So, here it is! The final chapter. Just a warning, things do get heated between the boys in this chapter so you are more than welcome to skip through it if you're not comfortable reading it. Once again, thank you to everyone for keeping up with me and reviewing. It's meant so, so much! I really hope you enjoyed this story!

It had been two weeks since Kurt's attack. He had agreed to talk to a therapist about his attacks because the nightmares hadn't ceased. His second day of therapy was tomorrow and Kurt hoped he wouldn't have to spend far too much time seeing this therapist. The guy was weird and a little too kind for Kurt's liking. Then again, he was a therapist so it was his job to be nice. But Kurt felt he overdid it and sharing all of this personal information with a stranger made Kurt slightly uncomfortable. But, he knew it was for his own good so there was no sense fighting it.

Tonight had been another one of those nights where these horrible images clouded his mind and overwhelmed his dreams. He was being chased, as usual, and he could hear the boys yelling the awful, horrible things to him. Calling him a queer and fag. Telling him he didn't deserve to live and that he was a disgusting excuse for a human. Right before he woke up they would always catch him. Sometimes they would slam him into a wall or throw him to the ground.

Kurt's hands trembled as he knocked on Blaine's door. He wasn't sure what time it was but he assumed it was pretty late considering the hall was completely empty and none of the doors had any light peeking from beneath them. Seconds after knocking on the door it was swinging open and Blaine was rubbing at his eyes, blinking against the light in his room. Blaine's hair was a mess sticking up in different directions, curls free of gel. He was wearing a t-shirt two sizes too big and pair of sweat pants. Kurt had never seen anything more beautiful or comforting than the boy staring up at him, concern as he asked Kurt if he was alright. Kurt shook his head before sniffing and rubbing at his nose with the back of his hand stepping into the room as Blaine shut the door behind him. He slowly made his way to Blaine's bed, sitting down on the edge as Blaine joined him pulling an arm around Kurt's shoulders with no hesitance what so ever.

"Another nightmare?" asked Blaine softly into Kurt's shoulder as he pressed a little kiss there.

Kurt nodded rubbing his burning eyes. Tonight was one of the nights he had woken up crying.

"Same thing?" Blaine was asking.

Kurt nodded his head again. "This time they shoved me into the wall and threw me to the ground."

Blaine said nothing. Instead, he pulled his arm from around Kurt's shoulders and crawled towards the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard. Kurt watched him as Blaine opened his arms a little. "Lay with me?" he said softly. Almost immediately, Kurt was crawling after Blaine snuggling against him, breathing in his scent. There was a faint smell of cologne mixed in there that made Kurt nearly melt right into his boyfriend.

"Everything's alright. I'm right here," Blaine whispered into Kurt's hair.

And even thought Kurt knew everything wasn't going to be alright all the time. Even though he knew that there would always be hate and homophobia out there, he believed Blaine for that moment. Because within these walls inside of Dalton Academy people were accepting and understanding. They said nothing when they saw Kurt and Blaine holding hands while they walked through the halls. Within this cozy little dorm room it was just Kurt and Blaine, two boys in love.

Lifting his head Kurt looked up at Blaine to find the older boy staring down at him. In those eyes he found nothing but pure adoration. Something Kurt had longed for so long. Something that Kurt dreamed of and waited for. This gorgeous boy gazing down at him was all his. All of his heart belonged to Kurt and nobody else. Shifting a little Kurt pressed his lips to Blaine's neck, almost immediately, Blaine's arm slipped around Kurt's waist, lightly tugging him a little bit closer. Kurt continued his sweet assault on Blaine's delicious skin, kissing up the side and along that strong jaw line that was so Blaine and so amazing. His neck and jaw was a little scruffy and Kurt found himself absolutely loving that as he nuzzled Blaine's cheek before he captured Blaine's mouth in a warm kiss. Blaine responded with this delicious little sound slipping from the back of his throat as his grip tightened around Kurt's waist. Then both of his hands lightly held Kurt's hips once Kurt was settled on top of him, now straddling Blaine.

Suddenly, Kurt wanted so much-so very much from Blaine. More love, more affection, more of just him. Blaine's scent surrounded him and everything was just Blaine and Kurt never wanted to know anything else. Blaine was kissing him now, soft and slow, and his tongue was lightly brushing over Kurt's. This alone had Kurt moaning softly. Blaine responded, tightening his grip on Kurt's hips, the feeling doing so many things to Kurt, this familiar little heat spreading deep within Kurt's stomach.

"Blaine," Kurt whispered his name against his boyfriend's mouth, almost desperate. Shit, he was practically mewling Blaine's name. He could feel Blaine smiling against his mouth before breaking the kiss to lick at Kurt's bottom lip making Kurt give off a little whimper. Blaine chuckled softly as he lowered his head to Kurt's neck.

"Don't-nng-laugh," Kurt grumbled, despite the fact that, yeah, he was so incredibly turned on right now. It also wasn't helping that Blaine was mouthing at his neck in a way that was sending a bit more heat pool deep down in his stomach.

Suddenly, Kurt found himself on his back, Blaine hovering over him, hands on either side of his head. The way Blaine was looking down at him was-it was like nothing Kurt had ever seen. There was this dark look clouding those amazing eyes. Reaching up, Kurt pressed his hand to the back of Blaine's neck tugging him down and crashing his lips to Blaine, kissing him desperately, licking his way into Blaine's mouth. Kurt's free hand slipped beneath Blaine's shirt , fingers lightly pressing to the skin of Blaine's back, receiving a little groan in response from Blaine.

Kurt's hands were trembling. He was nervous, but he didn't want to stop. He couldn't stop because he knew he wanted this. They both wanted this, they needed this.

Suddenly, Blaine was rolling his hips, pressing against Kurt and-ohok-Kurt wasn't the only one with the problem between his legs. And just feeling Blaine like this did things to him to the point where Kurt was tearing his mouth away from the kiss and tossing his head back, moaning quietly and arching his back. "Blaine please, I-" Kurt cut himself off, groaning again. He wanted that friction. He fucking needed that friction so bad, and he was fumbling for it, searching for it, arching his back as Blaine thrusted against him, groaning in this delicious way that made Kurt whimper pathetically.

And then, Blaine was pressing his face into Kurt's neck, whispering Kurt's name against his skin, pressing little kisses against it. And, holyshit, why did nobody tell him that frottage felt this amazing? And those sounds that Blaine was making were so incredible.

Suddenly, Kurt was speaking. "I'm so-close, Blaine I…"

At the moment, Blaine stilled his movements and Kurt nearly whimpered. Suddenly he felt Blaine's warm hand pushing his shirt up a little, warm fingers trailing over Kurt's stomach. Kurt groaned softly, arching his back again. "Why-What-Why did you stop?" Kurt whined. Blaine said nothing, though, hand trailing lower and lower until his fingers were brushing at Kurt's hip bone. And suddenly, his eyes found Kurt's.

"Can I?" he whispered gently.

Kurt swallowed. He knew exactly what Blaine was asking. He knew exactly what that meant no matter how vague the words may have been because in that moment there was this silent understanding between them. And, yes, Kurt was so incredibly nervous but he trusted Blaine. Kurt nodded shakily before breathing, "Yes. Please…" He needed this so bad because at this point he was so hard it was painful.

Then, very slowly, Blaine was tugging at the waistband of Kurt's pajama bottoms. He had stopped wearing the silk pajamas around Blaine a few weeks ago. Because, really, Kurt wore what any other teenage boy wore to bed. A pair of cotton pants and a t-shirt. Blaine had used his charm to talk Kurt into wearing his normal pajamas around him because Blaine was amazing like that. And Blaine made Kurt feel amazing and gorgeous even when he wasn't wearing silk pajamas or designer clothes. He could make Kurt feel absolutely beautiful even when we was wearing this old McKinley Titans t-shirt and a pair of cheap cotton pants with little footballs on them.

Kurt's breath hitched the moment Blaine's hand lightly gripped Kurt, even if it was over the material of his underwear. Again, Kurt tossed his head back against the pillow, biting down on his lip with a quiet little groan. And suddenly, Blaine was speaking.

"You're beautiful, Kurt…" He pressed a kiss to Kurt's forehead. And then he was tugging at the waistband of Kurt's underwear and his hand was on Kurt and ohfuckingshit Kurt was mewling pathetically, turning his head, cheek pressing against the pillow. The only thing he could say right now was Blaine's name. And he was repeating it and muttering, "Please" and "Ohgod" and Blaine was jerking him off. By this point, Kurt was nearly crying.

"Don't be afraid to let go," Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. "It's just us, Kurt. C'mon." He nipped at Kurt's earlobe and then moaned softly into Kurt's ear. "Come on." Then a lick to his ear and that did it for him. Kurt was crying out, eyes squeezing shut, eyebrows pulling together-he was coming over Blaine's hand and his stomach. Suddenly, his entire world was spinning and he was panting desperately. Kurt wasn't sure how much time passed until he finally came down from this amazing high of his, but when he did, Blaine was pulling his hand away and Kurt was looking up at him. Without a second thought, Kurt was licking at Blaine's fingers and Blaine was gasping Kurt's name and muttering a quiet, "Ohgod." Kurt didn't stop, licking Blaine's hand clean. For a moment, he felt Blaine go tense and Kurt figured that, ohyeah, Kurt was probably doing something right because that seemed to do it for Blaine. Suddenly, Blaine was licking into Kurt's mouth and moaning quietly. "You taste so good," he ground out before sucking Kurt's bottom lip into his mouth.

Seconds later, Blaine was collapsing beside Kurt, snuggling up to him as Kurt tugged his underwear and pants back up around his hips. They were both panting quietly as Blaine pulled an arm around Kurt's middle, tugging him close. And honestly, Kurt's stomach was sticky with his own drying come and he should have been utterly disgusted, but he wasn't because he was floating on cloud nine. Because Blaine has just gotten him off and Kurt had done the same. He hadn't even tried and he had gotten his boyfriend off and it was almost too much for Kurt to handle or even believe. But Blaine was proving that his was all real when he nuzzled under Kurt's jaw. "You're amazing," he whispered.

Kurt smiled softly and kissed the top of Blaine's head, nuzzling into his hair. "I've gotta say," he muttered, "I wasn't expecting this kind of comfort when I came to your room tonight."

Blaine looked up at Kurt, arching a brow. "You really seemed to enjoy it," he muttered.

"Oh, I never said I didn't," Kurt responded before kissing Blaine softly and licking at his lower lip.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment," Blaine mumbled as he pulled back from the kiss. "But I should probably change considering I just came in my pants thanks to you."

Kurt laughed a little, letting his head fall back into the pillow. "Yes. How rude of me."

Blaine continued grinning "And you probably want to clean up as well."

"You know me too well," Kurt said, batting his eyelashes dramatically as Blaine sat up and tugged at Kurt's arm with a little laugh.

Everything felt perfect despite the fact that Kurt had been torn from his sleep by a nightmare. Suddenly that seemed to be the last thing on his mind because everything was just Blaine and pure love. Kurt was certain that he was head over heels for Blaine and he wanted to be a part of Blaine's life for as long as the older boy would allow Kurt. They shared an unbreakable bond because from the moment their eyes met there had been a connection. Blaine had smiled at him like Kurt was an old friend. And Kurt wasn't really much of a spiritual person or anything like that. He had trouble believing there was such thing as God. But meeting Blaine and getting to know him, Kurt wondered if they had known each other in some past life. And, maybe it was a little cliché and stupid, but maybe they were meant to meet again in this lifetime. To find each other under special circumstances that allowed them to have an instant connection. Kurt liked to believe that because it made this relationship with Blaine that much stronger and so much more meaningful. It was pure beauty and Kurt would never let anyone tell him otherwise. He would never let himself be convinced that this love he shared with Blaine wasn't beautiful, no matter how many times people kicked them down with their dark glares.

Kurt would proudly hold Blaine's hand as they walked through the mall. He would feel eyes burning into the back of his head. He would hear the discouraging mutters and whispers, but he would refuse to turn his head. Because Kurt Hummel was better than that. He was beyond the ignorance that made up this stupid little town. He and Blaine were going to go to prom together. They were going to slow dance amongst the couples in the room. They were going to graduate together and move away from here. Leave these talentless, horrible, ignorant people behind. They were going to make something great of themselves because they deserved it. They didn't deserve the hate, the ridicule, the slaps, the punches, the filthy names. They deserved recognition, praise and love.

Kurt and Blaine were going to get married. They were going to live a happy life. And they were going to prove to the world that they were stronger than the homophobes that wanted to bring them down and tell them that their relationship wasn't right. It was so very right and so very beautiful.