
AH, OOC; Six teenagers in a small high school of Forks, Washington. An infamous food fight. And, a sentencing of detention after school leading into the night hours and the weekend, leads these six adolescents into not only discovering new friends, revealing secrets and tom-foolery, but it also leads them to finding their true selves. Two rebellious outcasts, two goodies, a nobody and a new student are sent to detention, thinking it'll be a personal hell for themselves. Tensions are running high with animosity hanging in the air. But, when they're locked inside the school while in detention, they'll depend on each other to break out, and keep each other sane. Just how will this lock down detention end?

Rated high "T" to light "M" for language, raging teenage hormones, dark themes here and there, and suggestive adult theme(s).

A/N: This is a Detention Twilight story; something I've always wanted to try out.

Reviews and light critique would be appreciated.

*Also, please vote on the poll on my profile; it involves the final third part of the HSNE Trilogy.*

~Lockdown in Detention~



Linkin Park's "Breaking The Habit" blasted out from the speakers of my best friend's Jeep, while he drove at high speeds, running past stop signs and red lights. I sung to the song quietly, letting my short brown hair be blown back by the wind coming from the window that was rolled all the way down. The cold air rushed in, numbing my face and drying my eyes. I raised my hand where my cigarette rested between my fingers, and brought the bud to my lips, inhaling the smoke.

"Yo, Izzy," my friend called. I looked over at him, noticing how his short cropped black hair was barely even moving in the wind, while his eyes were covered by his black sunglasses. He removed one hand from the wheel, where he reached down and brought his own pack of cigarettes. He took one out, slowly to stop finally at a light while he gestured with his eyes to me to light it up for him. I sat up, straightening from my position of where my legs were on the dash board, and got the lighter, lighting up his cigarette.

"Thanks, Iz." he said to me after he inhaled and puffed out the smoke. "No prob, Em." I replied back, smirking while I went back to staring out the window.

He drove us through the streets, before he finally parked at our destination - Forks High School of Washington. Or, as we like to call it, the "Hell Hole of Our Existence."

I hopped out from his Jeep once it came to a stop, and stomped my cigarette on the ground with my steel toed boot. I raised my hands to my brown hair and fixed its messiness after the wind had played with it, before I fixed my large baggy black shirt over my scrawny jean covered legs. "Quit being a girl, Iz." my friend, Emmett, teased me when he came around the front of his car. He was big, burly, and twice my 5'4" height. His short brown hair was in its perfect style, while he wore his usual black shirt and baggy jeans with boots. A goofy grin was sported on his face.

"Shut the hell up, Emmy." I teased right back, laughing when he scowled at me. "Come on; I don't want to miss class one more time so my mom has a reason to take away my Jeep - again." Emmett grumbled, before he turned and stomped off towards the large building known as our high school. I rolled my eyes, before I hurried to follow after him.

You're probably wondering who the hell I am, right? Think I'm a boy?

Think again, fucker.

My real name is Isabella Marie Swan. I'm currently 17 years old, a Junior - surprisingly enough, considering that my grades are crap - at Forks High School, and I'm one of the rebellious outcasts here in Washington. I have pale skin, brown eyes, short brown hair cut by my own skilled hands, skinny legs and arms, yet I have decent sized boobs for your information; I just like to hide my girly features under big clothes.

Ever since I was born, I've always been a tomboy who said what she wanted to say to any bimbos, sluts, douche-bags and assholes that have screwed with me, my friends and my family. And, trust me, you do not want to screw with me. Because, you're ass will get beaten by me - hard.

Emmett has been my friend for as long as I can remember. He's the brother I've always wanted yet never got, he's my best friend, my partner in crime, drunk buddy, fuck-buddy at one point, and we've been to jail and boot camp together as well. Pretty much, he's a permanent fixture in my life, and I don't plan on changing that. Through thick and thin, through tough shit, or light crap, I'll never leave his side and he won't leave mine. He can depend on me and trust me, as I him.

In fact, he's the only one I can really trust, after all the shit I've been through in my life.

Said crap had started back when I was only ten years old. It was any other day; Emmett and I were at my house outside, doing our thing, playing together. My dad was the police chief of Forks, and my Mom was a stay-at-home housewife, taking care of her husband and her only daughter - me. Anyways, we were minding our own business when this guy in a rundown car pulled up to my house. He called out to us, asking if we knew where my mom was. Emmett and I had ran inside the house, and told my mom about the man.

She simply smiled, said that we were to stay inside, and then grabbing this huge stack of money, she went outside and talked to the man in the car. She handed the money to the man, while he handed her some stacks of white powdery stuff wrapped up in plastic, before she kissed him on the lips and came back inside while the car drove off.

I had found out that my mom was doing coke behind my dad's back, as well as cheating on him with this man, that very same day.

I wanted to tell my dad so bad about what my mom was doing, but Emmett said that if I did, horrible things might happen. Plus, he liked my mom a lot; he really liked her cookies that she would bake for us.

So, I helped my mom keep it a secret from my dad, as well as trying coke with Emmett for the first time. From then on, my life has spiraled out of control.

Three years later, my dad found my mom's stash, as well as founding out about Emmett and I doing coke with her. He was furious with it all - only, he blamed Renee, my mom, for it all. He said that if she hadn't done coke, she wouldn't have gotten Emmett and I doing it. It was all of her fault being addicted to it, and for getting us kids addicted to it as well. So, he did the only reasonable thing and kicked her out of the house, as well as divorcing her and taking her side of the money. She is never allowed to see me, where my dad had gained full custody of me.

Emmett and I were sent to rehab at only 13, yet still, we were terrible kids. Once we got out, we did many other things. Mainly we got addicted to weed, but we started rebelling against the police force and the town. We set things on fire, destroyed cars, egged houses, smashed mailboxes, stolen cars, beers, drugs, and other assortments, as well as jumping off of cliffs down at La Push beach.

And, like I said earlier, we've been fuck buddies at one point, but hell, we're teenagers and we have hormones. So, since we were the greatest of friends, we knew that if we were fuck buddies, we wouldn't get hurt or fall in love.

But, there is one thing I should mention. Just recently, I had been kicked out of my house. Yeah. It turns out that doing weed just minutes before your police chief father comes home is really a crappy idea. He was so pissed when he saw the weed, that he just blew up on me and kept screaming for me to get the hell out of his house. He wouldn't live under the same roof with a druggie, and he certainly would not be getting me out of jail ever again.

I had went to the only one person that would be kind enough and caring enough to let me stay with them.

Emmett had opened the door that night, finding me on the porch with what little items I had gotten from my room at my old house, and just nodded his head in understanding before letting me inside. His mom is such a sweetheart and his dad is just like him, so they were more than happy to welcome me here in their home.

So, here we are. Welcome to my life.

The bell rang, and Em and I went off to our first period classes, which were in different rooms. I walked into my English class, walking casually over to my desk. "Ew." I heard a disgusted voice say. I looked for the source, and found that in the form a certain preppy blond headed girl sitting next to a blond haired boy.

There names were Rosalie and Jasper Hale.

Rosalie was this blond haired bitchy, stuck up, stick-up-her-ass ice queen slut, who was a pretty blue-eyed girl, tall and "shapely" if you know what I mean, and I fucking hated her guts. I wanted to take that designer strap from her Gucci bag and strangle her to death with it, before I would pawn it off somewhere. I just seriously hated her that much. She could really go die for all I care. And thankfully, she hated my guts just as equally.

Basically, she had tried to befriend me on the first day of high school back in freshman year, and let's just say I screamed right in her face that I would rather get hit dead on with an eighteen wheeler than be her friend. Her outfit, personality, style and everything about her just screams bitchy slut, and there was no way I would be friends with someone like her.

Her brother, Jasper, is much more like a preppy ass. He's smart, loves to smirk a lot like he's plotting your demise or something, and is apparently the charming ladies' man. Pfft. He's tried hitting on me before, and all he got from me was a punch straight to the jaw. Although, whenever he's around his sister, he's pretty quiet. He's shy around his bitchy sister, yet confident and a major fucker when alone. Simple as that.

"Might want to lose that pug face of yours, Hale. I hear men don't like it when it looks like you're about to shit your pants." I replied back at her acidly, smirking. She scowled darkly at me, while Jasper desperately hiding his snickers from her. I sneered at her before plopping down into my seat, kicking back in my seat and resting my feet on top of my desk.

Soon, class started. The teacher wrote bull crap lessons on the black board, when the door to the classroom opened up slowly. Everyone looked over at it expectantly, and in walked this little chick. She was tiny - around 4'9" or something like that - while she had big blue-green eyes. She had black spiky hair pulled back into two pigtails while wearing this really girly and brightly colored outfit, carrying a pile of books in her skinny pale arms.

"Yes?" the teacher asked her, annoyed that this chick interrupted the lesson. The girl blushed, while she squeaked out in a soft voice, "I'm Alice Cullen; I'm new here. This is my first class." "Ah, yes. I was told I would be getting a new student today. Please, come on in." the teacher said, gesturing her to come forward. She nodded her head and walked over to his desk, handing him a slip.

"Why don't you sit in the empty seat between Rosalie and Isabella? Ladies, please raise your hands so Alice can find you." the teacher asked us. Rosalie smiled toothily and raised her hand eagerly, while I sighed and raised my hand lazily. Alice blushed once more before she hurried over to where we were. She sat down in her seat, waving to the both of us.

Hale immediately began talking to her, telling her name, introducing her to her brother who waved to her shyly, and all of that kind of nonsense. "Also, just stay away from that piece of crap over there and her buddy, Behemoth Boy. They're bad news." Rosalie warned Alice, jutting her thumb over to me. "Aw, you're talking about me, Hale. You really do love me. I knew it." I teased the blond, making kissy faces at her while she looked at me disgusted. Alice had tried concealing her giggles by coughing.

"Shut up, bitch." Hale growled at me, glaring icy daggers at me. "Shut don't go up, slut." I replied to her in my casual snarky way, smirking. "Ladies, quit talking." the teacher called out to us in a stern voice. Hale scowled at me one last time before she turned her eyes up to the front. "If you want to save any brain cells, I suggest you stay away from this bimbo." I muttered to Alice, before I looked out the window. Alice looked between me and Rosalie, her face cherry red, before she sat there in silence for the rest of the period.

The morning passed by slowly, with really boring classes, me arguing with students and the teachers, and just when I thought I would get detention in my last class before lunch, the bell rang and saved me. "Hell yeah! It's about time we get to eat." Emmett cheered while we walked out of the classroom; he had that class with me. "Amen to that, my brother from another mother." I agreed with him while bumping his fist.

"Let's go before we get the shitty food." Emmett said, grabbing my arm before he began dragging me to the cafeteria for lunch. We entered the room, got our food, and sat ourselves down at a table near the back, and dug into our food. "So, I heard there's this new chick here." Emmett stated while gnawing on his chicken wing. "Yeah. She's this really girly chick, tiny, and I think the Hale twins are trying to suck her into their crowd." I told him, while across the cafeteria, I could see that Alice girl walking in between the Hale twins, with Rosalie talking her ear off and Jasper just staring down at her.

"Poor thing." Emmett joked, laughing. "I'm bored." I suddenly said, frowning. "Bipolar today, aren't we?" Emmett teased, and I glared at him. "Well, I think I know how to get rid of said boredom." I told him while I grabbed some food of mine. "Oh really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Just watch, Em." I said, before I threw my food, aimed at Rosalie. It hit its target - right on the back of her "perfect" red blouse.

"AAAAHHH!" she screamed, jumping and dropping her tray of food on the ground. Everyone stopped and looked at her before they began laughing at her misfortune. "Bullseye!" I cried, laughing while clapping my hands together. Emmett stood and gave me a high five before we walked over to them, ready to start our daily fun. "Swan, you fucking bitch!" Rosalie screeched at me when she saw that it was me who threw the food at her. "Swan you fucking bitch!" I mimicked her, getting her high pitched voice down; Emmett laughed, guffawing at how well I did a perfect imitation of her.

"You are so going to pay for that, Swan! This blouse cost me more than your whole look!" Rosalie snarled at me, getting up in my face. "Why should I pay for it, Hale? You can get a new one by yourself." I retorted at her, scoffing. Seriously, she expects me to get her a new blouse? She must be high or on something to actually think that.

"Oh, I so fucking hate you, you little bitch!" Hale screamed at me before she bent down and grabbed some food for herself. Then, she threw it at me, hoping for revenge. But, she didn't expect me and Em to duck out of the way, where the food flew over our heads and landed on some poor bystander. "Oh, I'm sorry Edward!" Hale cried, looking behind us. I looked behind me, and saw that some boy who was sitting by himself was the unfortunate target of Hale. He was writing on some paper, and well, now he had some unwanted food on it.

The boy looked up, and I froze.

This boy was... hot. Like, really, really, really, really hot; so hot, my lady bits started tingling. He was pale, skinny yet still looked strong. He had coppery, messy hair that was done in a style like he rolled out of bed or he constantly ran his long fingers through it. His nose was straight and bold, paired with high cheekbones, an angular jaw, large ears that looked adorable, and soft thin pink lips that were set into a fierce line. And, his eyes; those emerald orbs were to die for! (Jeebus, I'm sounding like such a girl now.) Anyways, he was dressed up in a sweater, jeans, boots and what looked like a thick scarf around his neck. He looked smart and somewhat preppy.

Though, that doesn't help me understand why he was alone...

The boy, who was apparently named Edward, sighed angrily while he grabbed his own food and chucked it at Rosalie. She ducked down, as did Alice who was still in between her and Jasper, which is where the food landed on. Jasper glared, and chucked his own food now, only his aim was terrible and landed on Emmett. He growled, and stole some kid's food and chucked it in his direction - only he now hit Alice.

"FOOD FIGHT!" one kid yelled out. That started the full out food brawl.

Food of all kinds flew through the air, hitting unsuspecting students, whether it hit their body, their table or their stuff. I had thrown my own projectile while walking backwards, when my back had suddenly bumped into someone. "Oops; my bad." I said, apologizing to the random person while turning. And, once again I froze.

I had backed into the loner named Edward. He stared at me with wide green eyes, his mouth slightly agape. I stared right back at him, only really, I looked more like a gaping fish. I was stunned at how sexy this guy was; from afar, he was hot, but up close, he was making me melt and making my hormones run wild. I seriously wanted to jump this guy's bones and do so many things to him. It's driving me crazy too.

I can't believe I'm getting this affected by a guy - one whom I've never met before in my life as well. I've never really liked other guys; I was afraid I would get judged or hurt, hence why I've only been with a friend during one point in our lives, and why I've stuck to said guy. Besides, most guys that I have met before were nothing but asses, fuckers and just plain douche bags. So, I've never tried getting together with men.

But, this one boy here... he was changing my mind quickly about other boys.

"Uh..." I stuttered, unsure of what I could say. I already apologized to him, so what else was there to say? Hi, the name's Bella, but you can call me Izzy. Mind if I jump you now and christen that table with you? Yeah, that would bode so well...

"Nice food fight we're having." the boy, Edward, said in a smooth silky voice - lord help me and my womanly bits - while it looked like he couldn't believe he just said that out loud. I laughed at his statement, just before food was thrown at my back. And, then, Edward was smacked in the head with food as well. I looked for the source who threw their food at me, and glowered at my guffawing friend.

"Oh, it's on, Emmy! On like Donkey Kong!" I yelled at him, just before I chucked some food right back at him - straight in the face too.

"What is going on in here?" a loud booming voice cut through the loud cafeteria; immediately, flying food ceased and the room was silence. Every student looked towards the noise, and we found Principal Greene standing there with two teachers, seething with fury.

Every student shuffled their feet awkwardly, coughing in embarrassment. "I want to know who started this food fight. Right. Now!" he growled, crossing his arms haughtily. "Nice going, Swan." Rosalie immediately ratted me out. I whipped my head back at her, and glared. "Can it, Hale. You took part in this by throwing food at poor Ed over here." I pointed out while gesturing to Edward. "Yeah, and he retaliated by throwing food at me too." Jasper growled. "Shut up, Hale Boy. I should beat your ass for throwing food at me." Emmett snarled, cracking his knuckles loudly. "You shouldn't have thrown food at me though." Alice frowned.

"So, it looks like I should give detention to all six of you." Principal Greene stated to us, raising a bushy eyebrow. "What? It was Swan who started it though; don't give us detention!" Rosalie argued, huffing. "While she may have started it, you all did throw food, taking part in it and setting yourself up for trouble. You should know that starting it and instigating it further will get you in serious trouble. I'm sorry, Miss Hale, but rules are rules." Mr. Greene said to her, refusing to be moved.

"But -" Rosalie tried once more, only to be stopped by his raised hand. "Now, a detention is in order for the six of you. The rest of you are to stay here and miss your next period, and clean up this mess. You six; follow me." Principal Greene said, motioning for the six of us to follow him.

Grudgingly, we all sulked after him. "This should be a great detention." Emmett grumbled to me as we exited the cafeteria.

"I bet it will be." I grumbled right back, looking over at Hale.

A/N: And, there we have readers! My newest story with chapter one all finished.

I hope I have fun with this story; the idea really intrigues me a lot, after I've read several detention Twilight stories. :D

Now, I would greatly appreciate reviews and critique for this. It'll motivate me to continue it or not. :) And, votes to the poll on my profile involving the HSNE Trilogy, would be appreciated as well. I seriously would love it if any readers could help me to come up with a title for the final third part of the HSNE series.

So, with that, I bid you all a farewell for now. I'm hoping for more votes and reviews :D

Bye for now,

~*Lady Lily of Darkness*~