Here's more and thanks to Retro fury for reviewing and I've been working on the things you said in the review but I hope you like as I'm kind of on a HTTYD kick at the moment.

A huge Toothless fan along with being a dragon lover.

Astrid wondered what was bugging Toothless as he was hanging out in the ring with the other dragons as dragon training was over for the day and she and Hiccup were watching them but Hiccup didn't blame him.

"We kind of met an new friend who's an Night Fury like him.

She came from somewhere I don't know about and thinks that she's a human because she was adopted by humans.

I think Toothless likes her but she doesn't know about being an Night Fury or that my buddy likes her and wants to befriend her." he said.

Astrid laughed as it reminded her of him when he was trying to tell her he liked her before Toothless entered their lives.

"Maybe he should tell her she's not human or try to help her see that.

Like you convincing us dragons and Vikings could be friends." she told him.

Hiccup smiled but then heard Toothless growl as two Terrible Terrors were trying to steal food from him making him mad.

"Let them eat buddy as they're littler than you.

I'll get some more fish.

Besides I think you could help that new dragon we found in the cave as she's confused and trusts you." he said.

Toothless then spat out the fish he'd stolen from the tiner dragons and saw them eat it but fighting amongst themselves.

The Night Fury pouted but would go later when it was night and he would be alone.

He then sighed flying off as the sun was setting but stopped Hiccup.

I can go see her.

I can talk to her as she's like me but just confused as she was adopted by humans and they probably didn't tell her she was an Night Fury.

I'll come back later and tell you what happened Hiccup.

Hiccup understood what his friend was saying.

"Okay but be careful as I don't want you getting in trouble or hurt.

I care a lot about you along with Astrid." he said.

Toothless nodded leaving.

The moon was high and shining bright casting a magical glow on the forest of Berk as it was peaceful without any trouble going on as Toothless was flying but didn't see any trolls as Stoick sometimes talked about them as a belch of blue flame lit the night like a beacon as it was from the cave knowing it was the other Night Fury.

He then landed near the cave making sure that nobodu or any creature was around as he didn't want to scare it.

He then walked on all fours towards the cave as there were flashes of blue flame inside as he entered but smelt the Night Fury as she was unseen again but that bothered him knowing he did that with other dragons or humans he didn't trust right away.

It made him feel bad for her.

Come out please as I want to talk to you as Hiccup wanted to talk.

But we knew that you're shy like I was when I first met Hiccup but why so afraid?

There's a lot of questions I want to know answers to along with Hiccup.

We want to help you but we can't do that until you tell us about yourself.

The female Night Fury then became unseen as she sensed that the male wouldn't hurt her as she saw herself in his eyes as she wanted to belong here but was afraid to get hurt like when the people of Sillan said she was different.

what would you like to know about me?

I came from the village of Sillan where my adoptive family live as they found me a long time ago in a forest.

I don't remember what happened to my birth parents but they said they were taken away but that night I was crying and I was a baby but for a long time, they've been family to me.

I don't have an name.

I left Sillan as I feel like I don't belong there and the people were mad but I was caught in a storm and ended up here.

But I feel like I belong here but don't know why.

Toothless then was quiet as he was understanding about what had happened to her as the blue fire crackled in the cave near them but knew he'd have to tell her she wasn't human but an Night Fury.

He saw her looking at him and back at herself.

There's something I've always thought about Toothless.

I don't look like my family as my body's covered in these black things and have claws.

Sometimes back home, I ask my parents but they go quiet.

They talk about something else but I'm confused.

Toothless was feeling bad for her as he knew she was confused about herself as the fire was going out but decided to sleep here until morning and then return to Hiccup so they could talk about this but they were surrounded in darkness as their eyes closed.

Dawn rose over Berk as Toothless was flying back to the village but saw most of the other dragons already up but blowing smoke rings as the people of Berk were just beginning to wake up or still asleep but Toothless didn't have time as he normally joined in the smoke rings game before going to Hiccup but right now it was urgent as he landed at Hiccup's house but broke open the door using his strength as he entered the house on his stomach but made his way upstairs to Hiccup's room opening the door softly.

He saw the brown red haired boy still asleep but he had to wake him as he needed to tell him about last night as he was growling softly but breathed smoke rings seeing Hiccup beginning to stir but he sighed knowing Toothless had something important to tell him as he sat on the floor as the Night Fury sat opposite him like in the forest.

"So did you talk to her last night?

What did you find out?" he asked.

i did Hiccup and she's confused as she's beginning to realise she's not human as she was asking why she didn't look like her adoptive parents but told me more about herself.

She was found by humans as a baby after her parents were taken from her as a baby and they raised her until now.

But she doesn't belong in her old home and accidentally came here because of a storm.

I think we should help her as she has nobody to lean on.

Hiccup then saw sadness in the Night Fury's eyes as he deeply cared about the female Night Fury like he did about him and was worried about her and wanted to help as they were getting some breakfast.

But he knew they would do whatever it took to help her.