A/N This is an InuYasha/Ouran Host Club crossover in which I have changed a few things. In this fanfiction all of the host club characters are in the same grade, 10th. This is my first fanfiction to be posted, so enjoy and tell me what you think. I will update this once a story starts off cinda slow but it will pick up in the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha or Oran Host Club cast.

'Instinct' 'Thinking' "Talking"

Chapter 1-Coming From The Past

'Maybe I should not have brought the Shikon No Tama with me to school.' Kagome thought to herself as she looked at her class information. 'Room A1. Well here goes… everything.' She said in her head as she opened the door to her homeroom class at Ouran High School. Doing a quick scan around the room she spotted a few open seats in the back of the room made her way to them. Sitting down she was quickly lost in her thoughts.

'Maybe Inuyasha was right I should not be here. I did spend a year in the past and missed a lot of school. No matter how much I study I don't think I could ever catch up on it. No what am I thinking? If I quit now he will win and THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN! I was so much stronger than this and I still am! Plus my 'benefactor' is paying my way and if I quiet now I will be letting him down. I always thought of him as a brother I just never thought he felt the same way. She looked at her schedule.'

Name: Kagome Higurashi

Age: 16

Grade: 10

Student id: 069721

1. Math - Mr. Bishamon

2. Science - Miss Chokichi

3. Social studies - Mrs. Munroe

4. English - Mrs. Allen

5. Lunch

6. Art - Mrs. Hayes

7. Study Time

"Kagome, is that you?" Looking up from the schedule she saw Haruhi in front of her wearing a boy's uniform. 'Why is Haruhi wearing a boy's uniform? Is she pretending to be a boy? Well this is Haruhi so it could be anything. I will have to ask her latter.' "Hello Haruhi. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?" Haruhi asked Kagome.

"I am…good." Kagome hated lying to Haruhi. They were like sisters till 2 years ago. Just then she saw twin boys with brunet hair walk in the class room and make their way to Haruhi.

"Haruhi you know this person?" They said together looking at Kagome slightly curiously.

"I'm Kagome. Haruhi's cousin. How are you?" Kagome answered remembering her manners. She felt something brush against her aurora so she flared it out trying to find out what it was. Suddenly she felt two demonic auroras surround hers. 'What the hell? They're DEMONS? Crap. I knew I should not have brought the Shikon no Tama with me to school…' She reached up to the half jewel hanging around her neck and griped it as if to protect it from these two.

"You never told us you had a cousin Haruhi. I am Hikaru-" "-and I am Kaoru. What an interesting jewel on your necklace." They finished sitting down behind me and Haruhi when Haruhi replied.

"You never asked if I had a cousin, plus I thought Kyoya had already told you."

"So where do you live." asked Kaoru asked from behind me.

"I live at the Higurashi shrine. My family owns it." Just then the teacher walked in.

"Hello class, I am Mr. Bishamon your math teacher. So welcome to home room." Haruhi grabbed Kagome schedule and handed Kagome hers.

Name: Haruhi Fujioka

Age: 16

Grade: 10

Student id: 070832

1. Math - Mr. Bishamon

2. Science - Ms. Chokichi

3. Digital Graphics - Mrs. Meyers

4. English - Mrs. Allen

5. Lunch

6. Social studies - Mr. Anderson

7. Study Time

There were only two classes Kagome and Haruhi did not have together. Haruhi handed Kagome's schedule back to her only to have the Hikaru take it and replace it with theirs.

Name: Hikaru Hitachiin

Age: 16

Grade: 10

Student id: 070952

1. Math - Mr. Bishamon

2. Science – Ms. Chokichi

3. Social studies - Mrs. Munroe

4. English - Mrs. Allen

5. Lunch

6. Art - Mrs. Hayes

7. Study Time

Written at the bottom was "Kaoru has the same schedule as me."

'Great I have the same classes as the twins…'

Ps i owe the editing of this story to my best friend!