~Lockdown in Detention~




Slowly I opened my eyes, trying my best to adjust to the sunlight pouring into the tiny lounge room. Once my eyes had adjusted, I turned my head to see Edward was waking up as well mirroring what I had done. I then took in the fact, that we had a blanket over us, covering our naked bodies. I guess when they came in last night, Emmett probably found a blanket somewhere and covered us. After realizing that fact, I also felt something else waking up below me.

"Mmm... Morning there, sunshine." I murmured to him, smirking at seeing how sleepy he still looked.

"Mornin'." he muttered, that deep velvety voice of his raspy. I turned my naked body over to be lying on my stomach on top his torso, snickering when he quietly groaned.

"Something wrong there, babe?" I whispered with a giggle, receiving a small glare.

"You little minx, turning over like that on purpose."

"Me? A minx? Purposely turning over so my privates were grinding up against yours? I would never!"

Those emerald hues of his rolled at that sarcastic remark.

"Bullshit liar."

"You know it." I stuck my tongue out at him and I felt his body shake lightly from his deep chuckle.


"Holy fuck!" I hissed, wincing at the noise of Emmett's roaring wakeup call. I turned my head and raised an eyebrow at the sight of the others. I'm also guessing sometime in the night after my time with Edward and after we had passed out, the four of them had snuck into the lounge to get some sleep - only to fall into a messy disarray of sleeping positions on the floor. Jasper and Alice were by the wall. The small pixie was curled into him, with his own lithe arms wrapped around her. They had jumped upon hearing the loud noise, and began rapidly blinking their eyes to try and shake off the sleepiness. Emmet and, surprisingly, Rosalie were by the couch. She had been lying on top of his torso, looking peaceful in her sleep. Of course, she too jumped up awake from the noise, holding her chest with one hand from the quick heart-attack he had caused. And speaking of the behemoth, he was slowly sitting up now, rubbing his head with a slight scowl on his face.

"That's some wakeup call you got there man." Edward teased in his groggy voice, throwing his arms behind his head. The others looked over at us on the couch; Jasper, Rosalie and Alice simultaneously blushed whilst Emmett merely snorted.


"Figures you two would be here to have a good ole time in the sack."

I rolled my eyes at Emmett as the other 3 shifted in their spots, awkward at the sight.

"Look, pay no mind to our obvious nakedness. What I'd like to know is, how did last night go for y'all? Have some good fucking times with that stash?" I asked out loud to try and break their nervousness. I smirked when Emmett nodded his head for them. Jasper shrugged his shoulders, his own smirk coming through. Rosalie's blush only deepened before she curled her knees close to her chest, looking away from my eyes filled with questions and slight scrutiny. Alice blushed again, burying her face in her hands.

"God... I think we spilled some secrets to one another in that office." she hissed to herself, as if suddenly remembering what went down last night. I perked up, upon hearing that.

"Oh really? Damn, we missed some juicy stuff E!" I whined to Edward, who snickered at me.

"It wasn't as juicy as you think it was..." Rosalie muttered under her breath, as if almost to herself and hoping I hadn't heard her. She was sadly mistaken.

"It was still juicy I bet. Please, do tell these little secrets." I purred jokingly, snickering.

"Izzy, calm your shit. We can talk about it later." Emmett grunted, and I pouted. Damn, that was probably the first mean response he's said to me in a long while.

"What's got your boxers in a twist, bro? I'm kind of joking. I'm sorry I'm curious as to what was said." I muttered and he grunted again.

"Bro, I know. But don't push it. Let us wake up, get ready and shit alright?"

"Emmett, calm down. Please, don't start fighting with Bella." Alice pleaded quietly when she sensed that he was slowly getting more agitated. He nodded his head, sighing to himself.

"Sorry Izzy. Didn't mean to snap at you."

"S'okay..." I mumbled, still taken aback from his behavior. Edward noticed and rubbed my back.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes, before Jasper coughed behind his hand.

"How about we let you two get dressed, we go and take a shower or something, and then we can chat about our plans for the day? Be it, we talk about what went down last night, or just figure out what to do for some fun?" he suggested quietly, rubbing his neck.

"I like that idea!" Alice chirped in, nodding excitedly to him. Rosalie and Emmett nodded as well, letting out noises of acceptance.

"Sure. Works for me." Edward contributed his answer, looking down at me for my answer.

"Bella probably wants more hank-panky time with E's stick though." Emmett joked, snickering. I laughed out loud, and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, wouldn't be really wrong."

Edward blushed as the others chuckled after my remark.

Eventually I agreed to the plan and they left us alone to get dressed. It was a bit of a struggle for me to get dressed like I did, having seeing Edward's tattoo on his back again was sending me into a bit of a tizzy. He noticed I had stopped and glanced over at me.


"You realize I'm not going to let you have this shirt back, right? I want to keep ogling that ink you have on your back." I told him truthfully, slipping his large shirt over my head with a giggle. He turned his head to look over his shoulder, before he made a noise of realization.

"Well, I guess I can leave it off for now?"

"I'll give it back to you at some point but for now, I want to look at my candy openly."

Another deep set blush graced his model face, and I laughed once again at that.

When we were finally deemed decent, we left the office with me cuddling close into his side. We joined the others who were by the lockers.

"Time for another shower y'all?" Jasper asked out loud, raising his arms out in question. I looked between the group, noting Alice nodding her head rapidly. The little pixie liked to be clean I guess. Emmett was shrugging his shoulders, while Ice Queen Hale nodded her head shortly.

"May as well. I kind of feel gross again still after what went down yesterday." Edward put in his vote and I nodded my head along with him.

"Then let's go."

Jasper and Alice led the group, with E and I behind them, Emmett and Hale taking up the rear.

A low whistle from my friend caused everyone to stop and look at him. I noted the pink tint to Hale's cheeks when I turned to look back at them.

"Man E, didn't know you had ink on you."

"What? Ed's got a tattoo?"

"Well, i-it's nothing too big." my hunk stuttered from the attention he was getting, backing away off to the side.

"It kind of is big, since you're shirtless thanks to Izzy." Emmett inputted with a loud snort, chuckling at his discomfort.

"What's the tattoo?" Alice asked with curiosity, looking up with him with wide eyes. My boy raised his arm and scratched his head, his face beet red still from the attention.

"I-It's a tattoo with an Italian saying... 'Vivere fino a vedere l'ultimo'." he muttered, speaking in such a sexy, fluent accent.

"Ooooh! What does it mean?" the pixie pressed with excitement.

"'Live to see the Last'."

Another whistle was heard.

"That's some deep shit there, my man." Emmett praised, and the others nodded in response.

"Is it important to you Edward? The saying?" came Rosalie's quiet voice, adding more curiosity.

He nodded his head weakly, looking at the floor.

"It's a saying... my mom's mother would usually say to her. I learned a little bit of Italian from my mom when I was growing up. Granted, when I was a kid, I couldn't actually say much of it. But, I took this phrase she taught me to heart..." he trailed off, stopping himself.

"Really? Why is that?"

"Speaking of your parents... I have never met your parents. I've been to your recitals in the past, and I've never see anyone there for you. Are they like big business people or something?"

The Hale's prodding questions had me glaring over at them. They looked back over at me with their own confused stares.

"Izzy why the dirty looks?" Emmett was just as confused, narrowing his eyes at me as if he was trying to defend the two. That'd be odd though, seeing as how we can't stand the both of them.

Edward's harsh intake of a breath had us looking back over at him. He looked up at the group, his eyes looking lost.

"Edward what's wrong?"

"Dont... You guys don't know?"

"Don't know what? Ed, we're really lost over here."

"I... Nothing. It's nothing. I just thought everyone knew by this point." He grunted to himself, harshly. With a harsh sounding laugh escaping him, he shook his head roughly before he took off in a jog, running away from us.

"E!" I cried out after him, frowning at his retreating figure.

"I feel guilty now for pushing him."

I sighed whilst I heard the regret in their voices from Edward's response to the questioning.

"Yo Iz, know what that was all about?"

I glanced behind me after hearing Emmett's question, and pursed my lips.

"It's not my story to tell Em. Just like you can't tell me what happened last night."

"Iz, I already told you, I'm not going tell you what went down. Give it some time and we can talk about it later."

"I know that. And now you know I can't tell you what's up with E. It's his story to tell, so we have to give it some time to let him tell his story."

I left it at, before I reminded them all that our plan was to go and shower. After I retrieved my gym shirt that I had worn yesterday, we continued our way to the gym. It was a silent walk over. Neither of us wanted to speak after how we saw Edward was earlier. It didn't take long for us to reach the gym at least. When we were all close to the locker rooms again, I heard a shower was on in the boy's locker room. Must be E showering in there.

"Don't bother him if he doesn't want to talk. Please." I reminded Emmett and Jasper when we split off to head into our respective locker rooms. Jasper nodded his head in response, as Emmett did too.

"I won't bother him, B."

Us girls went inside the locker room, got undressed and headed off to the showers again. I was silent while Alice showered in the stall next to me, where I could hear her humming some tune to herself.

"You're awfully quiet over there, Swan."

I let out a little yelp upon hearing that voice.

"You're actually talking to me, Hale?" I had to make sure I wasn't imagining this, or hearing this. First Emmett's weird and harsh, defensive behavior - now Hale, the Ice Queen herself, was actually speaking to me? No insults? No fighting? Like what in the literal fuck?

"Yeah... Weird I know."

I let out a quiet snort to myself.

"What have I done to deserve the chance to talk to the royal ice queen herself?"

I earned a loud huff.

"I'm trying to make nice."

"You know we could cause the universe to implode in on itself with us talking, right? It's not cosmically right for us two - two long time enemies - to be talking to each other." I jokingly stated, sarcasm heavily lacing my statement. I heard a slight hard chuckle from her stall.

"I know."

"Alright, well... why are you suddenly talking to me as if I'm an actual person?"

"I... Look. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. Something big. It involves my brother and I. And it's something I already had talked about last night with the others. Alice knows. I... I think she's starting to forgive us for what happened -"

"Somewhat." came the quick input from Alice.

I looked over in the direction the pixie's stall now, hearing that she had stopped her humming and I think her washing of herself to listen in on our small conversation.

I puffed my cheeks out with a harsh breath escaping me.

"Alright. Well am I going to get to hear this bit of info later on?"

"Yeah... I'm just trying to make talk and... I don't know, start building some trust with you?"

"Well, the trust part is a bit of SoL with ya, Hale." I told her bluntly, rolling my eyes.

"I know that. It's probably never going to be redeemed. And I don't ever expect you to accept my apologies, or my brother's for that matter... I just want to get this off of my chest and get the real truth out there." I heard her voice get a bit quiet after admitting this.

I sighed again, but nodded to myself.

"Well, I'll listen to what you two have to say at least, okay?"


After that, we all had finished up our shower. We exited the stalls, getting dried off and dressed. I finished up quicker than the two of them so I slipped out to head back out into the gym, Edward's shirt in hand. I was a tad startled when I saw Edward out there, shooting some hoops with the basketball we had found yesterday. I watched him dribble the ball, noting how focused he seemed with it. I watched him take the shot, giving out a clap when I saw it land through the hoop and he looked up at me, a bit surprised from the sudden noise.

"Nice shot, E."

"Thanks." he chuckled out his reply, shrugging his shoulders.

I jogged up to him, giving him a hug.

"You okay, babe?"

"I'm alright, sweetheart. I've calmed down from my outburst earlier. I know they were just curious, but... the questions were getting to be a bit much."

"Why were you surprised when they had no idea as to what's up with you, E? I mean, we pretty much only got to know you yesterday when you were pulled into this mess with us. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here that knows about it." I was really confused as to why he thought they should've known about his homelessness. I'm pretty sure none of them knew, based on their shock from his outburst and looking lost as hell when he was pressing the matter. As if everyone in this school already knows about his past, when I think no one really knows.

Edward raked a hand through his hair, huffing.

"I thought they all knew. I really fucking thought that little dipshit Newtown would've blabbered about it to everyone that walked and breathed here."

"What does that douche bag have to do with this?" Now I was confused. What did dipshit Mike Newton - the dumbass jock of the school, big on harassing the ladies, boasting that he's such a gift from God for the female species, and fails epically on actually keeping up with his studies, thus a huge moron - have to do with my babe's secret?

"I was at my spot that I stay at, when the fucker and his buddies were driving by. They spotted me and yelled out the window some obscenities, saying like 'Yo, Freak! Why the hell are you hiding out under the highway you fucking troll? Why are you home to your whore of a mother fucking her since that's the only action you'll ever get?!'"

I scowled upon learning this bit of news.

"That little..."

"Please." he stopped my cursing with his thumb and finger, pinching my mouth closed. I looked up at him to see an eyebrow raised.

"Trust me. I know that asshole deserves the beating of a lifetime. He's deserved it since he was born. But please, I don't want to hear any promises that you'll be beating him up the next time you see him. I've learned to be the mature person and ignore it babe."

"But -"

"Ah! No buts." I frowned at his persistence. I then crossed my arms over my chest, nodding my head to promise him I wouldn't. For now.

"But. I guess he didn't gossip it to the whole school. I'm kind of surprised he didn't, since it seems like the others have no clue as to what I was going on about in the hall." I shook my head in response to his observation, agreeing with that as well. He pulled his hand away with a smile in victory and I snorted a bit at his smile. I then gave him shirt, saying maybe he'd be more comfortable to have it on again. He merely shrugged at that statement but he willingly put his shirt back on, before I ruffled his silky hair.

"I swear to God man..."

We looked up upon hearing this, and noticed the others were coming out from the locker rooms. Jasper was holding his backside, his face contorted in a look of discomfort. Emmett was snickering at him.

"Grow up man, it was just a little towel whip. Don't be a pussy about it."

"Emmettt, can you not pick on my brother like that?"

He stopped short when Rosalie had acknowledged him by his first name.

"I think that's the first time I heard you call him by his actual name, Rosalie." Edward pointed out loud to break the silence, and Emmett nodded his head in agreement, seemingly still a bit dumbfounded by it

She shrugged in response, saying right after, "I guess I'm just trying to be a bit more civil since we're stuck in here for the weekend."

"Edward, I'm sorry about pressing you like I did in the halls." Alice piped up then, standing sheepishly beside Rosalie in guilt. Jasper and Rosalie nodded their heads, with Emmett rubbing his neck. Edward held up a hand, giving out a sigh.

"Nah, it's fine. Honestly... I think I should tell you guys what's up."

"E, you don't -"

"No. It's okay. Really... Judging how you guys have no idea about me or what's up with my actual home life, I feel like I should let you know. I already told Bella, so it's only fair that I let you all know."

Silence their answer for a couple seconds, but then they woke up and nodded in response, deciding to let him have the floor. We walked over to the bleachers and sat down as a group, spread out on a couple levels. I sat next to E, cuddling into his side. Alice and Jasper sat up a step to Ed's left, with Jasper resting his feet next to him. Emmett and Rosalie sat up two levels from us, looking down at us.

I looked to Edward upon hearing him take a couple noisy breaths, with him trying to steel himself in preparation for his story.

Finally -

"I'm homeless."

His blunt statement burst out through the small silence that we all put up with. I looked up at the others to gauge their reactions. The girls had gasped, each holding their hands over their mouths in surprise. Jasper's eyes widened in response, and Emmett let out a low whistle with his own wide eyes.

"Seriously bro?"

Edward nodded to Jasper's question and then proceeded to tell the whole story he told me last night. They all sat with rapt attention, silent throughout the whole then. But by the time it had ended, Alice was sniffling with her own tears now falling. Rosalie was in a similar state, but she was staring down at her knees instead of looking over at him. Jasper reached down and clapped him the shoulder, his lips pursed. Emmett stood up and lumbered down to where we sat. When he was standing in front of us, he extended out a hand. Confused, Edward clapped his hand into his open palm to form a shake - only to have Emmett then pull him up gruffly and engulf him into a tight bro hug. Edward let out a noise of surprise, but gave into the hug. I smiled sadly up at him when my sexy hunk hunkered back down onto the step beside me.

"I'm offering this to you now man. You're more than welcome to come and stay with Izzy and I at my parents."

"Nah man, it's okay. I... I got a good spot there under that highway. I mean - there's no plumbing and it gets chilly at night but still. Not too bad."

His weak attempt of a joke was met with serious looks and he shrunk a little.

"Uh... tough crowd."

"I'm being serious Edward. My parents are cool and would take you in, no hesitation. And now that I've gotten to know you, and spend some bro-time with you - I'm not about to let a friend be out on the streets like you are."

My eyes got misty at Emmett's response. I knew he was being serious with his offer. As much as he can be a huge goofball, a giant jackass too, he was a loving, caring teddy-bear for the people he cared about. And with something as serious as this matter, I knew he wouldn't ever joke about this offer to Edward.

I looked back to my bronze-haired sex god, and noticed he was pursing his lips to this answer.

"I don't want to be a burden -"

"Think about this offer. You won't be a burden. I'd feel shitty if I never brought this up to you."

Edward nodded his head then after being cut off, and let out a small smile.

"Thanks man."

"Don't sweat it." that goofy, teeth-bearing grin graced Emmett's face, and he sat right back down beside Rosalie who still hadn't looked up from her lap.

We were silent then, when the pixie suddenly began crying again. I looked up at her, to see she had buried her face in her hands.

"Alice, why are you crying now?" I asked her. She looked up, the tears she had from Edward's story falling more heavily now.

"I have a secret to share too. I shared it last night with the others. Like what Edward said, it's only fair I share it to you and E." she said, her blue-green eyes looking haunted.

"You guys know that I'm new to town, right?" she asked and we nodded our heads. She too nodded her head and sighed.

"Well, really, this has been my fourth town. I've been moving around a lot with my mom ever since I was six. Right now, my mom has been remarried to a wonderful man - the famous Dr. Carlisle Cullen." she paused when I made a noise of recognition.

"Yeah, I know that dude. Blond, blue eyes - to the ladies, kind of hot for some old guy? Every time Em and I have done some stupid stunt, we'd always go see him." I clarified and Alice smiled, nodding her head.

"Yep, that's him. You see, when my mom and I moved here, I had been... cut up and messed up, so we were sent to see him - and my mom kind of fell in love with him pretty quickly. He was single when we met him, and I could tell he really liked my mom too. Just a day after moving here, he suddenly asks her to marry him. Crazy, I know. But, she loved him that much from only meeting him within a day or two, and said yes. Next hour, they were Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. And, I do like him; he's really nice, and adores the both of us. I've quickly came to thinking him as my father... But, he's not my real one. He's only my step-dad. But he's way better than my real one."

She again paused to wipe a hand across her eyes, and sighed once more. "I was born as Alice Mary Brandon. I have my mom's beauty and sweet personality - yet every time she looks at me, she gets a face-full reminder of her ex-husband; with black hair and blue-green eyes, my dad was sweet when he met my mom. Whenever we were alone while dad was at work, she would tell me these stories of how they first met in a little college library. How he charmed her, wooed her with chocolates and flowers. And, after graduating, they married. For years, they were in love and everything was fine.

"But, once I was born, things started to change. I noticed as a little child that my dad was more violent, was always intoxicated from booze, and he always seemed to be hitting my mother. And, what hurt the most is that every time I tried calling out to him, wanting him to pick me up, show me some love, and play with me - he always screamed at me, or screamed for my mom to come and get me out of the way of his television, where he always watched sports and would yell at the screen.

"It went on like this for five years. When I was in kindergarten, it was the first time he hit me. My mom was reeling and they fought, with her telling him straight up their marriage was over and that she was taking me away from him. He yelled back at her, calling her a bitch and that she never showed him any love anymore after I - or as he called me, "that brat!" - was born. She had picked me up, and with what little luggage she had, she raced out of that home, driving away with me. We went to see her parents, who lives in Chicago, and stayed with them for two years. My mom had since divorced my dad at this point, and made sure she would be there for me for everything, and would protect me against my dad.

"That's when the running started. My mom's dad told her he had heard from one of his friends that my dad was coming into town. She panicked, thinking he was coming for us. She fled that night, our stuff packed in the trunk. We've fled to three other towns within those few years - the longest time we spent at was at Arizona, for six years. We thought we were finally safe from him. We thought we would never have to run again, and be able to live our lives, continue on with them instead of starting all over.

"One day when I came home from school, that afternoon, I was shocked to find my mom on the floor, bruised, bloodied, but still breathing. I had rushed to her and hurried to fix her up, while she started talking to me. She said that one of my dad's friends who was kicked out of the army, had barged into the house, and began beating her, telling her that he was only doing him a favor - and to remind her that he would be here soon and be coming for us.

"That day, we ran, hurrying to leave the town as quickly as we could. We managed to reach Forks just by nightfall, amazingly; my mom was still hurt from the attack so I drove us to the nearest hospital, and that's where we met Carlisle. He could see how broken we were, and patched up my mom before she told him everything. He felt so sympathetic of us that when he offered that we could stay with him, it was like cupid stepped in and shot one of his arrows, and my mom fell in love with the doctor. And after their hasty marriage, we hurried over to the police and told them the story. They promised us that we would be under protective watch and that if my dad were to ever come here and try harming us again, the police would be there and catch him.

"It just sucks that my mom and I have to be in constant fear, unknowing of when he'll show up. I'm so scared night and day…" her story ended there when she began bawling, and hid her face from us, her little form racking from the sobs. Jasper and Emmett looked pissed, though probably were angry all over again upon hearing this story again. Rosalie glanced out of the corner of her eye over to her, looking worried for her as well. Edward was clenching his fists the more he heard of the story, and I could tell he was becoming protective of her too; I was in the same boat as he was.

We all sat silently, waiting for Alice to let it all out; when she did, she raised her head, sniffling and wiping at her face to get rid of any traces of tears.

"Don't worry, little Pix; if that fat bastard ever comes around, I'll be there to pummel him into the ground." Emmett promised, speaking up. We looked over to him and saw him pounding one clenched fist into his open palm, trying to show the threat was real. Alice smiled and murmured her thanks.

Silence fell upon us again. Then, a tiny throat clearing was heard. I looked up and found Rosalie was sitting up straighter now, wiping away at some of her tears. Emmett looked up at her as well.

"I... I think it's time now I tell you what I shared with the others last night, Bella."

The others looked up her then upon hearing this.

She stood from her spot, walking down the steps to sit on the same one as E and I were sitting on. Emmett followed after her like her shadow, sitting beside her once again. Jasper made a noise too, and I looked up to see him nodding his head in agreement to his sister's statement.

"Alright, lay it on me. What do you two have to share that we missed last night?"

"It's... It's about what our lives at home, as well as what happened all those years ago at that summer camp."

"Look if I'm going to hear another bull-"

"B, please. Let them tell you." Emmett's gruff cut off had me shutting my mouth up immediately.

I felt Edward kiss my temple. "Give 'em a chance, love." he whispered to me in the next second, and I sighed. They were both right. They were quiet for Alice's story, they listened to Edward's story with respect. And I really wanted to know what they had to say.


"It's okay." Jasper muttered, shrugging off my little interruption. He looked back to his sister, who nodded with her lips pursed.

"I... I don't know where to start."

"Show her Rosie. Maybe she'll.. She'll understand more if she sees it like we did." Emmett murmured to her softly, rubbing her shoulder with his big meaty hand. I know Edward was looking over at them with just as much confusion on his face as I was. It was weird seeing him so nice to her, even weirder to hear a pet name come from him to her.

This was obviously something big.

She again pursed her lips, but after some time she nodded her head weakly. She turned so her back was facing us, and then lifted the back of her shirt to expose her back to us. I heard E gasp in time just as I let out my own.

I could see the bra she had own, but underneath it, was a sharp angry gash of a scar down the middle of her back. It started from just where her shoulder blades were and stopped right before her lower back.

"Oh my god... What the fuck is that?"

She let her shirt fall back into place after I let out my stupefied question. She turned back to face us again, her eyes looking haunted.

"I... I guess it's best to start now with that, as well as what happened on that campsite so many years ago. You see... The counselors knew us. They mainly knew our parents, and loved to kiss ass up to them. So, they were usually trying to make sure everything was right for us. They wanted to get good reports and have us tell our parents about it. It... It was hilarious to see these teens looking so desperate and begging to us two that they tell our parents all about the good they do to make sure our stay at this camp was great. They were desperate to keep up the good reputation this little remote campsite had. Back then, we thought not much about it but otherwise decided to help them out.

"But... then I met Royce." She broke off there suddenly, her breath hitching slightly. I heard Jasper give out a loud grunt at the mention of that name, and then he stepped down from his spot. He moved around to sit on the other side of his sister; Alice followed after him.

"Who's this Royce dude?" I asked bluntly when she hadn't gone on with her story for some minutes. She gulped and nodded her head, deciding it was time for her to continue.

"Royce at first was really sweet, at least I thought so. He was one of the younger teens on the counselors team. He was really nice to me, not talking to me as if I was a kid. He actually talked to me like an adult. He complimented me a lot on my hair, my eyes... my body..."

I made a grimace at that fact she brought up. I then began to feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. Somehow I felt like I knew where she was going with this, but I held back. I didn't want to make any accusations out loud without getting the full story.

"At first, I never thought much of it. I took the compliments and praise from him, feeling quite flattered. I had a mild crush on him when I had first spotted him when coming to the camp. He was handsome, with blond hair, big blue eyes. I was just a young kid then, and I felt so... It felt so sweet that my little crush was acknowledging me. So I didn't view any of the other adult compliments he gave me as anything else but just that. Compliments. Jasper didn't know about any of it... Until I had told him before it happened."

"I never liked the fucking creep." Jasper growled under his breath, clenching his fists again. I saw Alice raise a hand to his shoulder and rub small circles on the spot, trying to comfort him.

Rosalie let out a shaky laugh and looked over at her twin who met her gaze.

"I know, Jazz. I'm... I love you so much you goof. Thank you so much for looking out for me like you do." she whispered to him, smiling through her tears. He gave her a sad smile, and the two gave one another a brief but tight hug.

Rosalie then took another deep breath before she continued.

"It was about a few nights before what happened to you, Bella, that it happened. I don't know how they did it without waking me up, but suddenly after I had gone to sleep in the cabin, I woke up to find myself being pressed to the cold forest floor by something. I felt a sharp stingy to my back the minute I woke up, and was almost able to let out a scream from the pain, but I felt a hand being clamped down onto my mouth. I looked up through bleary eyes, and found those deep blue ocean eyes staring right back at me. Panic set in then, as I didn't know what the hell was going on. I looked around wildly by the point, trying to get a grasp of my surroundings. I then found Jasper not far off from. He was being held on the ground too by a female - it was one of the other counselors. She had wild red hair and sharp green eyes. I think... I think her name was Victoria or something. She was holding him down with all her might. Jasper looked like he had been roughed up, like they had beaten him up.

"I then heard another low chuckle and struggling to see, I could make out a third figure. It was another counselor, one of the older ones. James I think was his name; dirty blond hair, dark brown eyes. He looked scruffy usually. He was standing next to Victoria and Jasper, holding a camcorder. I then looked up at Royce again, no doubt my fear and confusion apparent in my wild eyes. He let out a low dark laugh in my face, before he suddenly turned me over onto my stomach. That's when he came out with the truth; Royce had a thing for flirting with 'pretty little girls' like myself, and then usually he would take him out here to have his fun with them. He loved the fact he had his power as a counselor like he did. He mentioned that he was able to convince the other two to come along, considering they were dating but were also into some pretty fucked up shit to get their rocks off like they do.

"They wanted to add Jasper into the mix. Make him watch his sister get violated and be a helpless little victim on the sidelines. It was a power thing they wanted. Show us they were in control... And that we couldn't do anything about it. That we had to deal with it and let it happen. James wanted to record it for himself and for Victoria. He said they were going to fuck to it. I could feel my stomach churning with bile at that thought, along with fear pooling deep within me. I was getting more and more scared as the second ticked by. I was finally understanding what was going to happen. I began to cry helplessly on the forest floor, squirming and trying to break from Royce. But... He was too strong for me. Jasper was too weak to fight off Victoria. They had woke him up when they were kidnapping us and taking us to the forest. He was struggling from them to try and fight them off, try and break free so he could rescue me. But they beat him up to try to weaken him so he wouldn't be able to fight them off."

She broke off again, hugging her arms.

"I-I-It... It lasted for hours. I never knew so much pain before in my life like I did. My back was already bleeding. I never knew how I got hurt with this scar. They must've dropped me on something and dragged me the rest of the way, or... or they intentionally hurt me with something. Just enough to leave it, but not enough to wound me internally. But... by the time the first hour rolled around, I could only hear Jasper's crying and screams. He was screaming when it started to hopefully try and alert someone else at the camp to come to our rescue. But once he realized it was useless, he was just left with his tears. I stopped my crying, letting the tears fall silently now to the dirt and just closed my eyes tight. I was praying to myself, praying that... the next time he would be finished would be the last of it..."

Another trail off was soon followed by the harshest of broken sobs I have ever heard from someone. She collapsed in on herself into a mess of tears, curling inwards. Jasper immediately went to his sister's aid. I saw the tears falling now from his eyes, but he soon was hugging his sister so tightly. They sobbed together. Alice went into another fit of crying, upset for hearing this over again. I looked over at Emmett, noting he had his own tears falling from hearing it over again. He turned his head to look away, eyes clamped shut.

My stomach was churning now upon realizing what had happened to Rosalie and Jasper. I glanced over to Edward through my own misty eyes, and noting he in a similar fashion as Emmett.

Pushing away my sickness, I stood up and walked over to where the twins were, before I engulfed them into my own hug. Minutes later, the other three joined in our heap of a group hug, and I could hear quiet sobs from each of us.

Never before have I felt such sympathy and pain for Rosalie.

We all sat there for several more minutes, just letting out everything we could for this. Finally, when we all felt like we were done, we peeled away from one another, going back to our seats. Rosalie was wiping at her eyes, sniffles coming up every now and then.

"I still need answers... What does any of this have to do with what happened with me? And I feel like there is more to this fucked up past of yours." I mumbled finally to break up the silence. There was still more, I knew that much. I looked over to the twins, noting how they were looking at one another knowingly.

"Well, to continue... this has to deal with you because they were going to target you next."

Emmett let out a low growl when this was brought up; Edward mirrored him.

"Me? Why me? I didn't know them. Plus I was fucking around at that camp, I caused mayhem more than anything."

"Exactly. James liked your nature; you reminded him of his 'precious Vikky' and wanted your young virginity next. He was going... He was going to do something so much worse than what they did to me. After they had finished with me, they left my brother and I in the woods, talking about their plans of how they would get you in another couple nights. We waited some time out there in the forest, mainly because Jasper was taking care of me and waiting for me to find some courage to get up and head back to the campsite. We planned together to rush to the other counselors and tell them immediately what had happened to us. We managed to stumble our way back to the campsite, shaky and crying still from the whole ordeal. We feared we'd run into them again in the forest if they were still out here, or worse they'd already be there with the other counselors thus making it difficult for us to tell them what happened.

"Thankfully, they weren't there with the others that were up. One of them patched up my back while Jasper told them the whole story. When I was doing being bandaged up and returned back to his side, the other counselors were silent after he had finished the story. We were looking up to them, and I was starting to get more confused the longer they took to respond. Why weren't they saying they'll chew them out? Why weren't they saying they were going to immediately report them for their crimes?"

"Imagine our surprise from their response." Jasper spoke up then, grunting again. We looked over at him to see him shaking his head angrily. "They finally spoke up, and all we got was: 'Well, we don't know whether or not you guys are just making this up. I mean, you're just kids and you guys make up these big stories for attention. Besides, that gash on your sister just looks like she fell on something.' I couldn't believe that bullshit that just came out of their mouths. I screamed at them in a fit of rage, demanding then why the fuck they weren't taking us seriously. That's when one of them came forward and flat out said, they didn't want to get a bad reputation like this. They wanted to sweep this story under the rug, because they cared more about their fucking jobs here at the campsite more than caring about what had happened to us.

"Those fucking bastards... I never wanted to punch someone so badly in my life. But... there was nothing we could do to change their minds. My sister and I fled from their office afterwards. We didn't say much on our way back to the cabins. We wanted to get some rest, to try and forget what had happened. But it was rough. The next night, we sat together away from the other kids, and talked. We knew who you were, Bella. We didn't like you since we didn't like your rebellious nature, but... something inside of Rosalie had snapped. She was scared of what would happen to you. And as much as we never saw you as a friend - Rosalie was overcame with something inside that she wanted to do something to protect you from James.

"We knew that if we warned you, it wouldn't do anything. The other counselors were fuckers and would do nothing to actually protect us or prevent this from happening. We couldn't tell Emmett; we knew he wouldn't believe us either. We... We were stuck. But... somehow we were really stuck with the super fucked up plan to violate you before James did. God... By no means is it a justified means of a rescue to you. We still fucked you over with it. We didn't want to do it - god if there was another way to do it, we would've done it in a heartbeat other than what actually took place. But... we were idiots back then. We were two lost kids, traumatized by our own incident, lost on what to do to protect this girl that we didn't particularly like at all. But, we both knew we couldn't let you go through anything worse than what we went through."

"Jesus..." I breathed out at last, resting my elbows on my knees to cradle my head. This was all way too much...

Emmett let out a harsh snort. "My exact reaction, B."

"So... you two thought that fucking raping me with a goddamn stick, was a means of saving me from a fate of being tortured by James?" I gasped out, still thrown through a serious loop by that point. I glanced over at them, to see them shaking their heads sorrowfully.

"Please understand that... as a female to another, with the mindset of a fucked over kid of what had just happened to me, I wanted to protect you somehow. I couldn't let you go through what I went through. I didn't like you. God, I was aggravated by the very nature of who you were. And my early justification of the joke you played on us, while that merely only traumatized us further, I knew that it would be justifiable punishment of what we had done to you. On the outside I was beyond upset and angry, but on the inside... I was happy that you were protected from James. I know he gave up on his pursuit for you... he confronted me alone one day, and somehow he knew that you had been deflowered by something. And I had said that, I had done it to you to protect you from him. It was sick and twisted to view it as a viable means of protection, but it was something that would stop him. He was slightly turned on to hear I had done it as if I had other reasons for doing it, but then when the truth came out, he immediately was dissatisfied and gave up on trying to take you."

I huffed out some air again, winded from this. God...

"I... I don't know whether I should be still hella royally pissed off, disgusted... or even remotely thankful for that. Or all three..."

"Same, B. I was the same way..." Emmett inputted again, shaking his head angrily.

Silence fell upon us. Then -

"And that's not even the rest of the story." Rosalie started again, taking in another shaky breath.

"We got home that summer, and immediately told our parents everything, begging them to never make us go back to that camp. By the time we had finished telling them, we were both a blubbering mess but in our minds, we felt and somehow thought our parents would do something about it. I thought our mother would take Rose to the police to immediately report it. I thought my father would've gotten so pissed at hearing someone had defiled his little girl. Instead... Instead, my father was angry at someone having done that to us, but left the room to retreat to his office. So that left us with our mother who was glaring out the window. We pressed her to speak, begging her to say something or do something to make this right for us. She stood up and we thought was walking over to us to take us into a tight hug and make promises that there would be something done about it -"

"The slap hurt me." Rosalie bluntly cut in then, breaking her brother off from his statement. I looked up at her wide-eyed upon hearing this. New tears were starting to fall down.

"I fell to the ground in a heap from the harsh blow. Jasper was by my side immediately, rushing to make sure I was alright. When we both looked up at her in question, shocked by the response we had received, she was glowering down at us. Her blue eyes were set on fire with a new rage. I'll... I'll never forget what she said to me that day. 'How dare you come into my house like this, you little whore?! You should be ashamed of sleeping with a man older than you. You're a child, you know nothing about sex! Even more shame to both of you for not trying harder to fight him off. Your inner flower should be better protected than that, Rosalie Hale! Jasper, you failed this family for letting your sister be defiled like that! And you! You little fucking skank - I will not hear another word of this! You are to take this rape as a means of punishment, as a punishment of adultery. Shame on you for letting this older fucking boy flirt with you. There will be no reports to the police - I will not be shamed as a mother with a slut of a daughter, and a weak fucking son who did nothing to protect her like he should've! Both of you, out of my sight! NOW!'"

"We fled from that room, hiding away in our room for 3 days straight and refusing to come out. Our parents never bothered checking up on us. It was only the butlers and maids who brought us food and new clothes, making sure we were still taken care of. Even sometimes bringing us together to play with one another. Never did we talk with our parents for the next month. When we came out from our isolation... they went back to drilling orders to us. Stand up straighter, fix that shirt, smile for these people, don't speak out, and... Just the usual socialite orders we received being in this society we live in. Our parents may have power - but they care more about that, than the actual trauma that their two children had went through." Jasper continued for her, a breath hitching in his throat.

They looked at one another, and laced their hands together, tears falling down.

"They still like to criticize us every day for the little things. They're displeased that we're not absolutely perfect. We try... I don't know why we even try anymore. They let us down with how they reacted to what had happened to us. We never went to the police on our own. We looked to our parents for help and protection, but they let us down. And we feared they would kick us out if we had went behind their backs to tell the police. So... we kept it to ourselves. But we promised each other that we would never let anyone ever hurt us again. That we would do anything to protect each other. So... we put up our cold front like we did as a means of a defense. We haven't let anyone in to get close to us, no one to really consider as friends. We're the only family we have with each other, the only friends we want with each other. I'm so happy to have Jazz as my twin. He'll do anything to protect me, as I him. He's took our mother's words of disappointment for the "lack of protection to his sister's rape" to heart when he shouldn't - he's been depressed to hell and back. I've saved him a couple times..."

Once again the two of them broke down into tears and engulfed themselves in another hug. By that point, I think all has been said on their story.

Suffice to say, we all collapsed back into another large group hug, crying it out for a good, solid fifteen minutes. When we were down and back in our original spots, I took a shaky breath before I decided to let out something that has been bothering me for a long time. Something that none of them really knew.

"I've been abandoned by my parents."

Alice looked up at me in shock, tears still streaming from her eyes. Rosalie and Jasper looked down at the floor, closing their eyes. Emmett looked over at me with sad eyes. Edward wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Whilst these four may know or have a general idea of my story, this is the first time Alice will hear it and finally get an understanding of who I am.

"I don't remember much of my childhood anymore. It's been pretty much blocked out, or shoved out after the many years of drugs I took to try and cope from it. But... I found out at a young age that my mom was a drug addict, cheating on my father behind his back with her drug dealer. She would take all of the money he had earned from his job as the police chief, and use it for drugs to fuel her addiction. It was also that same day that she let us try some of it. We were quick to get addicted to it. But it took three years till my father finally found out about everything - between the affair, the money being stolen from him and his hard work, the drugs, and how Emmett and I were doing them. All because of her. He was quick to divorce her, gaining full custody of me. The court ordered that she was to send in support money somehow each month, and the only means of contact she would ever be able to have with me is monitored visits and cards for the holidays.

"But... I haven't heard from my mom since then. By this point, I... I mostly don't care. I feel like she probably ended up dead somewhere - either from a drug overdose, or having to deal with a pissed off drug dealer over hers... But she never sent in support money, never a card around any of the holidays. Never called to schedule a visit to spend time with me. I didn't have time to be depressed about it since I was sent to rehab after the divorce. Emmett and I recovered from the drugs we were initially addicted to, but it didn't change our behavior afterwards. We got addicted to weed mainly, while trying over stuff because we were curious. The more fucked up shit, we agreed together to only do it once and then never again. Thankfully we were able to quit cold turkey on those. Just... weed is nice. It numbs the pain - but physical, and... emotional.

"My dad found out about the weed later on. He was more so fed up with my rebellious nature, all of the trouble I would willingly do and put myself in. We got into a nasty argument, but... something in me told me that he was heartbroken and hurt. He was going through the same things that had happened with my mother, all over again now with his baby girl. After some words were thrown around, he kicked me out that night. We wasn't going to put up with anymore of my shit under his roof, and never wanted me back in that house if I am to continue with the bull that I was pulling.

"But... bless Emmett and his parents. That night when I came to their house, they didn't say a word or question my tears. They just let me in and welcomed me into their home... they welcomed me to their family as if it was the easiest thing in the world." I stopped to let out a shaky laugh; the tears were coming down again. I glanced out from the corner or my eye and noticed they were all looking at me, sadness now apparent in their faces. They never thought that the harsh, 'bad-ass' Isabella Swan, would have such a sad story like this. Granted, again the four of them had heard of this before except for Alice. But the twins included, and I think even Edward, never heard the more thorough details like this.

I heaved in another breath before I decided I should finish. As even Emmett doesn't really know about this.

"The truth is... I put this cold front, this harsh front up too as a means of defense. But, at least you twins have a mother and father around still. As much as they are fucking awful for what they did to you two, they're still around. I view Emmett's parents as like my own second parents for I know they care about me. But, in reality - I-I miss my dad so much. I've cried so much missing him. I cry to myself and try to make sure the big galoot over there doesn't hear me or doesn't know. I don't want him worrying about me... I don't want to seem weak. I really miss him. I... I even miss my mom. For once, I just wish she actually would show a sign she misses me, or that... she even fucking loved me. My dad put up with me for as long as he could, and I knew he cared about me. I knew he did deep down. But I fear he really hates me, views me as something similar to the monster that my mom had became - and I fear that I've squandered every hope of getting to be back with him. I fear I've lost my parents. And there's nothing I can do... There's nothing I can do to fix it -"

Another round of sobs and tears broke past my lips, and I came to a grinding halt at my story. I sank into myself, curling up.

I then felt them all coming around and engulfing me into hugs now just like we had done for Rosalie and Jasper. It was another solid fifteen minutes spent on crying together as a group.

There's been so much hurt between all of us. All of varying degrees. From Edward's homelessness, Alice's running from her abusive father before she and her mom found solace with her new stepdad, to Rosalie's and Jasper's fucked up parents and their reasoning behind their raping me, all those years ago. It was all so much pain, hurt and sorrow for each every one of us. But, it all shook me to my core that we were able to share this so openly with one another. Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and I had known one another for so long, a feud usually was there to keep us arguing and fighting. But, we were so new to one another as actual human beings over the course of one day. From the detention that started it all.

It was bizarre that we've only really known and spent this time together, all in the course of just one day.

And somehow... it felt right.

After we had finished crying, broken up for our hug again and sat back, we sat there. Sniffles, heavy breaths and us just wiping at our eyes to rid ourselves of our tears filled the silence.

"Man... we're a really fucked up group of teens."

We looked over at Alice upon hearing this, to see a dazed look in her eyes but a small grin was gracing that tiny pixie face of hers. Then we looked up at one another, before breaking into harsh snorting laughter.

"Jesus... We really are some type of group is right." Edward's resounding remark left us to make noises of agreement.

That we were, indeed.

"Alright. Everyone, stand up and get into a circle." Alice immediately ordered in that next second, hopping to her feet. We looked at her puzzled and she waved her hands. "Just do it."

We stood up together, standing in a small tight circle.

"Now, hold onto each other's hands."

We soon did that, following the pixie's orders.

"I want you all to listen to me, and listen to me good and clear. Got it? Good. Now. You all may know each other in some shape or form before this detention. I know you all once despised one another, and couldn't stand being in the same room together for long before you'll be at each other's throats. But - look at you all now. Look at us. We've only been stuck in this school from the detention for one whole day. And it'll be two after today. And yet, after our talks - after the time we've all spent, the fun we've had -, I can safely said I'm in the best company during this lockdown. And I can say that I view you all as friends, more than anything. While the past of what happened between you and Rose is horrible, Bella I see us three being friends in the future. I will never expect you to readily accept the apologies so quickly for something so tragic as to what happened to you, but I can only hope upon hearing their story, there is a meaning of understanding to an extent of where the two are coming from. I want all of us to look at one another - take a good real long hard look at each other. Know what we have shared together. Know where we all now come from. Know our pasts. And I want you all to consider, and hopefully promise this to each other.

"As a group from here on out, I want us to become friends. We've spent a short time together, yet I feel like I've known you all for years and years. I trust you all, and care about you all as well. I want us to become friends, and remain friends after this lockdown is done. I don't care what this school will say about us. They can gossip about whatever shit they want. But we have our stories, we have our secrets, and we have a tale to keep with us of all of the adventures we've had so far - and the many more we'll make in here in the coming day. Is this a promise we can all keep?" She ended with her question, looking at us with a brow raised.

We all looked at one another, taking the promise into consideration.

She was right though.

Before, Emmett and I could not stand being in the same room with these twins. We were always at odds with one another. It was a thing known to every student here that we were we the few that always started a fight; if there wasn't a fight that day between us, then something was seriously wrong in the world. But now... here we are, looking at one another with open consideration to friendship. Holding hands together at that.

And I didn't even know who Edward really was before this. I never knew he existed. I turned my gaze to look at him, smiling when I saw those intense emerald orbs staring down at me. He gave me a crooked grin while I could see a tint to his cheeks. My heart fluttered at seeing that smile of his. It seems impossible to me now just thinking that I managed a minute without him.

Maybe Alice was right about us, about our... Our love for one another.

I cleared my throat and nodded to Alice's statement, agreeing with her.

"While I won't be quick to accept what had happened all those years ago, I want to start over with you two. I now know what has happened with you two. It's not a justifiable means of saving that you two did - but it's something at the time that you two felt like that was all you could do to try and stop the same thing that happened to you, Rose, happening to me. All I want to do is forget the past of what our relationship is based upon, and move forward. Let's start over, the four of us. That's what I really want." I spoke with strong conviction while looking over at the twins. Emmett hummed in agreement with my statement. Jasper gave me a small smile and merely nodded, while his sister had tears in her eyes again.

"That sounds nice. And I will gladly start over with you guys."

Edward hummed as well and we looked to him now.

"I want to try and be more open with you all. I never let anyone in before, in fear of the judgment and/or torment of relentless bullying. I kept to myself as a means of protection. But after having the chance to actually get to know all of you - without the constant bickering I had observed for so long -, you all are fucking great. So please, I want to start over with you all too." He told us, his honey sweet voice music to my ears while butterflies kicked in my stomach.

"I think Bella would really dig that mate, if ya know what I mean." came Emmett's teasing, and we all let out loud laughter while Edward became a nice shade of beet red.

"Emmett, I swear to God -"

"Oh relax my brother. I'm teasing you. That's something you all will have to get, and put up with. I'm a raunchy fellow with my jokes, but trust me - if you've got an asshole breathing down on you, count on me to be there for you." he quickly promised, a look of a determination set in his eyes while he smirked at us.

"So. Do we all agree to be besties after this detention?" Alice brought the focus back to why we originally stood up like we did.

After another hard look at one another, we all nodded our heads and make noises of agreement to the promise. She broke hands free to clap them together excitedly, to which we all laughed at. The hyper-active pixie rises again.

"Group hug!" she ordered with a cheer; it didn't take us long to agree to that order.

It may seem weird, like really, really, really weird that we all warmed up to each other so quickly like we did.

But like I said earlier... Somehow it felt right.

Here's to hoping this never dies off.

A/N: I've returned, yada-yada, inspiration is here, etc. I've said it multiple times now so I'll spare it this time lol.

This chapter was going to go in a different route, but upon reading the reviews, one stood out to me as it was a suggestion for an idea of what to do in this chapter. (Unfortunately, it was a guest reviewer with no name left behind.) I deeply appreciate the idea they had given - the idea of what has happened in Rosalie's and Jasper's past, tying into the grisly rape they had committed onto Bella. So that idea truly belong to them, I am giving them credit now but can't give it to them properly without knowing their name.

Although many ideas and plots to these characters may seem heavily far-fetched and 'out-there' as none of this would truly be acceptable in the real world, to the plot in my own head it makes some semblance of sense and is coherent enough to have some ties to the plot and character development.

Ramblings aside, feedback would be greatly appreciated but not begged for.

I apologize for any errors in grammar or spelling; upon typing out this chapter, nothing truly popped up as incorrect but I'll probably be proven wrong. And probably some terms weren't used correctly. Unsure if the seriousness that is Sodomy applies to what happened between Bella, Jasper and Rosalie - or if it's still just rape. (And once again, there are many adult themes being brought up with these characters. IE, a reminder of this story's rating.)

Until next time,
