AN: Heya! Long time no see, right? So…uhm…No real notes about this chapter. It's kinda just a transition into more angst. YAY! ALL mistakes are mine, the crappiness is also mine. Enjoy!

No one had said anything yet, but they all felt as if this was their fault. Logan was hurt, and bad; he's going to be like this for the rest of his life. They didn't actually do it, and the doctor had explained that even if he'd been found earlier he still broke one of the most fragile bones in his body.

Logan was sitting in the front seat of the car, head turned towards the window, watching the scenery pass him by. It's been a tough month for Logan, he still hasn't adjusted to the loss of feeling in his legs, not that anyone ever really expected he would, and he was depressed.

See, while everyone else goes on blaming themselves, Logan's been going on all about how he should have just let Kendall hold onto him, run faster, run slower, he's been coming up with several scenarios in which his fate could have been prevented.

Logan's strong though, the strongest person they know actually. He's been through hell and back and yet here he is still fighting even though one of his most precious abilities was taken from him. Logan's been looking at losing his legs very pessimistically, of course there really isn't another way he'd want to look at it, so he's been thinking about how he'll never be able to play hockey again, dance the moves to new songs, Logan would never be able to attempt a back flip and even something as simple as walking down the stairs, he'd never do again.

So if Logan was depressed, they all understood, but his friends were scared. Logan wasn't talking, he was however, crying. One of them would bring up anything to do with the mobility of your legs and he would lose it. The day before yesterday Carlos had asked James if he'd walk down to the cafeteria with him and Logan couldn't hold it in, he was sobbing within seconds of Carlos' last words being said.

Kendall glanced over his shoulder at the new wheel chair hidden in the back behind his seat. It was a black chair with purple and green lining around the wheels and the seat. It was a pretty awesome chair if truth be told. Logan hated it though, he told Kendall, the day it arrived at the hospital, that he never wanted to use it, ever. Gustavo paid for all of the hospital bills, the chair, the month and a half hospital stay, the psychiatric consults, he even paid for ramps to be built into the apartment floors; he was trying to make life easier for Logan.

Kendall could tell Logan appreciated it, but he couldn't bring himself to actually say thank you to anyone helping. He was just so mad, mad at himself, God, the world, whoever…Kendall didn't know. For all Kendall knew, Logan was blaming him. Kendall did leave him behind after all, in a stair well for hours. If anyone was to blame for Logan's situation it was him.

Kendall blew out a breath as his eyes found their way to Logan again. The blonde's eyes scanned his friend's body. On the outside Logan looked completely normal, grumpy maybe but, not hurt, not…Paralyzed.

"I don't want to quit the band. I know I can't walk but please, don't let Griffin…Or Gustavo replace me." Everyone in the cars' heads spun in every which direction eyes eventually landing on Logan.

"W-we wouldn't let him do that Logie." Carlos said cautiously. This was the first time Logan's spoken for nearly two days. "You're our best friend and-" Logan suddenly cut his friend off.

"Yeah but, when we started this thing we all had our legs… Now…We don't." The brunette pulled his bottom lip in between his two front teeth, not making eyes contact with anyone; head still facing the window.

"Logan…You can still do stuff, this…This isn't the end of anything." Kendall tried to soothe.

Logan lifted his head from the window and tried to situate his body in the direction of his friends, he winced when his body didn't agree with the movement. "Y-you say that but…You're not the one who lost their legs Kendall. This is the end, the end of my legs working." He whispered the last part.

"He didn't mean anything by that Logan. We're just trying to be here for you." Carlos added softly.

Logan didn't say anything in response; he just moved his head so it was in its original position and looked out the window.

Getting out of the car for the first time proved to be very difficult, it ended with not only Logan crying but James on the floor sobbing out a manta of "I'm sorry"s.

"Okay boys, we're here." Jennifer Knight announced as she pulled into a parking space outside of the palm woods. She looked over at Logan once the car was parked. "You want me to help or…" She looked back at the three teens in the back. Logan smiled softly at her before shaking his head. "No, I'm sure we'll be fine."

Ms. Knight popped open the trunk before smiling at the boys and leaving the situation in their hands.

Carlos and Kendall were the first ones out, racing to the back and pulling out a very expensive looking wheelchair. Unfolding the chair Kendall wheeled it in front of Logan's now open door. James was already trying to get Logan out; he positioned his right arm around Logan's waist and his left somewhat under Logan's legs.

They'd taught the boys, Ms. Knight and Logan himself how to get him in and out of cars, bed to the bathroom, everything. It was all pretty intense and difficult at first but…It seemed easy enough. That was until James' ears head a sharp intake of breath coming from Logan, startled his grip loosened efficiently dropping the boy in his arms on the ground.

All three boys scrambled to catch Logan before he fell but none got there fast enough.

Logan fell to the ground with a load thud and while he can no longer feel his legs his back, which was still very much sore from the fall, was very sensitive. Logan's eyes widened before he let out a pained yell, "Fuckkkk!" tears immediately springing to his eyes.

"Oh my God! Logan!" James reached forward to help Logan up but was stopped by Logan's harsh words.

"J-just…Leave me alone James." He let several tears fall from his pained eyes. "K-kendall? Carlos? H-help me up, please?" Both boys sprang into action mirroring James' actions in picking Logan up. Despite Logan's cries of pain, they eventually got him into his chair.

"Guys…My b-back. I-Oh God. It hurts!" Logan honestly wasn't trying to make James feel bad, he knew James was only trying to help and that he didn't drop him on purpose but he was in pain, and he thought his friends should know that, so that maybe, if they ever got upstairs he could get some pain meds in him.

James looked at Logan for a moment before deciding he really needed to cry. "Logan, I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry." He just wanted Logan to be okay, maybe even have conformation from the man himself, but he didn't say anything to James, Logan was only telling Kendall where his back hurt, and that no, he didn't hit his head and yeah, he swears he has all of his teeth. James would have laughed at the absurdity of the frantic questions but right now, he was seriously pissed at himself.

"Logan, please, I'm sorry." The tall brunette was scared that Logan hated him that maybe he wasn't going to forgive him for dropping him and his fragile body on the hard asphalt, and just as James was considering suicide, Logan turned and smiled. Literally smiled, like, not a small smile he smiled a huge smile and it looked like he was about to laugh. James gave him a funny look.

"Why are you crying? Did you get dropped too?" And wow, if that didn't sting, but Logan redeemed himself by laughing this time. "Come on James! Look at me. I'm not dead…Now let's go inside and get me some pain meds…Shall we?"

Carlos helped a very confused James up off of the ground before whispering in his ear. "Wow. Who would have thought dropping him would bring his spirits up." James nearly laughed at that but he knew there was more to the sudden change in Logan's attitude. Logan wasn't happy; he was putting up a brave face. As soon as James had fallen to the ground, scared that he'd killed his best friend, Logan's protective nature kicked in. While Logan was no Kendall, the un-official very protective leader of the group, he loved his friends, and seeing them sad, mad, any emotion that this world could do without he felt he had to take it upon himself and fix them.

That's exactly what he'd done. He saw James, crying and scared and tried to get him to stop. That was Logan; he couldn't bear to see his friends in such conditions.

James smiled sadly at Carlos. Logan was the kindest, most amazing person he knew…So why this was happening to him, James would probably be left to ponder this for the rest of his existence.

What? What? I don't know, okay? I just…Leave me alone. I tried alright. Bah! Just kidding! I hope this was alright! It'd be nice if you reviewed and told me what you thought.