Title: Devil in a Blue Box

Author: Flynithetardis

Pairings: Ten/Rose

Rating: PG13 (Rating may change later)

Warnings/Spoilers: Smith and Jones,

Summary: AU Dr. John Smith meets a strange patient with two hearts. Will his life ever be the same? He sure hopes not. (A role reversal fic where Rose is the Time Lord and Ten is the stupid ape.)

Authors Notes: sorry it's a bit short but i've got a lot going on right now. this is just to help get me writing again. I hope it pleases you as much as the first part did.

Disclaimer: the characters belong to the BBC

Chapter 2: Everything Changes (Part 2)

This cannot be happening this is not happening. How is this even possible?
Ok, deep breaths John. This situation is not going to get any better if you panic.
John took several deep breaths, and his head felt slightly clearer. "Right," he said aloud. "If we can find a way onto moon we can find a way back."
"Sorry Rose." He said to the still comatose patient, "I've got to get a closer look. I'll be right back."
With an impulsive kiss on her forehead, he ran to the nearest exit.
It was the sound of a scared child that roused her. She had been unable to soothe him entirely in her cataleptic state. Though, at least his mind had stopped shouting loud enough to give every slightly telepathic being in a ten mile radius a pounding headache.
She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. "I think," she said to herself, "I've ended up in a hospital. Early twenty first century Earth by the looks of it."
She pulled the IV drip out of her arms and hopped out of the clinical white hospital bed.
"Well," she said as she looked out a nearby window. "This is interesting. Wonder what's going on here. And blimey, am I the sort of woman who talks to herself now? I am still a woman, right?"
She gave herself a brief pat down to make sure she was indeed still a she, then spun away from the window and pranced toward the open door.
She skidded to a halt in the hallway though, when she realised what she was wearing, or rather, not wearing. "Right," she mumbled. "If I'm going to save the day, I need some decent clothes."

"My god, who in their right mind would wear a skirt this short? Is it even allowed to be called a skirt?"
She dug deeper into the locker and pulled out a wallet, "Oh, Rory Williams apparently. Don't wanna think about what he does in his free time." She liberated a pair of small Chucks before closing the door.
She moved onto the next locker. "Locked."
At the far end of the room she spied a blue sleeve poking out of its confines.
It was a blue pinstriped suit with a wine coloured oxford and leopard print tie. She was about to move on when found a familiar friend in an interior pocket.
"Fantastic!" She enthused as her sonic screwdriver whirred to life.