A gang of five dinosaur babies were venturing to a luscious place called the Great Valley. They had all been separated from their herds during the great earthquake. Now, as by fate, these babies traveled as a strange herd unknown to other dinosaurs at the time. Their leader, Littlefoot, was the only one that knew where the Great Valley was. He was a brown Apatosaurus referred to as a longneck. He had brownish red eyes and the skills of a leader. He had been wrong about the sharptooth. He thought that the sharptooth was gone because of his mother. The sharptooth had cost his mother's life and now, his only family members left were his grandparents. He wasn't sure where they were, but he would meet them in the Great Valley.

"You can't quit now. What if the Great Valley is over these rocks?"

He and his strange herd were climbing some rocks that led into a valley. His herd consisted of a green-eyed yellow Triceratops named Cera, a purple-eyed green Stegosaurus named Spike, a black-eyed brown Pteranodon named Petrie, and a blue-eyed green Saurolophus named Ducky.

"Though they were sore-stomped and tired, Littlefoot urged them on," said the narrator. "He'd never seen the Great Valley, but his heart told him they were close. Surely at the top, they would behold it."

The gang of five reached the top of the valley wall. The flying sand cleared up, and their eyes feast their eyes on this barren valley. It showed no life. Rocks were stacked along walls as slopes and the ground was hard as stone.

"This is your Great Valley?" asked Cera. "You're crazy. I'm leaving."

Cera turned around and took a couple steps.

"Cera, we have to keep following the bright circle."

"I'm taking the easy way."

Littlefoot ran in front of her, stopping her. He got in her face.

"It's the wrong way."

"Who said?"

"My mother."

"Then she was stupid too."

Littlefoot gasped for a second. Cera started walking around him. Littlefoot stopped her.

"Take it back."


Littlefoot stepped forward a bit, backing Cera up.

"Take it back!"


Littlefoot lowered his head and rammed Cera. Both of them fell down the cliff and tumbled down the rocky slopes. Spike, Ducky, and Petrie had witnessed the whole thing. Petrie nor Ducky were going to be a part of this, but Spike started walking towards the cliff's edge. He took a step forward, following Cera and Littlefoot. Ducky and Petrie saw this.

"Spike!" called Ducky, grabbing onto his tail.

"Spike, stop!" exclaimed Petrie, grabbing Spike's front leg.

It was too late. The rocks were too slippery, and the trio slid down into the valley. Petrie was grabbing Spike's eyelids and Ducky was grabbing his tail as they slid down to the bottom of the valley. They saw Littlefoot and Cera fighting.

"You!" Cera exclaimed as she charged at Littlefoot and knocked him back. Ducky, Petrie, and Spike were behind a vertical rock plate, witnessing the fight.

"Let go off my leg!" yelled Cera.

Littlefoot threw her against the rock the trio was hiding behind. Cera quickly got up. Ducky, Petrie, and Spike decided it was best to move from the spot and moved to a standing rock plate. They were in front of it, in danger of getting hurt. Cera and Littlefoot were locked in a head-to-head battle, trying to push one another. Petrie and Ducky gasped and moved behind the boulder. Spike buried his head in the sand.

"Spike," said Ducky as Littlefoot and Cera smacked heads together.

Spike moved out of the way as Cera said, "Take that!"

Littlefoot was grabbed by the tail, and his back was slammed against the rock Petrie, Spike, and Ducky hid behind. Cera let go of Littlefoot. He got up and started walking away with back pains. Cera ran up to the rock she slammed Littlefoot in just now and jumped off it, ramming the limping Littlefoot down. Cera looked down at him and started to walk away.


She started walking away proudly. Littlefoot just stared at her with glossy eyes. With angry, he jumped up.

"Go on! Go the wrong way. We never wanted you with us anyway."

He started walking towards the opposite direction. Ducky and the others walked up to the spot where their friends parted ways. Littlefoot was at the bottom of a rocky slope as Cera walked along the flat surface.

"Come on. We have to keep going."

Littlefoot took the first steps up the slope. His friends noticed that the path Cera was taking was much easier. Littlefoot looked back.

"Come on."

Littlefoot looked down as his friends did not follow him. He saw Ducky was sitting on a small rock and Petrie was on all fours, exhausted. Spike had already made his decision and followed Cera.

"Cera's way is easier," said Ducky.

"I think so, too."

Littlefoot narrowed his eyes angrily at them and looked ahead of him. He continued to walk up the slippery slope. Petrie scrambled up the slope, calling him to come back.

"Oh, Flathead, wait! Ohh! Aah! Ow! No be angry!"

He perched himself on a small rock that begin to roll back. Before it completely did, he yelled, "Wait!"

The small rock tumbled down and he fell next to Ducky. Ducky was on her feet and looked at Cera and Spike, who were a distance from them now.

"Cera, wait for us!" yelled Ducky as she ran to them. "We're coming with you, Cera! Cera, Spike, wait!"

These friends that Littlefoot had befriended had abandoned him. They were sure that they were safe with Cera. Oh, how wrong they were. For Littlefoot would not go back. He would find the Great Valley on his own. They had never truly recognized him as a leader. He was always the navigator, and now, they were lost. Littlefoot didn't care. He would find the Great Valley without them.