9 encounters over the span of ten lifetimes
1. The Story Teller
The story begins in a time when honor was your greatest goal and pried your ally. In a time when the word of the king was law. When there was not just one God but many. During a time when men fought for valor and a woman was considered as a prize and nothing more. When a woman's life was left in the hands of men to decide but much like in all generations a woman's heart could not be bought. This is a story of a young woman who won the heart of a cold-hearted king who found his humanity in her.
One afternoon in the bustling city of Athens a young woman made her way through the city. She was on her way to the town square to buy a few things needed for super. As she passed many vendors she would hear whispers but she continued unperturbed by them. She was used to this it was just something for the citizens of Athens to do. After all it had been a year since the last war. With the new king in place everything seemed to have gone back to its normality. There were those who admired her for her generosity and kindness. They called her goddess or angel but for everything good there also those who would envy her. They had their own names for her like gypsy, witch, or by any other means she who traps men under her enchantments.
You see it was true that many men desired her. One would think it had to do with her beauty after all it was hard not to notice her fine porcelain skin and beautiful dark blue hair that was held at the top in a bun. Contrary to popular belief; it wasn't her beauty but her way with words that would win her, love and affection. She was known by the local children as the story teller. People from all ages would gather around just to hear her stories. Some said that it had to do with her eyes that they had the power to capture people's attention while others would argue it was the way she smiled. Whatever the reason she was both loved and hated.
She continued on her way but stopped at the sounds of galloping horses and by the cries of help that came from a child. Without thinking about the consequences she went in the direction of the child's voice. She found him on his knees, while a soldier held his blade high, ready to chop off the arm of the young boy.
"Stop!" She all but yelled and placed herself between the child and the soldier. The soldier stunned by the interference, of a woman no less was left speechless. Realizing what she had done and what her actions would bring about decided to go on the defensive. "What are his crimes?" She placed a hand on the child and pushing him behind her.
"You dare interfere with Athens laws and a woman no less." At this point two other soldiers had stepped forward. It was considered a crime to go against the kings laws the punishment was death.
"No-no of course not, I simply beg you to spare this child. I have a few coins that can make up for it. Surely his crime isn't so high that he must be punished in such a way." She knew that at this point both her life and child's belonged in the hands of this soldier.
The soldier was no fool if he so much as punished her without her committing an actual crime the citizens would have an uproar but he couldn't let her actions go without consequence. "Come, you may leave the child. If you wish to pay for his offence then so be it. The king shall decide your fate."
First meeting
She was all but pushed through, high wooden doors. The room was large and spacious. She was afraid for her life. Afraid, that she would be put to death for her offence. She could only count herself lucky that she had brought her cloak. She hid her face; she didn't want the king to take a liking to her. Everyone knew that if the king wanted to he could bed as many women as he would like. She knew that many women came and went from his majesties chambers she did not wish the same fate. Not that he wasn't handsome on the contrary he was quite attractive and young for being a king. She had seen him a few times standing tall with raven hair and piercing onyx eyes. There wasn't a woman out there who wouldn't want to share a bed with him but she wasn't like most women. She wanted to share a bed with only one man. She hoped that whatever man, the Gods deemed fit to marry her would be someone she loved and loved her back.
"Come," startled by the sudden voice she jumped. She couldn't see anyone in particular; all she could see was the silhouette of a man behind large white sheets. With small tentative steps she moved closer.
"Stop, that's far enough… What are your crimes?"
"I, have done nothing wrong your highness." At these words the young king looked up. He had dealt with his share of criminals that would first beg for forgiveness. In some cases there were some who were not ashamed to defy him. He had heard it all but not this, never this. This piqued his interest.
"Oh, then why are you here?" He watched her silhouette with interest awaiting her response.
"I am here to beg for mercy on behalf of a boy. I find his punishment to be too severe for such a petty crime." He regarded her carefully. This was most definitely a first for him. He had never heard of someone who was willing to shoulder a punishment for another's folly much less for a stranger. Yet here she was standing only a few feet away claiming so.
"Do you find my laws to be flawed?"
"No, of course not your highness, I just believe that there is another way to get the point across."
"Do you or do you not consider thievery a crime?"
"Of course your majesty I just don't believe that cutting off the arm of a child can be considered as civil." He was shocked. No one had the audacity to defy him in such a way. Instead of being angered he was intrigued by her outburst.
"Then how would you punish such a crime?"
"Through labor your grace. Force the criminals to pay back what they stole but it must equal the same as the amount stolen and nothing more."
"Well then how shall you pay me back? You are merely a woman therefore I find it to be uncivil, as you put it, for me to force you into such a task. I could make your husband or an older brother to do so in your stead but you don't have one do you?"
"N-no, your highness."
"Then it shall be given to your father."
"No, wait. Please I beg you he is much too old and cannot do so."
"Then what shall I do?"
"I can pay you back in another way?"
"How so?"
"I have some gold-."
"Gold I have. Anything that can be bought I have. You could pay with your body but if I wanted your body I would just take it. Even if I didn't I have many women who can fill my bed. So tell me peasant what could you possibly give me that I don't already have?"
He was ready to dismiss her. He would just have to force her elderly father to pay for her offense. After all it was her foolishness that brought her here maybe then she would learn not to interfere in matters that don't concern her.
"I can tell you a story." Her voice came out soft. It was the only thing she had. What little she had, he had in multitudes. This was her only chance.
"A story?" He seemed to contemplate her offering. He had read over manuscripts mostly relating to politics and war. It had been a long time since he heard a story. The last story that was read to him was by his mother but she was gone along with the rest of his family, all of them murdered by his brother who had been full of greed. His brother had been killed for his treason but the pain had not left him. "I could ask one of my servants to read me a story." It was true he didn't need her; he could order anyone for such a small job.
"No, not a story that can be found in a book. My story would be unique. It would be a story for your ears alone."
"And if I do not like this story?"
"Well then I would have to find another way to repay you."
He said nothing for a moment. She was afraid that he would reject her offer and send her away.
"Very well, you shall sleep in one of the bed chambers. Tonight you shall be escorted to my chambers where you shall tell me a story; if I do not find your story to be adequate then I shall have put you away in a cell." With a snap of his fingers she was dismissed. Two soldiers came and removed her from his chambers.
What she did not know was that the soldier from before had advised the king to end her life. He argued that her influence would cause the people to rebel. It was the promise of a never forgotten tale that saved her from her untimely death.
Second meeting
She had been dressed in fine silk. She felt naked under the silk robes even though they revealed nothing. She begged them to let her use her cloak. They refused but gave her a silk one instead which she was quite grateful for. The hallway was void of any light except for the small light provided by a candle she was given. Unsure of what to do she stood there, behind the wooden doors unable to decide whether to knock or to just go in. Slowly she wrapped her knuckles on the monogamy door.
"Come in," it was a command she hurriedly obeyed. She was stumped at the sight that greeted her. He lay on his bed with only a robe that was left partially open. She thanked the heavens for her cloak that hid her face. "You may sit and begin your story." He pointed at a beautifully designed wooden chair that was laced in fine silk. Nervously she sat down before clearing her throat. He faced the window, sitting up with his arms behind him as leverage as he waited for her to begin.
"This story begins with a young man named Aladdin. He was referred by the town's people as a street rat. He would steal in order to eat."
"It's a story about a thief," he mocked in a bored tone.
"Yes your majesty but this story is not simply about a thief. In another part of the city somewhere deep in the palace sat a young princess. It was rare to see her smile for she spent her days with a depressed look. Many would wonder about her sadness. They could not understand why someone as beautiful as her could be sad. It was a well known fact that she could have anything she desired. She was the king's daughter after all; there was nothing in the world he couldn't buy. The princess thought differently; to her there was something that existed that her father could not buy."
Intrigued by the second character the king said nothing but sat while listening.
"She wanted to be free and as a princess it was a luxury she could never possess. She was angry at the gods for giving her such a fate."
"freedom…" it was simply whispered but she had heard him.
"Yes, she wanted freedom from her responsibilities. One morning she decided she couldn't stand being in the castle a moment longer. She grabbed a cloak escaped the palace walls. She made her way through the town square in search of adventure. She had never been outside the palace walls before. She would stop and look at everything in sight. She was amazed by this world she had only heard about in books. In her search she came upon a sight that sent her stomach into a knot. A young boy was being held by large merchant who was more than ready to stab the boy. Without thinking she came to rescue the young boy.
"Please stop! Don't hurt him. He is just a boy." The merchant seeing the child escape decides to take his anger out on her. He grabs her by the arm and slams it on the counter ready to chop of her hand.
"In that case you shall pay for the boy's crimes."
"No please I beg you!"
Unbeknownst to her a young man by the name of Aladdin had seen everything. Intrigued by the young woman's bravery he stepped forth in her defense. With fluid movements, that would make even the best swordsman jealous, he managed to remove her from danger.
"What do you think you're doing street rat. Both of you aren't leaving until you pay for what was stolen." With nimble fingers the young thief stole an apple from under the merchant's nose and presented it to him.
"I apologize for the boy's carelessness. This is what he stole is it not. Please forgive my sister she tends to interfere in matters that do not concern her. You see she is a bit ill and well…you understand right." Behind the young man the princess was angered by his excuse. She was not happy to be thought of as a loon but seeing that large man prevented her from contradicting his statement.
They managed to make their escape. When young Aladdin asked for her name she responded with a lie. She didn't want anyone knowing that she was the princess so she answered, "Ishtar."
"That's a beautiful name. My name is Aladdin by the way."
She continued telling him her story as he stared enthralled by her words. The only indication of time passing by was the melting wax of the many candles that surrounded the room. She went on to tell him about the lamp and Aladdin's love for the fair princess. Before she could finish she was interrupted by a knock on the door.
Irritated by the sudden disturbance the king called out, "What is your business?"
The soldier from before entered the room and kneeled before the king before speaking, "I apologize for the intrusion my king but you asked for my presence."
Remembering his talk with the soldier he remarked, "I see."
Seeing as the king hadn't said anything further the soldier asked "would you like me to rid you of her your majesty."
Fear clouded her eyes; part of her knew that he would still send her to her death for her insolence but to be confronted by such truth brought forth a new wave of fear.
"No," the king responded before the young soldier could make a move towards her. "She has not finished her service." Completely dismissing the soldier the king turned to look at her. "You shall continue and finish tomorrow then and only then shall your fate be sealed."
Without further ado he sent them both away. She was glad that she had been spared if only for one more night.
Third meeting
She found herself in the same chair, in the same chamber as the night before. Except now his majesty stood at the balcony awaiting her story. It had only been the second meeting yet she felt as though they had done this all once before in another life. Perhaps in the other life their roles were reversed. She wondered whether he was the same in another life or perhaps kinder. Nonetheless as the night progressed she came to realize that she enjoyed these few moments with the king.
"Aladdin was finally able to marry the woman he loved and she was able to enjoy her freedom. They spent the rest of their lives travelling all over the world, the end." He didn't say anything when she finished. There was still plenty of time left before the guard came and…no, it was best not to think of such things.
"Tell me peasant what is your name?" She was surprised by the question. She had expected him to tell her to leave that instant but he hadn't.
"My name is Hinata your majesty." He was still facing out into the city on his balcony so she was unable to read his face. "It was a name given to me by my mother."
"I see," deciding to take a chance she spoke once more.
"You know there are some people who get to name themselves." Caught off guard by her statement he let his curiosity get the better of him.
"How so? Is it not customary to receive one's name by one's parents?"
"That is true but there was one story about a young woman who gave herself a name-."
"Another story?" He sounded almost curious like a child.
"Yes your majesty. It's better than from the one before." She stayed quite awaiting his judgment if he wished it she would stay quiet.
"What is the story called?" She was surprised by his question. Nobody ever really asked the title of her stories but she complied nonetheless.
"It's called three words," She responded timidly.
"Three words…"
Feeling encouraged by his silent approval, she continued.
"The story is about a woman who came from a village in which food was scarce and your life expectancy was considered none existent. After having to bury the last of her family members she decided that she didn't want this life. She wanted to live and to see the world. So she packed what little belongings she had and began her trip.
By the following month she came upon a town. At the entrance of the town she found a discarded item. Curious, she picked it up from the floor and was greeted by the sight of strange symbols. Little did she know that they were in fact words, written on a piece of paper. Wanting to know what they are she asks a man she sees. He responds that they are words and that the paper she is holding is called news.
She ends up finding herself a few jobs and begins to save up money. Once she has enough she goes to one of the monks and asks him to teach her how to read and write. For a small fee he accepts.
Once she learns how to read and write she decides to give herself a name. She decides to call herself Belise. She takes the rest of her money and buys a dictionary. She takes the dictionary and memorizes the words before throwing it into the ocean and sets up a booth. She spends her time writing for those who wish to buy her written works. She charges four silver coins for love sonnets, three for a quote, five for a passage, six for a letter to a friend, seven for a personal letter, nine for a love letter and a gold coin for a letter to an enemy. Whenever a client pays her a gold coin she rewards them with a simple word."
"She doesn't charge much," the king replies.
"One day while she was sitting in her stall she hears and sees the town's people running around in fear trying to hide. That's when she sees a small troop of soldiers heading her way. She had heard many rumors about this battalion. They were known for their power and ruthlessness but out of the entire army there were two that were considered as the most dangerous; the general and his second in command, the lieutenant.
"You there I've been looking for you," it was the young lieutenant. She was frightened and confused she had never met this man before. She had only heard stories about him.
During her story the king had moved closer, to hear her better. Ever since the first night she came with a tale, his nightmares had seized. His nightmares weren't something that anyone knew about because it wasn't something he was willing to inform people about. Still because of her stories the nightmares had left him and he was able to rest. Last night was the first time he was able to sleep until morning. He had tried everything from teas to sharing a bed with multitudes of women but it had never helped. He would manage maybe a few hours of sleep before he was assaulted with images of his dead parents.
It was her stories that kept her alive because once she lost her usefulness he would have no other choice but to kill her. After all he couldn't let his soldiers much less the civilians see him as weak.
"The lieutenant delivered her into the hands of the famed general. When she saw him and their eyes met she knew that he wasn't at all like the stories suggested. This wasn't a man that emanated power or brought fear on the innocent; no, this man was a man who only knew solitude. The man before her turned and spoke with a voice so eloquent that it almost seemed foreign especially coming from such a revered man.
"I need your help," his words sent her heart beating but not out of fear but from something else.
"I am at your service my general," she answered.
"I want to become king."
He then proceeded to explain that although he could take any kingdom he desired through shire force he did not. He didn't want the obedience of people who feared him. No, what he wanted was to be loved by the citizens.
"That's ridiculous power is the only authority people understand."
"That is true your majesty, but power is not the only thing you need. Power can only get you so far but to have the hearts of the people. Now that's how you obtain true loyalty."
"Are you saying I don't know how to run my own country?"
"You misunderstand your majesty. I am simply pointing out that you have the loyalty of the people but not because you frighten them. The citizens of Athens love you and want you as their king."
The king stayed silent for a few moments contemplating her words. "But can't love diminish over time."
"On a rare occasion it can but only because it's not reciprocated."
"Then how would one reciprocate such a thing to a mass of people."
"That is simple your grace you simply bring yourself to their level as a way to show that you care. By simply showing them that you acknowledge their presence and understand their hardship they will understand."
The young king contemplated her words before speaking, "You may continue the story."
So she did, "The general asked her to write him a speech that he would give to the people. She agreed. The days passed as she continued to work on a speech for the general while the lieutenant watched over her. Finally on the seventh day she was able to finish. She was escorted to his tent where she gave him the finished copy.
"The speech, general," she handed over the paper.
He took it and looked at it before responding, "What is this?"
"The speech. Do you not know how to read?"
He turned to her with dark eyes and spoke, "What I know is the art of battle."
She then proceeded to help him memorize the speech. When she finished he asked her to tell him what he owed her.
"How much for this speech and for your services?"
"Three gold coins." The general was surprised it was not what he had guessed her answer to be surely she was aware of his fortunes. He had gathered so much gold from his winnings that he didn't know what to do with it.
"Surely you want more than three coins."
"No, three coins is the cost for my services."
"Very well."After handing her the three coins he expected her to leave but she didn't he waited to see if maybe there was something else she needed to say.
"There is something else. For every gold coin that is given to me I give a small gift in return. It is a unique word given to only one person and since you gave me three you are entitled three words."
The general wasn't too excited by the gift it was something he deemed unessential but knowing how much she helped him he complied.
Slowly with small strides she knelt down on the same level as the general. She was close enough that the general could feel the heat of her body and smell the feminine odor that came from her. Her lips came close to his ear and her breath fanned across the flesh of his ear before she spoke. She spoke three simple words that left him unable to speak or move.
In the next moment she was escorted out by the lieutenant and left.
"What were the three words?"
"Patience your majesty the story will reveal them in the end."
The king frowned at her response but let it go. Just then a knock was heard at the door.
"Your majesty I have come as you requested." Once again it was the same soldier that had been appearing these last couple of nights.
"Very well, take her to her chambers." The soldier was startled by his words. Unsure of whether or not he heard him correctly, prevented him from moving.
"Your majesty?" the king didn't need to hear the words to know what he meant.
"She will not be killed. Not yet."
With that she bid the king goodnight and left to her chambers.
Fourth meeting
The following night went much like the other two nights. She would tell him the rest of the story and begin a new one. She was afraid that he would eventually get tired of her trickery and ask them to drag her out. Instead she would find the king more than ready to hear the next tale.
"Why do you cover your face?" She hadn't expected him to ask such a question.
"I did not feel it necessary to show you my face, your highness." She responded slowly afraid that he would request that she remove her cloak but he didn't.
He stayed silent and she continued her story.
Fifth meeting
She had heard rumors from the palace guards that the king had become kinder. Some saw it as a weakness while others began to respect the king more and more. She was happy, it seemed as though he was listening to her stories and taking in their lessons.
Tonight she was telling him a story of a princess and a knight. The story was meant to teach about the sacrifices one has to make for the ones they love.
"Come here," it was a command that she obeyed with reluctance. She came towards him as he sat on the right side of his bed. The sheets covered the lower part of his body but it was enough for her imagination to go wild. She sat of the floor waiting for his next command. He reached for a handle that resided on one of the drawers. He pulled it open to reveal a small box. He opened the lid to reveal a small golden necklace with a red ruby. "This is for you."
She stared in shock; the necklace was the same as the one she described in her story. He motioned for her to turn around. She turned around and removed the hood revealing her blue hair that was held in a small bun at the top. Knowing he could not see her face she relaxed as he placed the necklace around her neck. Before turning around she placed her hood over her head once more before turning around.
"Thank you your majesty."
Sixth meeting
It was the sixth night. She had grown accustomed to these nights and like the others she spoke about a story. This tale talked about bravery and loyalty. This night would have been much like the others except on this night the king fell asleep before she could finish. She had come to realize that she was falling in love with him. It could have been because of his kindness or the way he looked at her when she would come in, whatever the reason she knew that it was too late to do anything about it. She knew that once the king got bored she would be discarded like the rest. It hurt to realize she was in love with someone who could not love her back.
With all this feelings coming to the surface it wasn't a surprise that she lingered even after he went into a deep sleep. It also wasn't a surprise when she stepped closer and left a lingering kiss on his lips.
Without looking back she left his chambers. If she had looked back she would have noticed that the king had been awake for that kiss.
Seventh meeting
She came into his chambers much like the other nights. Except that there was something different, the light in the room was gone. The chambers didn't have a trace of light. Thinking that she might have gotten the time wrong she turned around to leave but was stopped.
"Come," it was the same order she received every night. Except on this night she could not see the owner of the voice. "I have asked for the candles to be removed so you can remove the cloak."
She stopped in her tracks. She was afraid to remove her cloak not because she was afraid he would fall for her; she had stopped being afraid of becoming one of the many women who share his bed. No, it wasn't because of that; she was afraid that he would see that she was in love with him. She knew that if he looked her in the eyes she would break because he would see. He would see the love she held for him.
Knowing she could not disobey him she removed her cloak; leaving herself in a long silver dress that hung on her shoulders. As she came closer she realized that what he said was true. She could not see his face only his silhouette.
"Sit here," he pointed to the bed. She complied with small nimble steps.
Like the other nights she began were she left off.
"Knowing that she had never been kissed before; he coaxed her into a small kiss that lingered on her lips," her words came out as a whisper. Their proximity was making it difficult for her to continue her story.
"How would one coax someone into a kiss?" it was a question that came out as innocent but was not. The king was all too aware of her discomfort.
"I-I wouldn't know your majesty." She bit her lip in her nervousness.
He reached out and placed a hand on the nape of her neck before bringing her closer. Before she could process what was happening a pair of lips crashed onto her own. The kiss was soft, she could feel his lips part as his teeth nipped her lower lip causing her to open her mouth. She all but mewed at the sensation. She kissed him back a little hesitant. She had never kissed anyone before therefore she lacked the knowledge needed to know how to proceed. This didn't seem to bother the king he snaked another arm around her waist bringing her closer. He invaded her mouth with his tongue, tasting the inner folds of her mouth.
The kiss had started out slow but was building up to an almost desperate action. He had wondered what it would be like to kiss her lips; the same lips that would tell him stories of faraway places.
Unable to hold their breath much longer they parted.
She all but ran from his chambers afraid of the event that took place. She was scared for her heart. She had fallen into his web. She had fallen like all the rest. She needed time to collect her thoughts because she knew what would come next. If he kissed her then he also wanted her to share his bed. The problem was that she was in love with the king no less.
Her feelings would prevent her from denying herself to him. In the end she would give herself to him, body and soul. Then he would discard her like the rest.
Eighth meeting
She arrived like all the other nights, this time with her cloak. When she entered she noticed the candles had been put in place once more.
He said nothing as she sat in her chair and began her story.
Nothing was said between the two. She was glad for that.
She left like the other nights without finishing her story.
Ninth meeting
She came again like the other nights with a cloak in place. The room was lit with candles all around and the king was standing by the balcony. He said nothing when she entered or when she sat in her chair.
"The man had fallen in love-," she began.
"Remove your cloak," it wasn't a request but an order from the king. Her fingers trembled from her fear but nonetheless she removed the knot that held the cloak in place. The king turned around as the cloak slid from her shoulders and landed in a pool by her feet.
The servants had given her a simple purple dress that was held by two strings that were tied at the nape of her neck. She stayed silent as his eyes slid over her body before landing on her eyes.
"You will spend the night." She knew what he meant. He was telling her-no more like ordering her to share a bed with him. With a small shaky breath she nodded in understanding.
He continued to watch her for a moment longer before speaking, "are you in love with someone?"
She was shocked by his question, "…I-I"
"I'm only asking because you seem afraid to share a bed with me."
She understood what he meant. After all, women practically begged him to share his bed, even women who were married, were more than willing. He probably saw her actions as weird. The only way I woman would deny him is because they are truly in love with someone else. So it only made sense for him to ask her such a question.
"I am afraid your majesty but not for the reason you might think."
He stayed silent for a moment. Then with confident strides he came closer until he was only a breath away. He kissed her but this time it was tender and with a lot more gentleness than the night before. She felt silent tears stream down her face.
She had hoped that he would treat her cruelly that way she could hate him. She hadn't expected him to be gentle with her. She hated this because it caused an ache in her heart. Her heart was begging to be loved by him and to believe in his actions as his way of loving her but her logical mind argued differently.
"Don't cry…," whispered the king. It came out as a command but after spending so many nights with him she knew it wasn't. It was simply a small plea.
She knew that she would only have this night; that would become a cherished memory so she stopped. She stopped crying, she would enjoy these few moments, feeling his love through simple caresses of the skin. So she stopped thinking and just felt.
She kissed him back no longer with hesitant lips but with lips that demanded to be remembered. Her hands that no longer trembled began to feel every inch of his body. So many nights she had dreamt about how it would feel to touch his without restraint, to have him at the mercy of her caresses. For only this night, she would forget, forget about everything else. She would forget that she was but a lowly a peasant and he, a king.
She felt as his hands explored her body through the fabric of the dress. Felt how his hands moved down her body only to hook themselves behind their knees, forcing her to wrap her legs around his hips, never once breaking contact. When lips parted, his began making a pathway along her neck and collar bone, making her shiver at the feeling.
Her breathing was coming in shallow, she would part her lips wanting to say something but unable to do so.
"Say my name…," his breathing was coming out as shallow as her. He kissed her once more before assaulting the rest of her body.
"Sa-suke." hearing his name coming from those sinfully delicious puckered lips drove him crazy with need.
As the night went on their bodies moved and tumbled through gentle caresses and unspoken love; the flickering candles long forgotten. There were soft moans with only the name of the other slipping past their lips.
While you may wonder what happened after that fateful night. It is to my utmost glee to inform you that it was not their final meeting but it was the meeting that set their fate in stone. It was that very night that the coldhearted king was able to learn how to love once more. It was also the same night that the young woman was able to see that her love wasn't as one-sided as she once thought.
When she awoke she had planned on leaving but the king would have none of that. He married the young maiden the very next day not once letting her leave his sight for more than a moment at a time. They spent their days loving one another while their nights were filled with stories that tumbled from her lips.
As time passed, she came used to her nights were she was greeted by the sight of four pairs of eyes; the same four that would wait every night for the long awaited bedtime story.
Authors note: Okay, if you want to read this A/N then great if not I understand :(
Anyways I wanted to say yes I know Sasuke is extremely OC but with characters like Hinata and Sasuke it's bound to happen. Anyways I hope you liked it. I'll know by the amount of reviews I get.