Luna here again :P

Three stories in two (or is it one?) days. Wow, I am on a roll...

I actually got this idea when I was typing up 'The Game'.

This is my first non-M-rated fic! :D

Still has shounen-ai of course though, duhh...

Anyway, onwards!

"... Hey, birdie..." I looked at the silverette at the kitchen table, waiting as I made my traditional breakfast - pancakes.

"Yeah, Gil?" I didn't like how he was looking at me. Far too... questioning for my taste. I turned back to my cooking.

"Your curl is really sensitive, right?" I frowned and put the pancakes on a plate, turning off the stove.

"Huh?" Gilbert sighed and stood up, walking to me.

"This curl." he grabbed said curl. I shuddered lightly.

"O-Oh... Wh-What about it?" he let go, but stared at it.

"It's really sensitive." I nodded, blushing from the light pleasure I got from the small touch.


"What if you try to straighten it?" my eyes snapped to him.

"Eh?" we moved to the table, me putting the pancakes and maple syrup in the center as Gilbert sat and helped himself.

"Like what girls do. They use that thing..." I nodded and sat, helping myself and automatically slipping one down to Kumakichi - or whatever his name was...

"Yeah, Gil, I know, but what do you mean if I try to straighten it?"

"Well, would it hurt?" he asked, mouth full. I stopped eating for a second and frowned.

"I'm... Not sure... I expect it would." Gil nodded and we fell into a comfortable silence, eating our breakfast. When we were finished, I started doing the dishes and Gil went off to the living room. After I had finished, I joined him, settling into the couch with a book. After a few minutes, the albino broke the silence.

"... What about when you comb it?" I looked at him. There was that questioning look again...

"I don't know. I usually don't brush over it..." he nodded again and I went back to reading. Suddenly, he grabbed my curl and pulled. HARD. "M-Maple!" I dropped my book and smacked his hand, small tears in my eyes. "Wh-What the heck, Gilbert?" my glaring eyes shot to him. That stupid look was on his face again.

"Did it hurt?"


"Hmm..." I scowled in one of those rare moments I was truly mad.

"Gilbert, what the heck is wrong with you?" he looked away.

"Well..." he mumbled something. I frowned.

"What?" Gil sighed and looked at me.

"I know everything about you except things that affect your curl. It's really unawesome to not know everything about your lover." I blushed.

"Aw, Gil..." I snuggled close to him and kissed his nose. "Je t'aime, mon petit ami génial." he smiled and put an arm around me, pressing a kiss to my temple.

"Ich liebe dich auch, Mattie." I giggled and we relaxed together.

Hmm... I can't tell if I'm fully satisfied with this... Ah well, it'll have to do.

Je t'aime, mon petit ami génial - I love you, my awesome boyfriend.

Ich liebe dich auch - I love you too.

Reviews are appreciated greatly~~