This is a sad song. I'd like to read the book someday.

Song: Campanella

Singer: GUMI

Pair: Chick and Flower

"Roderich, are you there?"

"Yes. Is that you, Elizaveta?"

"Yeah. Are you ready?"

"What time is it?

"Almost three. If we don't go soon, there'll be too many people."

"All right. Let's go. We can take my car. Did you get those flowers for him?"

"Yeah. Cornflowers; his favorite."

"I'm…sure he'll appreciate that very much. Come."

"How long has it been since he…left?"

"About sixty years, I believe."

"Ah. Well…I guess I'll start, then."

"Please go ahead."

"All right. Um, well… We've really missed you, Gil. Ever since you were dissolved. I still think about you every day, and your brother told me to tell you that he's so sorry he can't come in person that often. He's still beating himself up over you, you know. So, maybe… send him a sign? Like, one that shows him he's forgiven? Haha, that's just me.

Anyway, I still can't believe you're really, truly gone. Every morning I expect you to be knocking on the door, demanding beer like you always do. It was sort of annoying, yeah, but…now I wish I could go through it all again. If only to just hear your voice.

Um…we've been having a recession recently. Spain and Portugal got hit pretty badly at first, but now they're better. So did Ireland, for that matter, and a couple of others. Your brother's all right, though. And we're not doing too badly ourselves. Gas prices have been rising. We're all in a mad scramble to find alternative fuel sources. I don't know what you would have done in this situation.

Well, that's pretty much it. I miss you. Hope you're having fun, wherever you are. Hope you're reunited with your Old Fritz. I'll… Yeah."

"Elizaveta; are you all right?"

"I-I'm fine. Go ahead. I'll just be watching here."

"Ahem. Okay. Well, Pru- Gilbert, I… You know I don't like to talk about my feelings as much as express them through music. So you'd better be grateful that I'm trying so hard. I'm not sure why this is still so difficult for me even after sixty years of doing it, but…

Anyway, as Elizaveta said, we all miss you very much. We're keeping this tombstone clean for you, of course. And just the other day, in fact, Ivan was asking after you and, well… I knew about your tumultuous relationship and just said that you were fine. So there. Even Russia misses you.

I've always said that I still long for your company. Before, I admit that I found you terribly annoying, but… you've grown on me, Gilbert. You really have…I miss you, old friend."

"That was… beautiful, Roderich."

"…Thank you."

"Well, I guess that's all there is to say, isn't it?"

"I suppose so. To the car?"


"Roderich; can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"Don't laugh at me or anything, though."

"Why would I do that?"

"Just… Okay, here. Well, you know how I went with one of the Málev Hungarian Airlines flights two weeks ago, right?"

"Yes. You were doing checkups, if I recall."

"Exactly. Well, when we were up in the air for a while, I—I thought I saw—"

"…Saw what, Eliza?"

"I thought I saw… Gilbert. I was looking back from the window in the cabin, and I saw a flash of white and red."

"That could have been anything, though—"

"No, it looked distinctly like Gilbert's hair and eyes. You know when he's running and his head looks like a streak of white? That's what it looked like."

"…Go on."

"Well, I rubbed my eyes, and this time, I thought I saw him smiling. Like everything was all right. He disappeared after that."


"You don't believe me, do you?"

"…Eliza, do you think that maybe you're missing Gilbert a little too much?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, before, you told me that when you saw children flying paper airplanes, you contemplated 'sending your heart' to him on one. I'm not quite sure what to make of that."


"And you also said that when you were helping out in a factory, you daydreamed about making a machine that was capable of transporting someone from wherever it is that lost nations go and back. You subsequently messed up the product you were creating and were asked to leave."

"Yes, but—"

"This is affecting you to a great extent, I understand that. But when it gets to the point when you're seeing things and not concentrating on your work—"

"You think I'm hallucinating. I'm not!"

"Then what do you call it, Elizaveta? Daydreaming during work, seeing Gilbert… How do you explain that?"


"…I…I apologize for raising my voice."

"It's all right."

"But truly, Eliza; we won't be able to contact Gilbert for some time. Please don't hurt yourself trying. No matter what, you won't be able to send anything except your words to him."

"I know. Still, I…"

Sorry about it being so short. I'm running out of ideas. ^^'