve with a huge and ridiculous celebration. Each of us, Katniss and I, are allowed to bring one person with us who we would love to bring on the tour to see the country. Katniss already chose her sister Prim to join her while I have been getting hounded by Effie for the past three days to pick someone. At first, it wasn't that big of an inconvenience, but now it's starting to piss me off.
"I just haven't really thought about it much." I lie. Truthfully, there aren't many people I would want to bring. My family doesn't care about me, with exception to my father who is too busy with the bakery that I wouldn't be able to take him away from that. My mother is a retched person who would do nothing more then make my life miserable, same goes for my brothers. Neither of them really care if I had died or not in the games. There's only one person I would enjoy having by my side, but that would never happen. I had told the world that I was in love with someone. That much was true, but I couldn't be completely honest with them so I said it was Katniss hoping we could ally and it worked out better then we could have expected. I promised myself that after we won I would confess my love, my real love. But ever since I've done nothing more than sit around in my house, painting, and waiting for the best opportunity to say it, out loud, but every time I think I can something holds me back. Someone is always there or the courage retreats back inside of me. It never seems right.
"Well you have to come up with something by tonight's announcements or else I'll just have to pick someone for you." She says scribbling down notes on her clipboard.
"I will have someone," I say through clenched teeth, trying my best to hold my growing anger inside. Finally I decided that I can't take this anymore, I need to get away from everyone and everything right now. "Don't worry. Everything will be on schedule." I say mockingly as I grab my jacket and storm out of my house into the chilled air.
I need to clear my head. The best way I do that is with my painting. But I can't go back to my house, Effie would only hound me more about not finding someone to bring. I start walking, just breathing and trying to think of something. Before I know where my feet have taken me I end up outside my family's bakery. Next best thing to painting is frosting. Inside my father stands behind the counter selling some day old bread to one of the regulars. Without a word I go into the back, slip on an apron and begin doing what I do best. The piping bag becomes the brush in my hand and the empty cakes my canvas. Every emotion of frustration slowly melts away from my body as I lose myself in my art. When I finally come out of the trance I step back and look at my work. White icing flowing into thin delicate lines like lace, large flowers blooms all around painted a rainbow of colors; blood red, forest green, lilac violet, sky blue, sunflower yellow and small hearts encircling the entire thing, each looking like they could start beating. This would make anyone smile but I know that no one in district twelve could ever afford this. But at least they could get enjoyment from it. I set it in the window for everyone that passes can see. Outside the twilight has taken over where the sun once was. I'd spend at least two hours just painting out my angst.
"Hey Peeta," a squeaky shy voice calls to me.
I turn to find the mayor's daughter, Madge, standing in front of the counters as my father wraps up a batch of cookies for her. I'd never really spoken much with Madge before the hunger games; I only noticed that she and Katniss would always be together at school but now, every once and a while, she likes to strike up a conversations with me.
"That's a beautiful cake." She says eyeing the frosted masterpiece that I just put on display. "I bet Katness will love it. She's so lucky to have someone with such a beautiful skill in love with her."
Pangs of guilt rush my body. Everyone still thinks that Katniss and I are foolishly and uncontrollably in love with each other. Part of that is true. I do love Katniss but not in the way that I told everyone. She a wonderful friend and saved my life so many times I lost count by now but I could never love her the way I should love her. But no matter how hard I try and how much I would enjoy that I never could. She's just not the person I fell in love with.
I just shrug and smile shyly. "Probably not, she would say it cost too much and yell at me to take it back."
She smiles a large genuine smile and lets out a small giggle. "I suppose you're right. It's such a shame such a beautiful thing will go to waste."
My father clears his throat, telling her that her cookies are ready. She blushes with a smile of embarrassment, puts the money on the counter and with a quick smile and goodbye she's out the door. I look at my father, his eyebrows raised high and I already know what he's thinking. If there's one thing that would make my mother happy is if I married a girl like her; pretty, kind, wealthy with political power. The kind of girl who would be able to make all my families troubles disappear. Since I won the games I don't need any money or political power. But since I won the games everyone thinks I'm in love with Katniss, a girl my mother strongly dislikes yet respects. Madge is just another lovesick puppy I could never love in return. But she's right; it's a shame to let something so pretty go to waste. I pick it out of the window and into a box large enough to hold it. I put more than enough money on the counter to cover the cost of the cake, icing and other supplies and head off back toward Victory Village.
I wait outside the door for someone to answer. After a moment, the doll-faced little girls answer with a sweet smile and invites me in. Prim has always been kind to me and, from what Katniss had told me, she loves my decorating so giving her and her family this cake will only bring her joy. When I tell her I have something just for her, her face lights up like the sun. We walk to the kitchen which was filled with people. Katniss turns to see me and greets me with a smile while Haymitch sit with a cup of coffee in his hand, most likely trying to work out a hangover. Effie, of course, still attempts to keep everything on track. Mrs. Everdeen stands over the stove cooking something that smells like fresh duck.
I place the box on the table and open it up. Prim's face glows as she looks over my handiwork. Katniss makes a face that she is displeased with it.
"And why did you bring that here? That is way too expensive." She crosses her arms. But I knew that this would be her reaction.
"Well it's a good thing I didn't bring for you, it's for Prim. I know how much she enjoys looking at my frosting designs so I figured she should be able to eat one." I say back with a sly smile. If it's something that would make Prim happy, Katniss will never deny her.
"Not till after dinner," Her mother says as Prim gazes at the cake with wanting eyes. Prim lets out a small sigh. I can't help but smile.
"Aw, come on, let's enjoy it now." A rugged, smooth and sexy voice calls from the back door. It swings open and in steps the one the causes my heart to flutter in my chest like butterfly's trying to escape. Gale enters the house with three wild turkeys hanging from his belt and a bag filled with rabbits, ducks, plants, herbs and other game from his day of hunting. Reaching in his bag he pulls out a handful of greens and hands them to Mrs. Everdeen. "Here are those herbs you wanted."
She thanks him and heads off to go place them in her medical kit. Gale takes a seat at the table and pours himself a cup of coffee. I'm not really sure what him and Katniss are talking about, all I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. This is the first time we've been in the same place and he hasn't avoided coming around, or made a face at my presence. After the games he was so distraught about the whole 'Katniss and I in love' thing that he almost stopped talking to her. Me, he doesn't even want to talk to me, not that he did before. I'm guessing it's because it will be the last day she'll be around that he figured he should put his loathing for me aside to see her. Of course the one person that can't even stand to be in the same room as me is the one that I would to have holding me at night when the nightmares hit. Of course it wasn't a surprise that it's Gale I long for; smooth olive skin, dark ink black hair, tall, muscular body and a handsome face set with stunning grey eyes. It's no wonder every girl in school whispers about him, he could have any girl and most of the boys if he really wanted. But instead he wants her, the one that I told everyone I loved. Now we're competing for her love when this battle is one sided.
"Peeta?" Katniss' voice snaps me out of my own thoughts. Everyone in the room is looking at me inquisitively.
"I'm sorry I was thinking about something. What did you say?"
"I asked if you wanted a piece of cake." Despite Mrs. Everdeen's protest, they decided to cut into the cake for some sort of pre-victory tour or goodbye celebration. Effie has a piece as tiny as could be, she doesn't want eat too much sugar. Haymitch doesn't even have a slice; he probably can't ingest solid food at this point in the day. Gale and Katniss each have equality big slices and Prim, of course, has the biggest of all. I just nod, biting my lip, trying to keep my thoughts of Gale at bay.
As everyone digs into their slices of cake I can't bring myself to eat. My stomach feels like it has been tied into knots. The way he looks at her, the way he longs to touch her, kiss her, just have her in his arms holding her is nothing short of gut wrenching because as much as he feels it for her, I feel it for him. I know what it's like to want to reach out and feel the heat radiate from the cheek of the one you love, to want nothing more than to have your lips touch and feel the passion of your love come to life on your lips. Let the fire burning under your skin to be able to dance and come alive at their touch. And to want nothing more than and having to live with the fact that the only person who would be able to do that to you yearns for another can't compare with any amount of torture. The Hunger Games were a cake walk compared to living with this.
"Well I better get all this game back to my mom, you know how she gets if I'm late." He cleans his plate of the sugary treat and bids us goodbye. As soon as he's gone the tension from my body is whisked away with him. After that things in the room seem to settle down to a slugs pace. Haymitch must be sobering up so he leaves to go drown himself in more white liquor. Effie, as usual, must go find the prep teams so that we look our best for this evening event. Prim makes her way to her room leaving Katniss and I alone, the first time alone together since the games. There's always someone there to fill up space. She grabs the plates and silverware and places them under the warm water spilling from the tap.
"Given any thought to whom you want to bring?" She asks as she scrubs the remaining residue from the plates and places them in the dish drainer. Wiping her wet hand on her pant legs, she takes her seat across from me and continues drinking the muddy looking beverage.
"Not at all. There really isn't anyone I want to bring." I lie. It all I've been thinking about for the past couple of days. "What about you? Change your mind about Prim?"
She makes a face of discomfort like this is a touchy subject. "I'm really not sure if I want to bring her anymore. I mean, going through all the district could be dangerous. Especially if the Capital is watching us so much, I really don't want to put her in that much danger."
"What about Gale? Why don't you ask him to go?" I ask
Another uncomfortable face is displayed. "I originally asked him but he turned it down. He said if the Capital is that hell-bent on finding out the truth about us then having him around would only complicate things." She takes a long sip from her cup. "Then he said he couldn't leave his family behind, even though I said that my mother would help his family with money."
"What about bringing someone else?" I ask. A stupid question, I know as soon as it leaves my mouth. If it wouldn't be Gale it would be Prim or vice versa. "What about Madge?"
"Mage is great an all… it's just… it wouldn't feel right." I know what she means. Having Madge there would be like inviting a spectator into our private lives. Madge may be one of her friends but she isn't privileged to any extra information that the general public isn't.
"Well if you call out his name tonight, it's not like he could just say no on national television." When the words hit her ears her face glows like Prim's did when she saw the cake and for a second I see the little girl I first remember seeing all those years ago on her first day of school.
"No, if it was me he could… but if you called out his name, there would be no way he could." The wheels in her hear are turning a mile a minute, finding every possible hole in this plan. "If you invite him it's not going to interfere with the 'in love' plan."
She takes a minute to read my face for any pain. As far as she knows I'm still crazy for her. When she doesn't find any emotions flooding me she continues. "It would just be you inviting a old friend on the trip with you. I can bring Prim so everything still looks normal. Oh please Peeta, tell me you'll do it?" She practically on her hands and knees begging me. For a second I think, and I know that this whole plan could blow up in our faces but any chance to have him around for six weeks isn't a chance I'm going to pass up.
I lean forward and kiss her forehead. "Anything for you." I can tell she feels guilty asking me to do this but I don't have anyone to bring anyways. He would be my choice if it wouldn't be so weird. Now, at least, I can say it was her idea and not have it seem out of the ordinary.
As soon as I get home I'm jumped by my prep team. The televised event of us announcing the friends that will be joining us will be in an hour and half so we must look our best. Luckily Portia says I don't need much work, just a quick hair trim and some small touches of make up to hide the bags under my eyes. As soon as their done I'm free to do as I wish until we have to leave. I make my way up to my room and finish packing for the trip. The only thing I truly want with me is my paints. If I wasn't able to paint out all my emotions I would explode. By the time I finish Effie has barged into my room barking at me to get all my stuff and hurry to the center of town so the event can begin. I take my bags to the living room and am ushered out into the chilly streets.
Katniss is already there as a crown has drawn around the train station. There the Mayor, our prep teams and some other important people have gathered, awaiting my arrival. Taking the stage, the mayor takes his cue and begins his speech.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen of district twelve, the capital and the great nation of Panem. It is my great honor to not only have one, but two champions of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games. Today they start a new journey throughout the great nation of Panem, meeting many other victors, making bonds and having a rare opportunity to see this great land. Along the way, they will be able to bring one person of their choosing to accompany them. So without further ado, I introduce your champions; Katniss Everdeen." Katniss stands and waves to the crowd. Everyone begin to clap. "And Peeta Mellark" I stand, and wave like I give a damn. The crowd eats it up.
"Now before they leave, the champions will choose the one person that will accompany them on this long journey. And, of course, we will start with Miss Everdeen. Ladies first." Katniss takes the microphone, clearing her throat and looking out at the sea of faces staring back.
"For this trip, there is no one I would love to have more than my little sitter Prim." The crowd lights up as little Prim takes the stage and hugs her sister. A unanimous 'Aw' floods from their mouths as they watch the sisters embrace each other.
"And now, this young lad will tell us who he chooses as his travel companion." The Mayor hands me and microphone and gently slaps me on the back with a laugh. "So how about it young man, who's the lucky one who gets to join you?" Suddenly I'm aware that everyone is watching me; my palms are sweating, my heart is pounding in my chest and deafening my ears. The once moist mouth has suddenly become so dry it's almost impossible to choke out the words.
"Well… it took me a long time to think of who I wanted to join me." I can see Effie biting on her nails waiting for my announcement, wondering if she'll have to rush the stage and pick someone for me. "And I finally came to the conclusion..."
Katniss is looking at me with wide eyes, wondering if I am going to back out at the last minute. "That the one person I want at my side… is my old friend Gale Hawthorne." The crowd is silent as all eyes fall on him, gawking up at me with eye almost bugging out of his head, his mouth hanging out like a hungry baby bird waiting for its mother to feed it. I choose Gale; the boy that snared my heart.
Well that's it. Hope you enjoyed, please review and tell me what you think :D thank you.