A/N: I've decided to write a story consisting of 100 word drabbles that revolve around Sakura and her quest to find stomach butterflies. Basically, this is a crack story.

01 - Loss

Sometimes, you just have to lose something for the thrill of finding it again.

So one afternoon while Sakura watched Sasuke walk down the path towards the training grounds, she felt the unfamiliar tug of uneasiness in the pits of her stomach. She decidedly looked away in confusion and frowned.

"What's wrong now, Forehead girl?"

What was wrong? For one, the butterflies for Sasuke were gone and were apparently replaced with knives. And two, she doesn't know how to handle it. She gave Ino a tight smile. "Nothing," she chirped enthusiastically. "Nothing at all."

Something was definitely wrong with her.

End Note: Reviews are my virtual weed. Keep me happy.