Info! FYI! Etc!

Please read this stuff first. And check back frequently, I might've added new information.


Stuff I don't own:
Percy Jackson and/or the Olympians and any of its content
The Lost Hero and/or any of its content
Any ideas that originally weren't mine (unless otherwise marked).

Stuff I do own:
Jayson Maxwell Sheer
Xander Mintz
The Gods Visit Camp
Me the Awesome


The gods decide to visit Camp Half-blood for a week. Involves jokes, pranks, contests, games, parties, revenge, shows, and more! No Lost Hero characters except Drew, Piper, Leo, and Jason. Takes place after the Titan War, I guess. Rated Teen in case.

Info About the Characters:

Let's just pretend Jason is staying at Camp Half-Blood in this story...

The Stolls are twins in this story.

Beckendorf, Silena, and Michael are all still alive in this story, even though it's after the War.

The gods' side DO NOT COUNT! Which means it's OK for demigods whose parents are related to date. Well, duh, otherwise you would hardly be able to date anyone (except people from the Aphrodite Cabin, since Aphrodite was born from sea foam and therefore not really related to anyone).

Physical Characterisitcs of Main Characters:

Hermes and most of his cabin: Short-ish, light (because he's supposed to be really quick on his feet and stuff), and skinny (I don't think he'd have time for weight training or wrestling with Ares), with curly brown hair, brown eyes, and elfish features (upturned eyebrows, a crooked, mischievous grin, pointed ears, and a glint in his eye when he's happy or excited).

PS. Should I include characteristics of any other characters?

Sort of a Disclaimer:

I'm sorry if I've copied an idea from someone else. Sometimes it's by accident, so please don't be too hard on me! And I would think that whoever came up with the original idea would be pleased that someone else liked that idea and used it. I would be if I were them. Anyways, pretty much every idea, item, etc. has been used before, so yeah.

Credit (you should probably read this later because it may contain spoilers for this story):

to GazmRules for evil rabid purple vampire bunnies and/or purple, evil rabid vampire bunnies

to xXxWiseGirlXxX for Chapter Ten's scene

Contact Me:

If you have an account, just PM (Private Message) me. Or write a review and I'll reply to it here (if it's important, otherwise I'll post it in the Author's Notes of whichever chapter is next). Please try to sign your reviews so I won't mix them up. Since I can't PM anonymous reviewers, I won't reply to anonymous reviews unless they're important. In that case I'll put it in an Author's Note.

Info About The Author's Notes:

1) Author's Notes will be seperated from the actual story with those line things:

That was an example.

2) The Notes will also be titled Notes:,

3) They'll be in BOLD, and

4) They will always be at the beginning or end of chapters.

Piece of Obvious Information

The story begins in the next chapter.