A/N: Hello again, congrat on surviving the end of the world. Here's a new story that's has been on my mind, as for Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, I think I'm going to rewrite it, but I want to concentrate on this new story.

So this takes place in New Moon, but Bella is a junior in high school instead of a senior, just keep reading, there is a method to my madness.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, Glee nor the songs that will be in this story, but I own Josh.

Melody Within

Time seemed as to cease in my world, a day began the moment the sun rose along the surface, but take away the sun and constant darkness takes over.

Metaphorically, my personal universe was conquered by darkness, frozen, only to continue once the moment the sun would return and warm the surface of the earth, of my heart. But that would never happen, my sun was gone, my heart would forever be frozen.

"Bella!" A voice shook me from my state of thought. "Do you understand why you're here?" questioned Mrs. Cope.

"Not exactly" I was being honest.

"Bella, we were reviewing your transcripts from your last school…and well your lacking a fine arts credit." Mrs. Cope made the whole situation sound as if she was afraid to talk me, afraid to set of some type of reaction. Before I could question the situation Mrs. Cope continued.

"You see, our school board requires that our student have one fine art credit before they graduate. Right now our band, choir, and art classes are all full but we have a another solution, one of our Spanish teachers here as brought up the idea of starting a Glee Club, he want to start next week. This will take care of that pesky credit and then you'll be on your way."

I was at a lost, how could I do this? Everything that just provoke the memories to come back had personally been eliminated out of my sight. That included music, plus my previous experience with performing in public wasn't a positive one.

"Mrs. Cope, Glee Club? I don't know how to sing or dance, let alone do them together! Are you absolutely sure that there's nothing else I can do?"

"I'm sorry Bella, but this is your only option, and with your schedule locked tight, you need to do this. Now, auditions are next Tuesday after school, have a piece ready. If you have anymore question, please ask Mr. Shuester, Rm. 205. You can head back to class" smiling a fake smile towards my direction.

Without even saying a word, I retreated back to the security of my third period class, sitting in the seat no one even glanced at and no one dared to take the seat next to mine.

. . .

The weekend came and soon I found myself sitting in the choir room on the following Tuesday afternoon.

I had thought of every way to avoid this day, but every idea had some back firing consequence. Surprisingly there were five other in the room with me. Two girls and three other boys.

The two girls were named Rachel and Mercedes, both who dreams of being in the spotlight and would do anything to get there.

The others were Kurt, Josh and Artie. Kurt was informed on the art, and a fashion diva, he was better dressed than most girls in our school. Josh seemed like he and I were in the same situation, being forced to be here, why else would the school athlete be here?

Artie, he was a kid who was in a wheelchair, I had seen him around, I never really talked to him.

I could have skipped, but knowing Mrs. Cope, she wouldn't leave alone on how I needed this, so I was going to do the next best thing, purposely do horrible.

"O.K. guys lets get started," Mr. Shuester announced as we brought us to order. "Welcome, to the first rehearsal of this years Glee Club."

"Wait, aren't we suppose to audition before we star?" Rachel proclaimed.

" Well there is only six of you so I decided against the try-outs. But it doesn't mean I don't want to hear you guys, so the assignment of the week: each of you are going to find a dong that describes you. A song that expresses your emotions or how you describe yourself.

What! I screamed in my mind, was this my punishment for being a complete zombie and isolating everyone out of my life?

"Oh this is going to be easy." boasted Mercedes

" Yah, especially for Bella," laughed Josh who was sitting in the back. The room turned silent.

"What makes you say that?" questioned Mr. Shuester.

"Cause , she's the schools ghost, her boyfriend leaves and she acts as if someone had died., only its ten times worse. She isolated herself from everyone so her song to us would be pure silence," laughing at his cruel remark.

Tears brimmed in my eyes, his remark was hurtful but in all true. I knew I wouldn't enjoy doing this, and with that I picked up my bag and ran out the door.

"Bella, BELLA!" was the last thing I heard before the door closed behind me.

. . .

Reaching the safety of my truck, let the heat warm my skin. Sinking in my seat, letting the sobs take over me, allowing the agony to once again at the hole that slowly grew each and everyday. I needed to regain to control myself before going back to Charlie, but controlling myself was one of many things that I couldn't do anymore.

. . .

Two days passed, I continued my day as I had always had, the only difference was those who witness what happened Tuesday afternoon now looked at me in remorse, but eventually I knew they would go back to ignoring me like before.

Sitting in my fifth period, while the seat next to me mocked me, I mindlessly took notes over a movie we weren't even going to have test over. A knock disturbed the dark silent room, Mr. Banner paused the video, while seeing who was at the door.

"Can I talk to Bella for a moment"

The surprise of hearing Mr. Shuester's voice shook me out of my mindless state. Mr. Banner motioned me that it would be ok if I went. Walking out into the hallway, meeting with Mr. Shuester outside of the classroom.

"Hi Bella, how are you today?"

"Fine, a bit confused over why you called me out of class, not that I mind." Mr. Shuester chuckled at my response.

"Bella, I want to apologize for the last meeting, I shouldn't have allowed that to happen, as a teacher…"

"Mr. Shuester, they had a point, I am the school ghost, after what happened to me, I can never go back to normal." Breaking off Mr. Shuester off from his apology. "I'm sorry for running out, I don't think I can do this."

"What exactly happened to you?"

I turned toward him at a complete lose, no one dared to even ask what happened other than Charlie, I froze.

Mr. Shuester turned around, saw that broken expression on my face, worried that I would have to be taken to help.

"Bella it's ok, once again I apologize, I didn't know this was something that's hard subject to for you too talk about." Giving me a sincere face.

"No, it just…I can't…You…" I took a deep breath, "You just caught me off guard, no one has ever asked me why, but I'm…I mean…" my voice was below a whisper. "I guess that I'm not strong enough to even talk about that."

"It's ok, you don't have to talk about it if your incapable" Mr. Shuester assured me.

"Tell him" I heard in my head, Edward's voice.

"Ok" I said answering the voice, Mr. Shuester seemed confused, " I mean, I can talk about it. But I'm sure the bell is going to ring."

Letting out a small laugh, "Right, well I guess you need to head to your next class, tell you what? I'm going to be in the choir room after school after school, come in there and we'll talk for a bit."

"Alright" It will give me some time to collect myself enough to not completely broke down.

"You can call me Mr. Shu for some short, after while it just become a mouthful, plus we're going to have a whole season."

I grimaced, " See you then"

A/N: So there is the first chapter, if you didn't like it, hit the back button and it will safely take you back the list of stories. Chapter Two is written, when it will be posted will depend on how fast I type it out.

Review please, if you hated it…just remember there is a flag button! :D